entrée Options

The main entrée has multiple areas where options are set impacting the processes related to entrée.NET and the Electronic Order Pad. These areas discussed in this chapter include:


System Options & Additional Features

Salesperson Options & Linking

Inventory File .NET Tab Options

Customer File Miscellaneous Tab Options

Export to entrée.NET

entrée V3  Use menu path: Invoicing > entrée.NET > Export to entrée.NET.


entrée V4SQL Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu > entrée.NET > Export to entrée.NET.


The Export to entrée.NET will include Unprinted Invoices.

This export from entrée will include information for unprinted invoices in the data file sent to the Order Status feature in the EOP application. This enhancement will provide your sales force with the additional information they need about the processing of their customer’s invoices.


See the Manual Export / Import chapter for more detailed information about these processes.