There are two ways to add an account.


Keyboard        Enter the account number into the Number edit box and hit the Tab or Enter key.        

Button                Press the "Add Account" button.        


Adding a checking account is handled differently depending upon whether or not General Ledger is enabled.


If General Ledger is enabled, the account entered must be an active General Ledger account. In that case, if you use the "Add" button, the Search button or F5 key will bring up the General Ledger Account search screen, and from there you can pick the General Ledger account you want to use as a checking account.


After the General Ledger account is selected, the checking account Description field will be populated with the description from the General Ledger account.


If Accounts Payable and General Ledger are NOT linked, any account can be entered.


The accounts from General Ledger are saved to the general ledger account file, while checking accounts are saved to the checking account file.


Normally businesses will create a system checking account and a manual checking account. See the Entering Payables chapter for more information.


The system checking account is used most often. It is used for approving payables and printing checks from Accounts Payable.


The manual checking account is used for approving payables as well, except the checks are not printed by Accounts Payable, but are written out by you, by hand, from a checkbook. See the Entering Payables section of this guide for more information.


Account Number

Enter the account number from the financial institution here.


If you've entered a new account via the keyboard, without clicking the "Add" button, you will see a Confirm message. It will say "Would you like to add anew account?". Click Yes here to add the new account.


Date of Last Check

Use the default, which is the current date.


Last Check Number

If you are using pre-printed checks, enter the check number previous to the first check you have available for printing. For example, if the first check number available for printing is 510, then enter 509.



Enter a description, or retain the default when selecting an account from General Ledger.


Discount Account

This field will be populated with the default discount account. See AP Company Maintenance for more information. If General Ledger is enabled, the account entered must be an active General Ledger account. In that case, the Search button or F5 key will bring up the General Ledger Account search screen, and from there you can pick the General Ledger account you want to. If General Ledger is disabled, you can enter any account.


Adjustment Account

This field will be populated with the default adjustment account. See AP Company Maintenance for more information. If General Ledger is enabled, the account entered must be an active General Ledger account. In that case, the Search button or F5 key will bring up the General Ledger Account search screen, and from there you can pick the General Ledger account you want to. If General Ledger is disabled, you can enter any account.