The line item grid displays all of the items purchased on the master purchase order. The grid may be used to fine tune the per unit cost that is distributed amongst the items purchased.


If one or more items appears to be missing in the line item grid, which is the result of the master purchase being changed after the supplemental purchase order was created, click the Re-read Master button.



Item #

This read-only column displays the item number, as defined in Inventory Maintenance, of each item that was purchased on the master purchase order.



This read-only column displays the item description, as defined in Inventory Maintenance, of each item that was purchased on the master purchase order.




This read-only column displays the item's unit of measure, as defined in Inventory Maintenance, of each item that was purchased on the master purchase order.



Qty Ordered

This read-only column displays the number of units of the line item that was ordered on the master purchase order.



Wgt Ordered

This read-only column displays the total weight of the line item that was ordered on the master purchase order. If there was no weight information defined for the item in Inventory Maintenance, the value N/A will be displayed in this column.


Item Value

This read-only column displays the extended amount of the line item that was ordered on the master purchase order.


For items that are purchased by the pound this is the result of the total weight ordered multiplied by the unit cost of the item.

For items that are purchased by the case this is the result of the total quantity ordered multiplied by the unit cost of the item.



Unit Cost

This column displays the per unit dollar amount, of the cost of the supplemental purchase order that will be distributed to the line item. Exactly how the unit cost is distributed to the line item is dependent upon the setting of the Cost Distribution Method.


The unit cost value can be modified by selecting the item to modify and press the Enter key. The desired per unit cost can then be keyed directly into the line item grid.

When the unit cost for a line item is modified, the remaining portion of the supplemental purchase order cost will be distributed evenly amongst the remaining, non-modified line items in the grid.

Line items that have a modified unit cost will be highlighted in red.



Extended Amt

This column displays the total dollar amount, of the cost of the supplemental purchase order, that will be distributed to the line item. Exactly how the extended amount is calculated is dependent upon the setting of the Cost Distribution Method.


By Unit

By Weight

By Value

Qty Ordered * Unit Cost

Wgt Ordered * Unit Cost

Item Value * Unit Cost