Main Menu

After signing in, you will be presented with the Electronic Order Pad's main menu.  


Simply tap the menu option to select it.


You can drag the screen up and down to see all the menu options, which include:




Create Order

Create Credit Memo

Open Orders

Customer Shortages




Order Status

Customer Account Inquiry


Special Pricing

Order Guides

Call List




Customer Falloff




Customer Setup




Buttons, Icons & Page Controls



Go-button Save the current edit and move to the next editable field.


Apply-button Apply the current changes.


Save-button Save the screen contents.


Back-button  Takes you Back to the previous screen.


Cancel-button Will Cancel the last edit or action and exit a dialog.


Close-button Will Close the current dialog box.


Done-button Will Close the current screen.


ViewInvoice-button Will open the selected invoice for viewing.



Note - YThere are other buttons specific to the function of the screen that you will find.


Trash-icon Delete the currently selected field or item.


LeftArrow-button Go Back to the previous field in the screen.


Undo-button Undo the last action or edit.


CircleX-icon  The Circled "X" icon will remove the contents of a field.


Cust-Info-button Opens the Customer Information screen.


AR-button Opens the Accounts Receivable (A/R) screen.


eop-info-panel-button Opens the Information Panel Setup dialog.


DOC-icon   DOC-icon-white For companies with entrée.DOC the document scanning add-on module for entrée. The .DOC paper clip icon tells a salesperson that a scanned image of the paper invoice is available for viewing.

Page Controls

First - View the first message or page.

Prev - View the previous message or page.

Next - View the next message or page.

Last - View the last message or page.



Calendar Tool

Tap a date and the calendar tool will open so you can tap a date and select it.

Tap Done after you select a new date.

Tap Close to return to the screen.

