The total cost of the supplemental purchase order may by distributed amongst each of the line items of the Master P.O. using one of three methods. This section will detail each of the available distribution methods.


Once the items have been loaded from the Master Purchase Order, the default cost distribution method will be validated. If the default method cannot be used with the available items the system will automatically select an alternative by checking the "Unit", "Weight" and "Value" methods in that order and applying the first one which is valid.



Once a cost distribution method has been selected, entrée will calculate the per item cost of the supplemental purchase order and insert that amount in the Unit Cost column of the Line Item Grid.



The value that appears in the Unit Cost column will be inserted to the Freight field of the Inventory Maintenance when the cost/price update is performed after the product has been received.



The value of the freight field is added to the item's Real Cost (along with the cost markup if one exists) to determine the item's Base Cost.




Regardless of which method is chosen, the actual per item distribution may be fine-tuned from within the Line Item Grid.