This field displays the currently selected item's on hand weight.


The item's on hand weight is defined on the inventory tab of inventory file maintenance and represents how many pounds you have available to sell.


The value displayed for the on hand weight reflects a deduction of the Ship Wgt value (Invoice edit mode) or Weight value (Standard Order edit mode), for the currently selected item if any of the following conditions are met:


The item's unit of measure is set to LB..

The item is a catchweight item.

The item has the Price by Weight or Track by Weight option enabled (located on the Inventory tab of Inventory File Maintenance)


If the currently selected item is a credit item with a return code that specifies the product should be returned to inventory, the Ret. Wgt will be added to the on hand weight value from the inventory file.


If the on hand weight value is less than or equal to the order point of the selected item and the items unit of measure is set to LB., the on hand weight value will be highlighted in red.