Contents | Index


- # -


- 1 -

1441 - Hot Shot Route Feature


- A -

Account Information

Mod #1461 Require Due Days value between 1 and 75

Account Receivables

Mod #1620 Add new "No Ship" option to CFM

Accounting Information

Mod #703 Edit Accounting Information in Customer File Maintenance Password Option

Accounts Payable

Mod #1273 AP Print Checks Uses Signature Graphic

Mod #138 Allow automatic posting of payable to a previous period.

Mod #1585 Modify the Posting Date in Enter Payables

Mod #934 Accounting QuickBooks Linker add-on Module

Mod #989 View payables from History files in the "Payable Search" window.

Accounts Receivable

Mod #348 Cash Receipts Report - Add option to run only for  “Write Offs" and "Bad Debts".

Mod #490 Post all Inventory and Accounts Receivable updates using "print" option switch.

Mod #999 Payment Notify Tag Feature.

Accounts Receivable Report

Mod #21 Accounts Receivable Report - Add Matrix Codes description column.


Mod #355 Add Tracking System for Accruals.

Mod #436 Purchase Order Base Cost Calculation

Active Control

Mod #166 Set Enter Weights as the initial active control.

Add Item

Mod #1374 Create Invoice Add Item Process Prompt Order

Add On Items

Mod #1344 Save & Print Deleted/Add On Items on Loading Sheet

Mod #55 Loading Sheet - Print option for only "Add On" items to be listed.

Mod #945 Print 'Add On' items only" option defauls to "Yes".

Add Price Level Option

Mod #798 Invoicing Price Level Option

Add-On Modules

Accessing Add-On Module KnowledgeBases

Accessing Add-On Module System Guide PDFs

Mod #1048 entrée.DOT Default Import

Mod #1087 entrée.PTV - View Commodity Balances as Weights

Mod #1338 VistaTrac Core Integration

Mod #1340 entrée.POD Proof of Delivery System

Mod #1351 entrée.MW Add UPC Code to Transfer Pull Sheet

Mod #1366 External Fulfillment Sub-System

Mod #1401 entrée.MW - Print Ten Digit Warehouse Location

Mod #522 entrée.DOC Document Scanning

Mod #607 entrée.PTV USDA "Pass Through Value"

Mod #775 entrée.FMS Uses Purchase Date for Work Order Date

Mod #825 entrée.UPC Bar Code Scanning

Mod #934 entrée.QB QuickBooks Linker

Mod #941 entrée.FS Food Show

Mod #942 entrée.FS Food Show Deliveries

Mod #984 entrée.FS Food Show Past Deliveries

Mod #995 entrée.DOT Dot Foods Interface

NetMod #6 Enable entrée.PTV add-on module entrée.NET.

Agriculture Commodities Act

Mod #950 Type MB Invoice printed on last page.

All Mod list

Mod #1634 Modify the Print by Date option

All Mods Lis

Mod #1621 Type MB Add California Redemption Value

All Mods List

Mod #1326 Allow for negative quantities/weights in Receive by PO

Mod #1622 Edit Freight Cost and Cost Mark-up on Future Prices

Mod #1623 Rename Base Cost in Invoice Information Panel

Mod #1624 Modify Invoice Type LZ Header

Mod #1626 Adds Copy Special Prices to Mod #1378

Mod #1627 Edit Special Landed Cost of Special Prices

Mod #1628 Type 7 Remove Brand Add Billing Units

Mod #1629 Print Cutlist with each Invoice

Mod #1631 Modify Sales Order Release Form

Mod #1632 Modified Future Price Global List

Mod #1636 Modify Salesperson/Broker Maintenance

Mod #1638 Type MP Invoice GTIN Barcode

Mod #1639 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Mod #1640 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Mod #1646 Print Picking Labels by Invoice

Mod #1647 Modify Assign Routes

Mod #1648 Auto Print Load Sheet

Mod #1649 Add Buyer Code to Inventory File Maintenance

Mod #1650 Auto Print Invoice in Change Invoice

Mod #1653 Modify the Order Confirmation Email

Mod #1654 Split Invoice Comments on Dynamic Documents

Mod #1655 Make Cash Invoice to use Heading Code 99

Mod #1656 PDF Invoice Filename to use Purchase Order Number

Mod #1661 Inventory Item Display Utility

Mod #1666 Inv Price List Report uses Price Change Indicators

Mod #1666 Modify the Inventory Price List report

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid "Mark Up"

Mod #1668 Disable Service Charge Printing if charge is zero

Mod #1668 Modify Invoice printing block "Service Charge" print

Mod #1669 Rename "UCS Comm Code" to display "Sysco Cust #"

Mod #1673 Modify Sys Option #224 - Minimum Delivery Charge

Mod #1676 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1677 Implement JIT feature in entrée

Mod #1678 Leave E-mail Recipent Blank for Sales Order Release

Mod #1679 System Option #34 Calc. % Markup for Special Prices

Mod #1681 Edit Bid mark up "$"/"%" values in Special Price Grid

Mod #1682 Modify behavior of TAB/ENTER in Create Invoice

Mod #1683 New Picking Zone field in Inventory File Maintenance

Mod #1685 Quick Price Change Save Button Default Enabled

Mod #1686 Provides Market Freight cost value in Inventory File

Mod #1687 Option to Round Price Levels to the nearest 9 cents

Mod #1688 Allow selling below Landed Cost Password Option

Mod #1691 Modify Base Cost in the Invoice Information Panel

Mod #1695 Provide Option adding Company ID to User Account

Mod #1698 Assign Fuel Surcharge as % of the Inv/SO Total

Mod #1699 Disable the Track By Lot check box

Mod #1699 Order Confirmation email Added Brand Column

Mod #1703 Limit access to Merge Invoice settings

Mod #1704 Modify the Hide Cost password option

Mod #1707 Modify the Special Price Grid in CFM and IFM

Mod #1710 Modify the Standard Order

Mod #1714 Modify the Edit Special Prices dialog

Mod #1717 Modify Assign Routes Route and Stop Information

Mod #1718 Display Sysco Uniform Vendor Code (SUVC) Fields

Allo Mods List

Mod #1680 Price Level 4 as Minimum Selling Price in Invoicing

Allow Edit

Mod #1076 Allow Edit of Item Descriptions

Allow Editing of Special Prices Option

Mod #654 Modify Hide Cost in File Maintenance Option - Added to bypass the restriction on editing Special Prices password option.

Allow selling below Base Cost

Anniversary Amount

Mod #230 Inventory Transfer

Mod #232 Lots Default Anniversary Values

Anniversary Days

Mod #232 Lots Default Anniversary Values

AP Aging Report

Mod #236 AP Aging Report - Add a summary to the report.

AP Company Maintenance

Mod #1396 entrée.AP - Add Posting Cutoff Days & Check End Date

Apply Credit Memo Button

Mod #627 Add Red Color Indicator

Approval Required

Mod #1249 Approval Required for Less Than Warn Order Entry Amount

AR Aging Summary

Mod #1210 Printing of the AR Aging Summary on invoice controlled on a "per customer" basis on 4S invoice.

Assign Route Number Utility

Mod #1288 Assign Routes Add Ship-To City & Delivery Time

Mod #311 Assign Routes Retrieve Ship-To

Mod #456 Assign Routes Add Driver Comments - Imports Driver Comments from the main Comments File.

Mod #697 Assign Route Number Utility Allows Packer Productivity Info

Assign Routes

Mod #1394 Remove Fuel Surcharge if Route is P/U

Mod #1427 Remove Small Order Fee if Route is P/U

Mod #1432 Remove Fuel Surcharge if Route is W/C

Auto Print

Mod #1648 Auto Print Load Sheet

Mod #1650 Auto Print Invoice in Change Invoice

Auto-Generate Invoices

Mod #118 Auto Generate Invoices & Standard Order Items

Mod #424 Modify Auto Generate Invoices Utility

Auto-Generate Purchase Order

Mod #1131 Auto-Generate Purchase Order & System Option #1 & #60.

Mod #1131 System Option #1 respects this #60 setting during invoicing.

Mod #445 Exclude "Bid" Sales from 12-Week Sales

Mod #446 Auto Generate Purchase Orders - Add option for process output to go to a simple report instead of live "Purchase Orders.

Mod #641 Auto-Generate Purchase Order Feature

Mod #706 Auto-Generate Purchase Order Feature updated so invoices can be filtered by Customer Industry Code.

Mod #811 Modify Auto-Generate Purchase Order feature to consolidate to a single line item.

Automatic Route Sequencing Utility

Mod #470 Automatic Route Sequencing Utility - Allow customers to be inserted into a route and reassign the stop numbers of all customers.

Average Weight

Mod #1611 Automatically fill missing weight using Average Weight on Retail Invoices

Mod #464 Modify Receive by Item Screen

Mod #480 Modify Handling of Lots average weight will be automatically updated by re-averaging the current lot information.

Average Weight Item

Mod #739 Add "per unit" Freight charge to Base Cost for Constant Weight or Average Weight items.

- B -

Bad Debts

Mod #348 Cash Receipts Report - Add option to run only for  “Write Offs" and "Bad Debts".

Bar Code

Mod #825 entrée.UPC Bar Code Scanning


Mod #1492 Add Barcode to Cut List Report

Barcode Scanning

Mod #1045 Retail Invoicing Scanned Catchweight Block

Mod #1057 Feature to Scan Barcodes into Invoice Numbers

Mod #1057 Scans barcodes on Invoices or Loading Sheets into any of the Invoice Number filter settings.

Mod #1058 Type MB Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC - Adds compatible barcode to header.

Mod #1059 Add entrée.DOC Barcode to Loading Sheet

Mod #1071 Add entrée.DOC Bar Code to Type 1 Invoice

Mod #1082 Type HP Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC with invoice number and page id for entrée.DOC.

Mod #116 UPC Barcodes - Print UPC for Scanning.

Mod #1368 Scan Barcode for Invoice # & Packer ID and open Packer Productivity dialog

Mod #1454 Automatically Post Scan-In Items

Mod #184 Type 2 invoice with UPC and Bar Code.

Mod #419 Retail Invoicing System with EBT (only entree 4.1 has EBT)

Mod #419 Standalone Retail Invoicing

Mod #484 IFM Option Print Barcode

Mod #516 Type LZ Invoice - Replace Description column with Barcode UPC.

Mod #656 Retail Invoicing Feature in Create Invoice with EBT

Mod #689 Loading Sheet prints item's UPC Number as a second data line.

Mod #879 Type 2 Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC

Mod #893 Add Barcoded Invoice Number on the printed invoice.

Mod #894 Barcode Scanning Feature for Cash Receipts

Mod #895 Add the Invoice Number as a Barcode on the printed invoice.

Mod #898 Add Barcoded Invoice Number to header for entrée.DOC.

Mod #910 Type 2 Invoice Barcode - Adds Barcoded Invoice Number to printed invoice.

Mod #914 Pick List Report - Add Barcoded Invoice Number for scanning.

Mod #978 Type P Statement - Add Barcode containing Statement ID and Page Number.

Base Cost

Default cost basis for a new Special Price will be Base Cost.

Mod #109 Base Cost Edit Control Color on the Cost/Price tab.

Mod #125 Future Price Global List- New Base Cost will then be used to update pricing.

Mod #1320 Calculate Base Cost = Market + Markup

Mod #1466 Update Market Cost from Base Cost Utility

Mod #1563 Modify the functionality of System Option #142

Mod #157 Quotations Show Base Cost

Mod #1580 Default Customer Special Prices to "Base Cost"

Mod #1691 Modify Base Cost in the Invoice Information Panel

Mod #285 All unprinted invoices are updated with current Real and Base costs of all items on the Purchase Order.

Mod #328 Calculate Base Cost off Market Cost

Mod #343 Inventory Price Change Report - Add Old Base Cost and Effective Base Cost Date fields.

Mod #343 Inventory Price Change Report validates off of Base Cost Information.

Mod #421 Invoice Edit Shows Real Cost

Mod #423 Modify Base Cost Calculation for items with an "R" in any of the six Miscellaneous Code values is calculated from the current Unit Price value.

Mod #436 Purchase Order Base Cost Calculation

Mod #471 Lock Cost Basis of Special Pricing - Cost Markup basis to be set to Base Cost when editing special prices.

Mod #481 Recalculate Costs and Prices for Lots

Mod #575 Real Cost / Base Cost Values / FIFO Costs

Mod #613 Automatically update unprinted invoices Real & Base costs and prompt to update unprinted invoices in date range.

Mod #62 Cost / Price Update - Blocks Base Cost value changes.

Mod #668 Printing an "Unprinted" Invoice Updates Base, Real and Market costs.

Mod #682 Quotations Shows Base Cost & Minimum Sell Price

Mod #739 Add "per unit" Freight charge to Base Cost for Constant Weight or Average Weight items.

Mod #739 Add Freight Charge to Base Cost as a "per pound" value using the "Freight per pound" field.

Mod #800 Modify Item Cost Calculated as Market Cost + Markup.

Mod #808 Add Warning if Unit Price is 50% or More Over Base Cost

Mod #810 Prevent Special Prices below Base Cost or Minimum Sell

Mod #823 Allow Below Cost Prices Option

Mod #837 Customer/Item Combinations can be Sold Below Base Cost

Mod #906 Sell below Base Cost feature.

Mod #915 Break the Link Between Real Cost & Base Cost

Batch Email Invoices Utility

Mod #858 Modify to include customers with the same Misc Code.

Batch Entry Mode

Mod #1198 Purchasing Batch Entry Mode w/ Brand Name.

Batch Mode

Mod #1157 PO Batch Mode sort by Class then Description.

Mod #280 Items with zero "Order Point" value will be processed in the "Batch" mode.

Mod #536 Limit Items in Purchase Order Batch Mode


Mod #777 Bermuda Transfer Manifest Feature

Mod #780 Bermuda Tariff & CPC Code Lists

Mod #781 Bermuda Customs Declaration Documents


Mod #1382 Sugar Beverage Tax

Mod #1419 Sweetened Beverage Tax

BFC Dakota Interface

Relation to Mod #1366 External Fulfillment Sub-System

Bid Price

EopMod #25 Display Bid Prices in Purple

Mod #1016 Associate Bid Prices with Special Real and Special Base Costs.

Mod #1110 Edit Bid Price Utility Find Prices - System will attempt to find any price to represent a Bid Price.

Mod #1681 Edit Bid mark up "$"/"%" values in Special Price Grid

Mod #601 Only Apply Special or Bid Prices if they are Lower

Mod #890 Edit Bid Prices Dialog Displays Future Base Costof the item instead of real cost.

Mod #956 Copy Special Price to Bid Price Utility

Bid Pricing

Mod #1563 Modify the functionality of System Option #142

Bill backs

Mod #1109 Provide 2 tiers of Customer / Item bill backs deducted from Base Cost.

Mod #1474 Gross Profit Report deducts Bill Back from Landed Cost

Mod #436 Purchase Order Base Cost Calculation

Mod #602 Prompt for Discount % & Bill back % values.

Mod1317 - NOT deducted from Base Cost.

Mod1317- Two tiers of Customer / Item bill backs

Bill of Lading

Mod #1079 Customize document.

Mod #1128 Type FE customized BOL document.

Mod #1140 Print Option in Invoice Print dialog.

Mod #1176 customized document.

Mod #1216 Show weights of catchweight items like the invoice.

Mod #1282 Sort Line Items By Reverse Warehouse Location

Mod #1401 entrée.MW - Print Ten Digit Warehouse Location

Mod #1439 Bill of Lading Type CCd

Mod #165 Default selection set to "by Number" for Purchase Orders, Loading Sheets and Bills of Lading

Mod #240 Bill of Lading Type WCto match pre-printed form.

Mod #255 Bill of Lading Type LI customized form.

Mod #307 Bill of Lading Type NB customized form.

Mod #325 Loading Sheet - Show Bill of Lading instead of Loading Sheet.

Mod #365 Bill of Lading Type KK customized form.

Mod #512 Bill of Lading Type SF customized form using custom Type 2 Invoice.

Mod #530 Add Catchweight item printing.

Mod #615 Bill of Lading Type BT customized layout.

Mod #620 Bill of Lading customized layout.

Mod #629 Bill of Lading with Print Dialog Data Entry for Vehicle Number & Carrier Name

Mod #631 Bill of Lading Type ID customized layout.

Mod #681 Default printer set to "Invoice" printer.

Mod #710 Supports the Company Invoice Heading feature.

Mod #782 Receive by PO New Fields

Mod #812 Show Total Cases and Total Weight.

Mod #814 Show all available weight detail for catchweight items.

Mod #84 Create customized form Type CC.

Mod #985 Bill of Lading for OCR - entrée.DOC

Type FE

Bill To

Mod #349 Option to print Statements for Bill To & Ship To.

Bill To/Ship To

Mod #952 Implement Three-tier Bill To/Ship To feature.

Billing Detail

Mod #1124 CFM Customer Ship Via Menu

Mod #417 Allow Order Taker Value Changes

Billing Units

Mod #1043 Loading Sheet - Removing the fill-in blanks for Qty Shipped and replace with Billing Units.

Mod #1628 Type 7 Remove Brand Add Billing Units

Bottle Deposit

Mod #908 Customer Specific Bottle Deposits

Mod #976 California Redemption Labeled Bottle Deposit

Bottle Tax Option

Mod #908 Customer Specific Bottle Deposits

Bounced Check

Mod #1014 Customer Bounced Check Credit Hold Setting


Mod #1657 Modify the Standard PO form

Brand Email Website

Mod #1624 Modify Invoice Type LZ Header

Brand Maintenenace

Mod#1582 - Add an Exclusive Brand checkbox to Brand Maintenance

Brand Name

EopMod #15 Include "Brand" Column in grids for the Catalog and Order Entry.

EopMod #27 Add the "Brand" Column

EopMod #37 Add Brand, Unit and Pack to Item Grid

Mod #1024 Type MB Invoice - Add Brand Name column.

Mod #103 Type 2 Invoice with Brand, Pack Size & PO Number.

Mod #1051 Purchase Order w/ Brand Name.

Mod #1068 Invoice / Loading Sheet Sort by Brand

Mod #1333 Brand Promotions with UOM Exclusion

Mod #1345 Purchase Order w/ Brand Name.

Mod #1352 Loading Sheet with Lot Exp Date & Brand Name.

Mod #142 Type 2 invoice with Brand & Pack Size.

Mod #1422 Brand Name & Pack Size Position on Invoice

Mod #190 Type LZ Invoice - Replace Pack Size column with Brand Name.

Mod #33 Type 2 Invoice with Brand & Pack Size.

Mod #361 Type 2 invoice

Mod #389 Loading Sheet - Change Brand Name column to use 35 characters for Description.

Mod #425 Loading Sheet - Remove Brand Name column and display all 35 characters of Description.

Mod #442 Loading Sheet - Remove Brand Name column and replace it with Lot Number.

Mod #457 Type 2 Invoice with Brand & Pack Size.

Mod #500 Loading Sheets - Expand Description column to 35 characters by resizing Brand Name to 8 characters.

Mod #501 Type LZ Invoice - Add Brand Name column.

Mod #542 Type SL Invoice - Add company logo, Add Pieces and Brand Name columns.

Mod #617 Loading Sheets - Add Warehouse Location, Brand Name, Pack Size and Vendor's Item Number columns.

Mod #871 Loading Sheet - Show Brand Name, Pack Size, Warehouse Location and On Hand Qty.

Mod #930 Purchase Order w/ Brand Name

Break Pricing

Mod #1327 Group Pricing Override for Unit Price Group Pricing will override Break Pricing.

Mod #418 Show Last Purchase Information

Mod #763 Break Price Below Minimum Sell Price

Mod #770 Break Pricing Feature Requires Start Date and End Date

Mod #773 Authorize Use of Break Pricing for a Customer

Mod #964 Display All Available Break Prices Defined in the System

Net-EopMod #34 Group Code Price Overrides Break Price

Broken Case Upcharge

Mod #1271 Remove Broken Case Upcharge


Mod #386 On P.O. add Broker information, show Broker Name, Broker Phone Number, Broker Fax Number and Vendor Phone Number.

Mod #757 Broker Commission Calculations - commission gross profit amount

Mod #809 Use Broker information for Contact Name and Number on P.O.

Buyer Code

Mod #1476 Print PO with Buyer Code & Time Stamp

Mod #1649 Add Buyer Code to Inventory File Maintenance

Buyers Code

Mod #1615 Buyer Code Read-Only in IFM

Buyer's Stock Status Report

Mod #1372 Buyer Stock Status Report Filtering

Mod #152 Buyer's Stock Status Report - Modify Average Weekly Usage value to include weeks which do not have sales.

Mod #561 Buyer's Stock Status Report - Add an extra line feed after each line item is printed.

Mod #561 Do not print the cost data for open Purchase Orders.

Mod #561 Remove decimal formatting on all of the usage columns to use a larger font size.

Mod #66 Enable Combine CASE and PC. items.

Mod #66 Enable List Open Purchase Orders, Show Supply Time column.

Mod #664 Buyer's Stock Status Report - Include the combined CASE/PC information.

Buyer's Utility

Mod #1473 Add Buyer's Utility to Create POs

- C -


Mod #515 Invoice Prints Comment "C.O.D"

Calculate Gross Profit

Mod #1015 Password Option Calculate GP using Landed Cost

California Redemption Value

Mod #1621 Type MB Add California Redemption Value

California Redemptions

Mod #158 California Redemptions - Show "California Redemption Value" message and per unit amount.

Mod #300 California Redemptions #2 - Show the total dollar amount added to each item and total deposit amount.

Mod #377 California Redemptions / Type 2 Invoice modifications

Mod #976 California Redemptions Labeled Bottle Deposit - Charges labeled "Bottle Deposit".

Call List

Mod #1151 Create Invoice Call List Mod #680 Filters


Mod #1083 Canada Add QST & GST/HST

Mod #1084 Show QST & GST/HST Values

Mod #313 Canadian Taxes - Rename key tax values to GST and PST.

Mod #384 Canadian Freight Charges - Apply GST to invoice freight charges.

Cancel Invoice utility

Mod #672 "Return items to inventory" option will always be checked.

Carrier Name

Mod #629 Bill of Lading with Print Dialog Data Entry for Vehicle Number & Carrier Name

Carton Count

Mod #266 Delivery Manifest Report prompts for Carton Count value.


Mod #188 Loading Sheet - Add to footer areas for Number of Cartons, Prepared by and Checked by values.


EopMod #24 Scanning Credits Uses the Piece Item

Mod #260 Always use Quantity Ordered for Total Cases count.

Mod #374 Prevent Oversell / Breaking of Cases

Mod #375 All items with Unit of Measure of "CASE" will be printed first.

Mod #673 Invoicing Case Cost Option

Case & Piece Items

Mod #1155 Price per Piece in Invoice Status Panel

Mod #1271 Remove the automatic calculation and addition of a broken case up charge when ordering piece items.

Mod #1409 Modify System Option #21 - Recalculate Case Price

Mod #231 Lots Case Items - Reference value of the "case" item is copied to the "piece" item's Lot.

Mod #38 Make From for PC. Items

Mod #869 Never prompt to set up the PC.

Case Cost Option

Mod #673 Invoicing Case Cost Option - Items with UOM of "CASE" priced by weight provides a "per case" value.

Cases per Layer

Mod #293  P.O. shows "Cases per layer" and "Layers per pallet" when printing.

Cash Invoice

Mod #233 Plain Paper Cash Invoice

Cash Receipt

Cash Receipts

Mod #1297 Override for GL Account

Mod #249 Changed the commission calculation process to observe a date restriction.

Mod #249 Provide an edit control to specify the date a salesperson is eligible to receive commission.

Mod #329 Show DSD Order Number  in invoice listing.

Mod #348 Cash Receipts Report - Add option to run only for  “Write Offs" and "Bad Debts".

Mod #531 Cash Receipts Allows Repeated use of Check Number.

Mod #566 The "duplicate Check Number" test will also look in the "history" files.

Mod #578 Cash Receipts Add Memo field for Write Off Reason

Mod #627 Apply Credit Memo button is red button when there is a credit memo available.

Mod #894 Barcode Scanning Feature for Cash Receipts - scanning the Barcode from printed invoices being paid.

Mod #951 Accept Check Date value used when entering post-dated checks.

Mod #974 Allow entering of a "reference" value for "Write offs or Credit/Discounts.

Mod #999 Payment Notify Tag Feature.

Cash Receipts Report

Mod #348 Cash Receipts Report - Add option to run only for  “Write Offs" and "Bad Debts".

Cash Sale

Mod #174 Use F4 to convert Invoice to "Cash Sale".

Cat2 Software Integration

Mod #732

Catalog Number

Mod #495 Use Inventory Item Number or Catalog Number

Catchweight Items

Mod #1262 Receiving Process for Catchweight Items

Mod #344 Print one blank for catchweight items on Loading Sheets.

Mod #430 Receiving will update the Average Weight and Pack Size values in the Inventory File for catchweight items.

Mod #47 For Catchweight Items Check Total Weight against Min/Max Weight.

Mod #489 When a catchweight item is added to an invoice the operator is taken directly into the catchweight entry process.

Mod #530 Bill of Lading to print catchweight details and blank lines for missing catchweights.

Mod #564 Allow catchweight items to be processed without a quantity value in Receive by Item and Inventory Returns.

Mod #573 Tally Sheet Document.

Mod #69 Catchweight items will not be extended.

Mod #692 Loading Sheet Print One Blank Line per Catchweight Item.

Mod #70 Type A for custom Catchweight items.

Mod #71 Add dialog box with a list of pre-defined processing instructions.


Mod #1045 Retail Invoicing Scanned Catchweight Block

Mod #1104 entrée.NET order import auto-fills weight value.

Mod #112 Update Average Weight automatically.

Mod #1167 Loading Sheet - Shows one catchweight blank for "PC." items on loading sheet

Mod #14 Print ID numbers with catchweight detail

Mod #144 Catchweights Quantity Shipped Prompt

Mod #147 Allow "group" Weights to be entered and Do not require Weights for individual items.

Mod #252 All Weight entries are required to be non-zero to assure that none are omitted.

Mod #283 During receiving use Weight for both "LB." and Catchweight items.

Mod #303 Catchweight Billing Units and Extended Amount will be blank on the invoice to allow written data entry.

Mod #303 Catchweight items with no weight will not be extend out at zero in invoicing.

Mod #319 Pull Sheet Report Activate Catchweight Format

Mod #426 Do not print fill-in blanks for catchweight detail information on  Loading Sheets.

Mod #444 Use Quantity Shipped to determine the number of catchweight lines.

Mod #454 Invoices will not be printed if they contain one or more catchweight items with a zero weight value.

Mod #47 For Catchweight Items Check Total Weight against Min/Max Weight.

Mod #48 Price List Report - Check Total Weight against Min/Max Weight in catchweight entry.

Mod #585 Block safety check on catchweight items.

Mod #585 Bypass check on the weight value.

Mod #652 Pick List Report - Add blank lines to Pick List Report for entering catchweight information.

Mod #814 Bill of Lading shows all available weight details.

Mod #870 Loading Sheet - Allow lines to specify lot number information on catchweight items.

Mod #884 Add a per item catchweight +/- setting for min/max weight.

Mod #99 Loading Sheet - Adjust line spacing when printing Catchweight blanks.


Mod #1086 Change system option #147 so items are sorted and grouped by Category and sub-totals are omitted.

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

Mod #752 Sort Invoice by Category Option

Mod #994 Category subtotals will be printed at the end of the invoice.

System Option #147

Category ID

Mod #1243a Add Item Category ID - Added to Inventory Misc2 tab to identify catalog items.


Mod #1461 Require Due Days value between 1 and 75

Change Invoice

Mod #1062 Ask if a reduction should be posted to inventory when an item is deleted or quantity reduced.

Mod #1265 Items displayed in the same order in which they were originally added to the order.

Mod #1502 Disable Edit of Invoices with Scanned Images

Mod #1650 Auto Print Invoice in Change Invoice

Change Quotation

Mod #1463 Change Quotation Shows Items in Order Entered


Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable / General Ledger

Bills of Lading / Letters of Dunning

Case & Piece Items

Cash Receipts

Catchweights / Weight / LB

Cost & Pricing

Create / Change / Cancel Invoice

Credit Memos

Credits, Bill Backs, Discounts & Allowances


Electronic Warehouse Manager Mods

entrée Add-On Modules & Custom Features

entrée.DSR Mods

entrée.NET & Electronic Order Pad - Modifications for NET & EOP Only

entrée.UPC - Modifications for entrée.UPC ONLY

Fees, Deposits, Charges & Taxes

Inventory / General Items

Invoice Documents - customized invoices by Type.

Invoice Sort & Print

Kit Items / Make From Items


Loading Sheet Documents

Location Specific Modifications - Bermuda, California, Canada

Lot Items

Printing & Sorting

Purchasing & Purchase Orders



Report Modifications

Restrictions, Permissions, Password Options, & Overrides

Retail Invoicing and Pricing


Sales Orders, Promotions & Commissions


Scanning Support

Standard Order

Statements by Type


Check Stub

Mod #1462 Check Stub Printing


Mod #1143 Print Checks Remove Dollar Sign from Check Amount.

Mod #1273 AP Print Checks Uses Signature Graphic

Mod #951 Accept Check Date value used when entering post-dated checks.


Mod #105 Standard Order Add Class

Mod #1157 PO Batch Mode sort by Class then Description.

Mod #1188 Print Class in Bold Text

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

Mod #227 Standard Order by Class

Mod #25 Sort and subtotal invoice by Class.

Mod #271 Standard Order by Class

Mod #332 Quotations Sort Order

Mod #385 Sort Standard Order by Class

Mod #966 Sort Standard Order by Class and Description

System Option #111

Close Period

Mod #1574 Update the Close Period screen so that "Disable Transactions" is always checked


Mod #1574 Update the Close Period screen so that "Disable Transactions" is always checked


Mod #438 Rounding performed on invoices for customers with terms that begin with "COD" or terms "BILL TO BILL".

Mod #440 On Type 2 Invoice


Mod #440 On Type 2 Invoice


Mod #440 On Type 2 Invoice


Mod #1431 Type AU Invoice w/Collate as Default

Mod #1500 Print has Collate Unchecked by Default

Collection Person

Mod #1636 Modify Salesperson/Broker Maintenance

Comment Editing

Mod #736 Limit Comment Editing in Invoicing Password Option


EopMod #22 Comment Print Defaults to Loading Sheet Only

Mod #1189 Loading Sheet Comments Titled Special Instructions

Mod #456 Assign Routes Add Driver Comments - Imports main Comments into the Assign Route Number Utility

Mod #572 Printing Comments on Invoices.

Commission Report

Mod #1266 Commission Report Omit Credit Memo Requirement


Mod #249 Provide an edit control to specify the date a salesperson is eligible to receive commission.

Mod #411 Bypass deduction process so promotion dollars will NEVER be deducted from the commission.

Mod #411 Modify calculations when using the $ per Case and $ per Lb. item commission exceptions.

Mod #411 Modify Commission Calculation

Mod #757 Broker Commission Calculations - Broker commission gross profit amount of the item will be adjusted by what the salesperson has already been paid for a commission.


Commodity Report

Mod #197 Commodity Report - Expand width of Total Sales and Weight Sold columns to 13 characters.

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day - Initialize the default report date(s) to the day after current System Date.

Company ID

Mod #1695 Provide Option adding Company ID to User Account

Compute Finance Charges Utility

Mod #1019 Filter Invoices by Payment Terms.


Mod #1699 Order Confirmation email Added Brand Column

Confirmation Email

Mod #1653 Modify the Order Confirmation Email

Constant Weight

Mod #464 Modify Receive by Item Screen

Constant Weight Item

Mod #739 Add "per unit" Freight charge to Base Cost for Constant Weight or Average Weight items.

Contact NECS

Convert Sales Order Utility

Mod #1238 Convert SO Utility Pricing Updates

Mod #1238 Prices update to current prices at time conversion is performed.

Mod #1263 Change Convert SO Utility Item Order

Mod #1316 Use "DC" as Default Lot Number

Mod #749 Convert Sales Order Utility  - Lots will automatically be assigned if System Option #106 is enabled.

Cook County, IL

Mod #1419 Sweetened Beverage Tax


Mod #786 Suppress Printing of COOL Information on a per-customer basis.

Cooler Items

Mod #1009 Loading Sheet for Frozen / Cooler Items

Copy Special Price to Bid Price Utility

Mod #956 Copy Special Price to Bid Price Utility

Copy Special Prices

Mod #1626 Adds Copy Special Prices to Mod #1378

Copy Special Prices Utility

Mod #817 Copy Special Prices Utility - Set "Do not copy descriptions" option default.

Mod #980 Add Retail Prices to utility.


Mod #433 Invoice Print Updates Costs - Item cost information will be updated when an "in process" invoice is printed.

Cost & Price

Mod #1681 Edit Bid mark up "$"/"%" values in Special Price Grid

Mod #1685 Quick Price Change Save Button Default Enabled

Mod #1687 Option to Round Price Levels to the nearest 9 cents

Mod#1595 Cost Price Update Utility by Class to Use Market Cost

Cost & Pricing

#1597 - Use percent of sell price when calculating Sales Breakdown

Mod #1580 Default Customer Special Prices to "Base Cost"

Mod #1586 Default the Special Pricing Markup Basis

Mod #1604 Add a % Cost Markup in VFM

Mod #1605 Modify the Level Price Editing Grid

Mod #1622 Edit Freight Cost and Cost Mark-up on Future Prices

Mod #1627 Edit Special Landed Cost of Special Prices

Mod #1632 Modified Future Price Global List

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid "Mark Up"

Mod #1676 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1679 System Option #34 Calc. % Markup for Special Prices

Mod #1680 Price Level 4 as Minimum Selling Price in Invoicing

Mod #1691 Modify Base Cost in the Invoice Information Panel

Mod #1707 Modify the Special Price Grid in CFM and IFM

Mod #1714 Modify the Edit Special Prices dialog

Mod #54 Quick Price Change - Change invoice updates both Cost and Price.

Cost / Price

Mod #1241 Duty Rate Maintenance Utility

Cost / Price Update

Mod #114 Set default in Apply Cost Changes to Manually update Cost and Price.

Mod #286 Change default calculation method from "Average" to "New".

Mod #290 Limit Customer Special Prices - Updates to Customer Special Prices can be limited using Miscellaneous Codes.

Mod #357 Modify Price Calculation System - Use "Real + Freight" cost basis option for calculating Level prices and customer Special prices.

Mod #357 Modify Price Calculation System to add option for "Real + Freight" cost basis.

Mod #367 All updates to "floating" prices are done manually.

Mod #367 Prevent automatic updating of "floating" price levels.

Mod #53 Cost / Price Update - Base Cost value will cause Real Cost to be adjusted to match.

Mod #53 Cost / Price Update - Value used to update Customer Special Prices is the change in the Real Cost value.

Mod #546 Update Pricing for Make From Items Defaults to "Yes"

Mod #546 Updates for “Make From” items are also performed in the automatic cost/price update.

Mod #580 Update Special Real & Special Base Costs

Mod #62 Cost / Price Update - Blocks Base Cost value changes.

Mod #674 Special Base Cost will be updated using the item's Market Cost.

Mod #674 Special Real Cost will be updated using the item's Real Cost.

Mod #674 Update Market Cost using Real Cost plus Freight Cost.

Mod #674 When customer Special Prices are updated, the associated Special Real and Special Base Costs are updated.

Mod #790 Kits - Cost / Price Update Defaults

Cost Markup

Mod #471 Lock Cost Basis of Special Pricing- Cost Markup basis to be set to Base Cost when editing special prices.

Cost Mark-up Mark Up

Mod #1622 Edit Freight Cost and Cost Mark-up on Future Prices

Cost Markup Percent

Mod #800 Modify Item Cost Calculated as Market Cost + Markup.

Mod #800 Value is applied as a percentage of price.

Cost/Price Update

Mod#1595 Cost Price Update Utility by Class to Use Market Cost

Cost/Price Utilities

#1551 Utility to track Average Transaction pricing of an item


Mod #284 Use True on Hand Inventory when Cost-Averaging


Mod #1568 - Provide a "Labor Cost" addition for Kit items

Country of Origin

Mod #1593 Pull Country of Origin from the Inventory File

Country Of Origin Labeling

Mod #786 Suppress Printing of COOL Information on a per-customer basis.

CPC Code

Mod #780 Bermuda Tariff & CPC Code Lists

Create / Change / Cancel Invoice

Mod #1626 Adds Copy Special Prices to Mod #1378

Mod #1688 Allow selling below Landed Cost Password Option

Create / Change / Cncel Invoice

Mod #1623 Rename Base Cost in Invoice Information Panel

Create / Change Invoice

Mod #1093 Invoicing Using Customer Item Numbers

Mod #1379 Changes for Promotions & System Option #195

Create / Change Purchase Order

Mod #1105 Replace Description Line 1 with Line 4.

Mod #1157 PO Batch Mode sort by Class then Description.

Mod #1158 Items can be added to POs using Vendor Item Number or entrée Item Number.

Mod #1313 Add "PO On Hand Quantity" field to display the On Hand Quantity for the PC. item.

Create Invoice

Mod #1151 Create Invoice Call List Mod #680 Filters

Mod #1162 Order Taker Call List button to manipulate pricing.

Mod #1374 Create Invoice Add Item Process Prompt Order

Mod #638 Invoice Date defaults to System Date plus one.

Create Invoie

Mod #1682 Modify behavior of TAB/ENTER in Create Invoice

Create/Change Sales Order

Mod #1264 Create/Change Sales Order Space Issue - Create space for full status panel.

Credit Hold

Mod #1014 Customer Bounced Check Credit Hold Setting

Mod #1620 Add new "No Ship" option to CFM

Mod #982 Allow Override of Automatic Credit Hold Feature

Credit Hold Feature

Mod #225 Automatic Credit Hold Feature

Mod #225 Link Credit Hold to customer's assigned payment terms.

Mod #225 Unpaid invoices more than 7 days past  "Due Days" value automatically get Credit Hold imposed.

Credit Items

Mod #1308 Credit Item Return Codes

Credit Limit

Mod #851 Exceeding Credit Limit Prevents Sales Order Creation

Mod #852 Password Option Sales Order Credit Limit

Credit Memo

Mod #1519 Modify the description of Return Code "H"

Mod #1540 Show Customer P.O. Number in Credit Memo header

Credit Memos

Mod #1282 Sort Line Items By Reverse Warehouse Location

Mod #1318 For Lot "DC" Update On-Hand Qty & On-Hand Weight

Mod #143 Override Drop Ship value in  Miscellaneous tab of Customer File.

Mod #143 Set default Drop Ship to "Yes".

Mod #1607 Set Default Return Code to ''Spoilage''

Mod #266 Delivery Manifest Report prompts for Carton Count value.

Mod #339 Print limited to maximum two lines per Item Description.

Mod #489 When a catchweight item is added the operator is taken directly into the catchweight entry process.

Mod #532 Credit Memo screen defaults to "Damage" when adding items.

Mod #60 Allow credit memos to be changed.

Mod #63 A/R Report Detail and Aged Summary styles.

Mod #63 Cash Receipts Report.

Mod #63 Customer Account Inquiry screen.

Mod #63 Display Reference for Over Payments in key areas.

Mod #63 Statement to print in the PO# Column.

Mod #65 Manual entry of the Credit Memo number is always allowed.

Mod #65 Override System Option #16.

Mod #688 Only Print Description lines 1 & 2.

Mod #753 Alert for Non-Standard Order Item

Mod #859 Custom form to match pre printed invoice.

Mod #881 Force system to always commit Item Description lines 3 & 4.

Mod #996 Suppress the printing of Line 4 of the Item Description.


Mod #1578 Modify the Credit Hold System

Mod #198 Set default Return Code value for credits to "Spoilage" in create/change invoice.

Mod #24 Invoicing Spoilage Credit Feature

Mod #514 Invoice Prints Open Receivables.

Mod #753 Alert for Non-Standard Order Item

Mod #974 Cash Receipts Utility to Add Reference Values

Cust Price

Mod #1676 Modify the Special Price Grid

Custom GL Code

Mod #837 Customer/Item Combinations can be Sold Below Base Cost


Miscellaneous tab "Consolidate promotions on invoice" option

Mod #1014 Customer Bounced Check Credit Hold Setting

Mod #1020 Filter Ordertaker Call List by Route

Mod #1046 Temporary Override Customer Call Time

Mod #1064 Vail Resorts Customer & Item Number to Id customer as Vail Customer.

Mod #1124 CFM Customer Ship Via Menu

Mod #1151 Create Invoice Call List Mod #680 Filters

Mod #1162 Order Taker Call List button to manipulate pricing.

Mod #1191 CFM Add Customer Promotions Default

Mod #1211 Restrict Customer File Access added to Mod #680

Mod #1251 Print Invoice By Customer Miscellaneous Code Option

Mod #1280 Print Invoice Uses Customer Item Number

Mod #1283 CFM Uses Non-Food Transit Tax %

Mod #1283 Change the caption from "Non-Food City Tax %" field  to read "Non-Food Transit Tax %"

Mod #1393 Do not deduct Promotion Amount using CFM option

Mod #1461 Require Due Days value between 1 and 75

Mod #1465 Enhance Mod #705 Proprietary Territory Code

Mod #1578 Modify the Credit Hold System

Mod #1620 Add new "No Ship" option to CFM

Mod #1669 Rename "UCS Comm Code" to display "Sysco Cust #"

Mod #1695 Provide Option adding Company ID to User Account

Mod #1699 Order Confirmation email Added Brand Column

Mod #1704 Modify the Hide Cost password option

Mod #250 Loading Sheet Customer HOT! Message

Mod #275 Check Credit of Ship to Customer

Mod #296 Ordertaker Call List

Mod #305 List Open Receivables on Invoice omits invoices three days old or less from the list.

Mod #352 Omit substitute items from customer's sales history.

Mod #382 Leaker Allowance - Deducts a Leaker Allowance percentage from items on invoices.

Mod #412 Ordertaker Call List

Mod #431 Purge Customer Item History

Mod #449 Customer Account Inquiry Cash Invoices

Mod #450 No Customer Number on Cash Invoices

Mod #477 Change feature name to "Warn Order Entry if Gross Profit % is below".

Mod #519 Filter Billing Details List by Customer Misc Code

Mod #531 Cash Receipts Allows Repeated use of Check Number.

Mod #680 Allow up five Ordertaker Codes to be assigned per account.

Mod #703 Control access to: Credit Hold, Auto Credit Hold, Credit Limit,Terms, Address, and Bill To/Ship To with a password option.

Mod #703 Edit accounting information in Customer File Maintenance" password option.

Mod #705 Add Territory value to determine if the customer is authorized to purchase the item.

Mod #705 Determine if Customer Authorized to Purchase an Item

Mod #813 Sort Invoices by Customer Category Option

Mod #824 Only Accepts Kosher Products Option

Mod #837 Customer/Item Combinations can be Sold Below Base Cost

Mod #840 Add New Customers in Customer File Password Option

Mod #840 Block the use of the Add and Copy buttons.

Mod #851 Exceeding Credit Limit Prevents Sales Order Creation

Mod #853 Access Customer Special Notes password option.

Mod #853 Add Special Notes to Customer File

Customer Account Inquiry

Mod #1392 Customer Account Inquiry Restriction added to Mod #680

Mod #449 Modify the handling of the "Status" column so it shows an "*" for "Cash" invoices.

Mod #917 Substitution History feature.

Customer Ad Allowance

Mod #346  Customer Ad Allowance Feature & Report

Customer Ad Allowance Report

Mod #346  Customer Ad Allowance Feature & Report

Customer Call Sheets Report

Mod #595 Customer Call Sheets Report - Add Last Invoice Sale Date, Last Invoice Amount, and Territory Code to Summary Style.

Customer File

Mod #1135 Add Special Price Report Feature to CFM

Mod #1295 Sort invoice using Invoice Sort Order menu options: Customer Category or Temp Zone or Item Number.

Mod #178 Retrieve No Data When File Opened

Mod #485 Confirm Non-Standard Order Items - Add "Invoicing confirms non-Std Ord items" option.

Mod #520 Tobacco Tax.

Mod #523 Allow the user to define a Monetary exchanged rate for a customer.

Mod #558 Automatically Assign Lots Using Default Value specified in Customer File.

Mod #558 Misc Tab changed so "Standard Lot Number" replaces "Fun Bucks" section.

Mod #74 Customer File Special Price - Prevents automatic additions to Special Price file.

Mod #752 Sort Invoice by Category Option

Mod #823 Allow Below Cost Prices Option

Mod #831 Allow Sales and Cost of Sales GL accounts to be specified.

Mod #843 Print & Sort Invoices by Item Number Option.

Mod #890 Edit Bid Prices Dialog Displays Future Base Cost of the item instead of real cost.

Mod #908 Customer Specific Bottle Deposits

Mod #943 Calculating Gross Profit - Use Bid Price 1 as the reference price for calculating Gross Profit.

Mod #953 Password Option / Prevent Blank Required Fields in Files

Customer Industry Code

Mod #706 Auto-Generate Purchase Order Feature updated so invoices can be filtered by Customer Industry Code.

Customer Item Inquiry

Mod #4 Sort in true numerical sequence.

Customer Item Numbers

Mod #1093 Invoicing Using Customer Item Numbers

Mod #1098 Assign Customer Item Numbers - supports entrée.NET

Customer Listing Report

Mod #1562 Modify the Customer Listing Report

Customer Maintenance

Mod #1605 Modify the Level Price Editing Grid

Customer Notes

Mod #1054 Add HOT Message link and Time / User stamp on notes.

Mod #1054 Customer Notes Time/User Stamp

Customer Number

Mod #1378 Reassign Invoice Customer Option

Customer Order Forms

Mod #149 Adds Blank columns for writing Order Qty and Lbs.

Mod #149 Creates a Laser printer version.

Mod #149 Customer Order Forms Sort by item Class.

Customer Order Forms Report

Mod #928 Print custom header in lieu of Distributor Address option.

Customer Sales History

Mod #352 Omit Substitute Items from History

Mod #364 Save Items in Customer Sales History

Customer Service Charge

Mod #1406 Retail Invoicing - Features for Charges & Payments

Customer Special Price

Mod #1627 Edit Special Landed Cost of Special Prices

Customer Special Price Report

Mod #58 - Only display items when minimum order field value greater than or equal to 1.

Customer Special Price/ Standard Order Report

Mod #1144 Customer Special Price/Standard Order Report - Add ability to show the current settings for the customer’s "Promotion", "Fax Price List" and "Authorized  for Batch Email" option settings.

Customer Special Prices

Mod #290 Limit Customer Special Prices - Use Miscellaneous Codes to limit special price updates.

Mod #8 Customer Special Price Updates

Customs Declarations

Mod #781 Bermuda Customs Declaration Documents

Customs Duty

Mod #778 Add Freight 2, Duty & Wharfage Cost Values

Cut List / Cut Items

Mod #1304 Print Loading Sheet Separates Cut Items

Mod #288 Invoice Cut List has all cut items printed on one page with items triple spaced with a separator line after each.

Cut List Report

Mod #1404 Custom Cut List Report Font Size

Mod #1492 Add Barcode to Cut List Report

Cutting Instructions Feature

EopMod #21 Add Cutting Instructions Feature

Mod #862 Add Pop-Up in Invoicing for editing Cutting Instructions

- D -

Data Import/Export/Exchanges

See the entree.EDI Modifications Catalog for all custom import, export and exchanges.

Dated Items

Mod #665 Implement Dated Items in Inventory / Invoicing

Days Old

Mod #1499 Inventory On Hand by Lot Report calculates Days Old based off original receipt date

Deleted Items

Mod #1344 Save & Print Deleted/Add On Items on Loading Sheet

Delivery Charge

Mod #1673 Modify Sys Option #224 - Minimum Delivery Charge

Delivery Date

NetMod #16 Set Default Delivery Date

Delivery Manifest Report

Mod #1070 Added column options for "Completed By" and "Cases Pulled" values.

Mod #1330 Custom Delivery Manifest Report

Mod #1440 Print Returns Sheet w/Delivery Manifest Report

Mod #212 Delivery Manifest Report - Set default to Style "I" and  double space.

Mod #266 Delivery Manifest Report prompts for Carton Count value.

Mod #299 Change format so Style G the Location field is available and loaded by default.

Mod #299 Change format so Style H the Locate 1 & Locate 2 fields are available and loaded by default.

Mod #299 Delivery Manifest Report - Defaults to Style G when loaded.

Mod #398 Modify layout to match previous Style H for report. Default report Style is H.

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day - Initialize the default report date(s) to the day after current System Date.


Mod #1035 Loading Sheet - Remove Warehouse location and expand Description.

Mod #1076 Allow Edit of Item Descriptions with System Option #39 off.

Mod #1105 Purchase Order Replace Description Line 1 with Line 4.

Mod #1157 PO Batch Mode sort by Class then Description.

Mod #1222 Type PP Invoice - Print Description Lines

Mod #129 Block Editing of Item Description

Mod #1334 Loading Sheet - Widen the Description column and make 10 Char Warehouse Location.

Mod #134 Block Editing of Description Line 1

Mod #1407 Save Description 2-4 in Special Price File

Mod #1422 Brand Name & Pack Size Position on Invoice

Mod #159 Type 2 Loading Sheet - Print 35 characters of Description.

Mod #188 Loading Sheet - Expand Description column to 35 characters.

Mod #332 Quotations Sort Order

Mod #339 Print limited to maximum two lines per Item Description.

Mod #389 Loading Sheet - Change Brand Name column to use 35 characters for Description.

Mod #425 Loading Sheet - Remove Brand Name column and display all 35 characters of Description.

Mod #487 Print Invoices Alphabetically by Item Description.

Mod #500 Loading Sheets - Expand Description column to 35 characters by resizing Brand Name to 8 characters.

Mod #509 Items Retrieved Ordered by Item Description

Mod #513 Invoice Prints Only Description Lines 1 & 2.

Mod #618 Print Spanish Item Descriptions on lines 3 & 4.

Mod #625 Loading Sheets - Print Description lines 2 - 4 and any comment in red.

Mod #68 Loading Sheet - Print Description lines 3 and 4.

Mod #688 Print only lines 1 & 2.

Mod #741 Loading Sheets - Modify layout to show all 35 characters of Item Description.

Mod #751 Invoice Printing Suppresses Description lines 2 & 3.

Mod #758 A single, specific Item Description line will be printed for each customer.

Mod #768 Edit Description in Invoicing Option

Mod #787 Invoicing Lists Standard Order by Item Description

Mod #874 Show Item Description in Bold for First-time Sale

Mod #957 Check Special Price Customer Number for Item Description

Mod #966 Sort Standard Order by Class and Description

Mod #996 Suppress the printing of Line 4 of the Item Description.

Description Lines

Mod #1505 Add 4 Passwords Options for Editing Description Lines


Mod #1021 Print DHEC Shellfish Information using Lot Number on invoice

Mod #1134 Picking Labels - Custom Shellfish Labels.

Mod #406 DHEC Label Print - Label printing removes 1/2" margin at the top of the form.

Mod #742 Custom DHEC Labels

Mod #755 Picking Labels for DHEC Items items can be sent to 2 different printers using 2 report configurations.

Disable Transactions

Mod #1574 Update the Close Period screen so that "Disable Transactions" is always checked

Disabled Inventory Tab Security Option

Inventory File security extended to Description, Brand Name, Unit of Measure, Pack Size, Warehouse Loc. and Class fields.


Mod #1148 Type MB Invoice - Add Customer Disclaimer.

Mod #1174 Type MB Invoice - Add a custom disclaimer.

Mod #1357 Type MB Invoice Disclaimer

Mod #1359 Type MB Invoice w/ Disclaimer

Mod #1380 Type MB with updated Disclaimer.


Mod #602 Prompt for Discount % & Bill back % values.

Mod #974 Cash Receipts Utility to Add Reference Values


Mod#1603 Pro-Forma Document

Document Scanning

Mod #522 entrée.DOC Document Scanning Add-On Module

Dollar Sign

Mod #1143 Print Checks Remove Dollar Sign from Check Amount

Dot Foods Interface

Mod #1048 Set a default import value for all Dot Foods items in entrée.DOT.

Mod #995 entrée.DOT Dot Foods Interface Add-On Module

Drop Ship

Mod #143 Override Drop Ship value in  Miscellaneous tab of Customer File.

Mod #143 Set default Drop Ship to "Yes".

Drop Ship Invoice

Mod #1557 Drop Ship POs

Drop Ship PO

Mod #1557 Drop Ship POs

Dry Items

Mod #518 Dry Items temperature zone will print out as "BULK".

Mod #598 Invoice Shows Dry Items Last

DSD Order Number

Mod #310 Type P Statement - Replace P.O. Number with Order Number to reflect the DSD Order Number.

Mod #329 Show DSD Order Number in invoice listing.

DSR Data Exchange Utility

Mod #968 Force and lock Salesperson DSR data exchange options

Due Days

Mod #1461 Require Due Days value between 1 and 75

Duplicate Check Number Test

Mod #566 Cash Receipts Checks History for Duplicate Check#

Duty Cost

Mod #778 Add Freight 2, Duty & Wharfage Cost Values

Duty Rate

Mod #1241 Duty Rate Maintenance Utility

Dynamic Document

Mod #1654 Split Invoice Comments on Dynamic Documents

Dynamic Documents

Mod #1500 Print has Collate Unchecked by Default

Dynamic Invoice

Mod #1549 Modify the sorting of the Dynamic Invoice and add Zone Case Totals

Total case count by Temp Zone

- E -


Mod #419 Retail Invoicing System with EBT (only entree 4.1 has EBT)

Mod #419 Standalone Retail Invoicing

Mod #656 Retail Invoicing Feature in Create Invoice with EBT

Edit Bid Price Utility

Mod #1110 Edit Bid Price Utility Find Prices - System will attempt to find any price to represent a Bid Price.

Edit PO Misc

Mod #1482 Add Pick Up Fields to Edit PO Miscellaneous Dialog

Edit Special Prices

Mod #1453 Edit Special Prices w/Editable Special Base Cost

Electronic Order Pad

EopMod #15 Include "Brand" column in grids for the Catalog and Order Entry.

EopMod #17 Add "Piece Price" Column

EopMod #18 Sort Order Guides and Reports by Class/Category then Description Line 1.

EopMod #20 Add Request Price Change feature.

EopMod #21 Add Cutting Instructions Feature

EopMod #22 Comment Print Defaults to Loading Sheet Only

EopMod #24 When scanning Credits use the Piece item not the Case item.

EopMod #25 Display bid prices in purple.

EopMod #27 Add the "Brand" Column

EopMod #35 Replace the Minimum Sell Price with the price set in Price Level 3.

EopMod #37 Add Brand, Unit and Pack to Item Grid

EopMod #7 Enable Selling Units of Measure Feature in EOP

Modifications for NET & EOP Only

Net-EopMod #23 Require "Your Name" to Complete Order.

Electronic Warehouse Manager

EWM Mod #1 Use Manufacturer Item Number

EWM Mod #2 Include Ship To Customer Number

EWM Mod #3 Stop Shortage Warnings

EWM Mod #4 Show Gross Wght on LS/Pick List

Modifications for EWM Only

Electronic Warehouse Manager (EWM)

Mod #1028 The add-on module to cost effectively automate your warehouse processes. 

Mod #1137 Production Label Print


Mod #1678 Leave E-mail Recipent Blank for Sales Order Release

Mod #1699 Order Confirmation email Added Brand Column

Email invoice.

Mod #875 Type P Invoice for Special Email and add Pack Size.

Empty Lots

Mod #238 Clear Weights on Empty Lots

Mod #958 Sort Lots so Empty Lots Shown Last

Enter Payables

Mod #1585 Modify the Posting Date in Enter Payables

Mod #842 Supress warning if you attempt to save an entry which is not dated in the current month.

Enter Weights

Mod #1008 Override Min/Max in Enter Weights Password Option

Mod #166 Set Invoice Number edit control as the initial active control.

Mod #337 Enter Weights Show All Invoices for Route or Date

entrée Add-On Modules & Custom Features

Mod #1521 entrée.MW - Add an item surcharge at the warehouse level

Mod #1525 entrée.MW - Provide a freight cost adjustment for warehouse inventory

Mod #1533 entree.DOC document search grid.


Mod #1396 entrée.AP - Add Posting Cutoff Days & Check End Date


Mod #1023 Type A Invoice for use with entrée.DOC as a scannable document.

Mod #1032 Type P Statement - NOT compatible with entrée.DOC.

Mod #1058 Type MB Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC - Adds compatible barcode to header.

Mod #1059 Add entrée.DOC Barcode to Loading Sheet

Mod #1071 Add entrée.DOC Bar Code to Type 1 Invoice

Mod #1082 Type HP Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC

Mod #1133 Type LE Invoice for entrée.DOC w/ .DOC barcode

Mod #1533 entree.DOC document search grid.

Mod #1606 Upload .DOC Invoices Through the Import Utility

Mod #522 Document Scanning add-on module for entrée.

Mod #522 entrée.DOC Document Scanning Add-On Module

Mod #878 Type 2 Invoice OCR for entrée.DOC scannable document.

Mod #879 Type 2 Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC scannable document.

Mod #898 Add Barcoded Invoice Number to header for entrée.DOC.

Mod #902 Type MP Invoice - Add Invoice # Barcode and Page ID to header for entrée.DOC.

Mod #978 Type P Statement - Add Barcode containing Statement ID and Page Number.

Mod #985 Bill of Lading for OCR - entrée.DOC


Mod #1048 Set a default import value for all Dot Foods items in entrée.DOT.

Mod #995 entrée.DOT Dot Foods Interface Add-On Module


List of 32 Modifications for entrée.DSR

Mod #861 Lock Price in Invoicing Option

Mod #862 Add Pop-Up in Invoicing for editing Cutting Instructions

Mod #863 Add Pop-Up in Invoicing for Requested Price

Mod #968 Force and lock Salesperson DSR data exchange options


See the entree.EDI Modifications Catalog for all custom import, export and exchanges.


Mod #775 entrée.FMS Uses Purchase Date for Work Order Date


Mod #941 Add support for Food Show add-on module in entrée.

Mod #942 Add support to fullfill food show orders in entrée.

Mod #984 Food Show add-on module.

Mod #737 Multi-warehouse add-on module for entrée.


Mod #1351 Add UPC Code to Transfer Pull Sheet.

Mod #1401 entrée.MW - Print Ten Digit Warehouse Location

Mod #737 Multi-warehouse add-on module for entrée.


Mod #1098 Assign Customer Item Numbers.

Mod #1098 Support entrée.NET "WebSMART" order import.

Mod #1104 Order Import auto-fills LB & catchweight weight values.

Mod #955 Invoice conversion saves the Markup % from the salesperson.

Modifications for NET & EOP Only

NetMod #1 Sale price always overrides regular price.

NetMod #10 Modify the layout of the Order Guide / Product Listing report.

NetMod #16 Always allow the current day to be selected for Salespeople Only.

NetMod #16 Default the delivery date for orders to the next day.

NetMod #2 Special price overrides group code pricing.

NetMod #3 Add a Pyrimont ProfiTouch compatible order text file.

NetMod #4 Access to the SOAP API

NetMod #5 Alternate icon for the item WebLink

NetMod #6 Enable entrée.PTV add-on module.

NetMod #8 Default sort for Standard Order by Class then Description 1.

NetMod #9 Enable WebSMART import.

entrée.NET & Electronic Order Pad

Net-EopMod #34 Group Code Price Overrides Break Price

Net-EopMod #38 Alternate Prospect Status Levels

NNet-EopMod #26 Display Special Prices in Orange-red

entrée.NET / Electronic Order Pad

Mod #1272 Add option to skip the Order to Invoice conversion using # of days test


Mod #1340 entrée.POD Proof of Delivery System


Mod #1087 entrée.PTV - View Commodity Balances as Weights

NetMod #6 Enable entrée.PTV add-on module for entrée.NET.


Mod #934 QuickBooks Linker add-on Module.


Mod #1454 Automatically Post Scan-In Items

entrée.UPC Modifications

entrée.UPC Mod #1 Save PO Number in Reference field.

entrée.UPC Mod #1509 Process Relabeling Data Utility

entrée.UPC Mod #2 entrée.UPC terminal can no longer over-ship an invoice.

entrée.UPC Mod #3 Offline Count feature.

entrée.UPC Mod #4 Add Scan Out/Scan In features.

entrée.UPC Mod #5 Identify Items with Shared Identity

entrée.UPC Mod #6 Use Bar Code Label Lot Numbers for Update

entrée.UPC Mod #7 Record True On Hand as On Hand Qty in Receiving

entrée.UPC Mod #8 Scan for Relabel Utility

Mod #591 entrée.UPC - Modify Invoicing Weight Entry

Mod #825 entrée.UPC Bar Code Scanning add-on module.

Mod #825 Receive by Item processes data from entrée.UPC Scan In feature.

Modifications for entrée.UPC ONLY

Relation to Mod #1366 External Fulfillment Sub-system


Mod #436 Purchase Order Base Cost Calculation

Exchange Rates

Mod #779

Expected Receipt Date

Mod #1108 Add Expected Receipt Date to POs.


Mod #1081 IIF Format file for Export to QuickBooks


See the entree.EDI Modifications Catalog for all custom import, export and exchanges.

Extended Amount

Mod #162 Substitute "OUT" for a line item with a Qty Shipped value is zero.

Mod #261 Print Blanks When Extended Amount is Zero

Extended Freight

Mod #637 P.O. Receiving Report - Calculates and displays a Cost: Extended Freight column.

External Fulfillment Sub-system

Mod #1366 Supports entrée.UPC & BFC Dakota Interface.

- F -

FAB Items

Mod #916 Show FAB items in purple on Inventory Search


Mod #533 Type 2 Invoice with Bill-To Customer Fax.

Mod #537 Purchase Order Fax Number Layout

Mod #806 Automatically Fax Invoice Copy to replace invoice printing.

Fax Number

Mod #124 Type P Statement - Show customer's fax number below phone number.

Mod #394 Type UQ Invoice - Add Bill-To's Fax Number and Gross Weight total.

Fees, Deposits, Charges & Taxes

Mod #1598 Add Fuel Surcharge By Quantity

Mod #1673 Modify Sys Option #224 - Minimum Delivery Charge

Mod #1698 Assign Fuel Surcharge as % of the Inv/SO Total


Mod #1656 PDF Invoice Filename to use Purchase Order Number

Filter by Payment Terms

Mod #1019 Compute Finance Charges Utility.


Mod #1555 Add filters to the Statement Print form.

Finance Charge

Mod #1187 Type MB Invoice w/ Finance Charge Policy

Finance Charges

Mod #1019 Compute by Payment Terms.

Floating Price Levels

Mod #367 Prevent Automatic Update of Floating Price Levels


Font Size

Mod #1404 Custom Cut List Report Font Size

Food Show

Mod #941 Add support for Food Show add-on module in entrée.

Mod #942 Deliveries / Add support to fullfill food show orders in entrée.

Mod #984 Items list in Invoicing to show past weeks.

Foreign Language

Mod #1348 Print Description Line 3 in a Different Language on Invoices.


Allow System Option #69 to update the Freight Cost of "Make From" items.

Mod #357 Modify Price Calculation System - add option for "Real + Freight" cost basis.

Mod #435 Change Market Cost value of the item to be calculated as Real Cost plus Freight.

Freight 2 Cost

Mod #778 Add Freight 2, Duty & Wharfage Cost Values

Mod #903 Centralized Freight Rates - Use Rate Code to centralize rates.

Freight Charge

Mod #137 Add Freight Charge to Unit Price

Mod #384 Canadian Freight Charges - Apply GST to invoice freight charges in invoicing.

Mod #739 Add "per unit" Freight Charge to Base Cost for Constant Weight or Average Weight items.

Freight Cost

Mod #1622 Edit Freight Cost and Cost Mark-up on Future Prices

Mod #478 Sales Invoice Register & Sales Summary Report - Add option to display a "Real + Freight Cost" column.

Freight cost adjustment

Freight Rates

Mod #1471 Define Per LB Freight Rate for Vendors

Mod #903 Centralized Freight Rates - Use Rate Code to centralize Freight and Freight 2 cost values.

Freight Value

Mod #745 Receive by PO Clears Freight Value - Freight value of an item  set to zero when P.O. is without any supplements.

Frozen Items

Mod #1009 Loading Sheet for Frozen / Cooler Items

Mod #662 Loading Sheets w/ Frozen and Refrigerated items

Fuel Charge

Mod #1698 Assign Fuel Surcharge as % of the Inv/SO Total

Fuel Surcharge

Mod #1018 Retail Invoicing with Route, Stop and Fuel Surcharge

Mod #1394 Remove Fuel Surcharge if Route is P/U

Mod #1406 Retail Invoicing - Features for Charges & Payments

Mod #1432 Remove Fuel Surcharge if Route is W/C

Mod #1501 Fuel Surcharge Once per Invoice Date per Ship To

Mod #1598 Add Fuel Surcharge By Quantity

Mod #390 Print Fuel Surcharge

Mod #630 Type LZ Invoice Includes Fuel Surcharge and Tax

Mod #807 Fuel Surcharge on Invoices

Future Base Cost

Mod #890 Edit Bid Prices Dialog Displays Future Base Cost

Future Price

Mod #1622 Edit Freight Cost and Cost Mark-up on Future Prices

Mod #1632 Modified Future Price Global List

Mod #526 New Future Price's Cost Initialized to Zero

Future Price Global List Utility

Mod #125 Future Price Global List - Market Cost used to calculate a new Base Cost value.

Mod #125 Future Price Global List - New Base Cost will then be used to update pricing.

Future Pricing

Mod #172 Changes to price level markup percentage of Price Level 1 trigger dialogs.

Mod #172 Dialog to ask if percentage change should be applied to remaining levels.

Mod #172 Dialog to determine how much the percentage has changed.

- G -

General Ledger

Mod #1001 Generate & upload psgl-formatted file to a remote server.

GL Account

Mod #1297 Cash Receipts Override for GL Account

GL Accounts

Mod #207 Allow more GL accounts to have a GL link code account overrides.

Mod #831 Allow Sales and Cost of Sales GL accounts to be specified.

Mod #934 Accounting QuickBooks Linker add-on Module

GL Balance Sheet

Mod #1415 Custom GL Balance Sheet & Income Statement

GL code

Mod #77 Custom GL code for Special Price

GL Income Statement

Mod #1343 Custom GL Income Statement

Mod #1415 Custom GL Balance Sheet & Income Statement

GL Link Code

Mod #207 GL Account overrides.

Global List

Mod #1632 Modified Future Price Global List


Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid "Mark Up"

Mod #1676 Modify the Special Price Grid

Gross Profit

Mod #338 Show Gross Profit, Price Levels 1, 2 and 3.

Mod #477 Gross Profit $ is Below Text Change

Mod #943 Calculating Gross Profit - Use Bid Price 1 as the reference price for calculating Gross Profit.

Gross Profit Report

Mod #1474 Gross Profit Report deducts Bill Back from Landed Cost

Mod #1477 Gross Profit Report with PO Qty and Date

Mod #18 Gross Profit Report - Use Constant Weight for non-catchweight items when calculating total weight.

Gross Weight

Mod #341 Loading Sheet - Replace the Billing Units with Gross Weight.

Gross Weight Total

Mod #394 Type UQ Invoice - Add Bill To's Fax Number and Gross Weight total.

Group Code

Mod #420 On P.O. replace Weight Ordered field with Group Code.

Group Code Price

Net-EopMod #34 Group Code Price Overrides Break Price

NetMod #2 Special Price Overrides Group Code Price

Group Price

Mod #829 Allow Customer Special Prices to Override Group Pricing

Group Pricing Override

Mod #1327 Group Pricing Override for Unit Price Group Pricing will override Break Pricing.


Mod #313 Canadian Taxes

Mod #384 Canadian Freight Charges


Mod #1083 Canada Add QST & GST/HST

Mod #1084 Show QST & GST/HST Values


Mod #1638 Type MP Invoice GTIN Barcode

- H -

Hide Cost

Mod #1704 Modify the Hide Cost password option

Hide Cost in File Maintenance Option

Mod #654 Modify Hide Cost in File Maintenance Option - Allow user to see item's Base Cost.

History File

Mod #989 View payables from History files in the "Payable Search" window.

HOT Message

Mod #1054 Customer Notes Time/User Stamp

Mod #250 Loading Sheet Customer HOT! Message

Mod #511 Add Customer Comment to Hot Message Dialog


Mod #969 Type 2 Invoice

- I -

Implements a utility (found in Inventory --> Cost / Price Utilities) to calculate the average transaction selling price of an item. The utility will exclude sales that meet any of the following criteria: had any type of BID pricing, had any BILLBACK applied, had any PROMOTION applied. The utility can be run periodically through the scheduling utility. The average transaction selling price of an item can be found in the Cost / Price tab of Inventory File Maintenance and is also available for display on the Invoice Information Panel.


Mod #1606 Upload .DOC Invoices Through the Import Utility


See the entree.EDI Modifications Catalog for all custom import, export and exchanges.

In Process Orders

Mod #1620 Add new "No Ship" option to CFM

Inactive Items

Mod #1029 Display / Activate Inactive Items on POs.

Mod #1029 Purchasing view in search.

Mod #1029 Reactivate item.

Mod #1029 Transfers view in search.

Mod #1411 Allow Inactive Items to be Reset to Active

Mod #1472 Receive by PO - Activate "Inactive" items

Mod #287 Do not restrict the use of  "inactive" inventory items when creating a P.O.

Mod #701 Activate 'Inactive' items in purchasing password option

Mod #841 Show Description in Red Text When Item is Inactive

Increase Cost Markup % Utility

Mod #328 Calculate Base Cost off Market Cost

Informatin Panel

Mod #1691 Modify Base Cost in the Invoice Information Panel

In-House Item Number

Mod #94 Purchase Order with In-house Item Number


About the Modifications Catalog

Installing Modifications

Retired Modifications


#1551 Utility to track Average Transaction pricing of an item

Mod #1098 Assign Customer Item Numbers

Mod #382 Leaker Allowance - Deducts a Leaker Allowance percentage from items on invoices.

Mod #825 Process data from entrée.UPC Scan In feature.

Mod #830 Add Show/Hide Button for Inactive Items

Mod#1582 - Add an Exclusive Brand checkbox to Brand Maintenance

Inventory / General Items

Mod #1649 Add Buyer Code to Inventory File Maintenance

Mod #1661 Inventory Item Display Utility

Mod #1677 Implement JIT feature in entrée

Mod #1683 New Picking Zone field in Inventory File Maintenance

Mod #1686 Provides Market Freight cost value in Inventory File

Mod #1699 Disable the Track By Lot check box

Inventory Adjustments

Mod #1231 Link Original Lot Information to New Lot

Inventory Bible Report

Mod #651 Inventory Bible Report - Allow data to be selected for report using Bible Sort Code.

Inventory File

IMod #657 Containerized Inventory Transfers

Mod #1040 Selling UOM Feature

Mod #1040 Show the "returns only" setting of the "piece" items.

Mod #1041 Allow any inventory item to be linked to any other inventory item.

Mod #1041 Revised Make From Feature Add-On module

Mod #1064 Enter Vail item number to use instead of entrée item numbers.

Mod #109 Base Cost Edit Control Color on the Cost/Price tab.

Mod #1122 Allow Edit of Taxable Items password option.

Mod #1243a Add Item Category ID - Add Category ID to Misc2 tab to identify catalog items.

Mod #1311 Add Minimum Order & Lead Time

Mod #1318 For Lot "DC" Update On-Hand Qty & On-Hand Weight

Mod #1414 Recalculate Order Point Utility

Mod #1455 Add TI/HI Feature to Inventory File

Mod #1497 Rename UNSPSC to Master Item/ Add Password Option #142

Mod #1531 - Add "Freight Type" field to Inventory Maintenance

Mod #1553 Add a "Brand Type" Field to Inventory Maintenance

Mod #178 Retrieve No Data When File Opened

Mod #180 Allow edit of last Cost value in Vendor Information grid.

Mod #180 Allow edit of last Cost value.

Mod #199 Return Product to Inventory -  Return Code value settings.

Mod #199 Return Product to Inventory - All existing return codes except "H" will result in the product being returned to inventory.

Mod #2 Telxon Item Number

Mod #202 Special Price "Taxable" Status - Add item "Taxable" value.

Mod #330 Block System Option #14 for Non-Stock Items

Mod #350 Order Breakdown has No Weekend Days - Display 10 days excluding Saturdays and Sundays in Order Breakdown dialog.

Mod #38 Make From for PC. Items

Mod #381 Inventory Bypass Key Values Lock Down - Bypasses the lock down of key item configuration values.

Mod #407 Inventory/ Add Default Sequence Number field to Miscellaneous tab.

Mod #484 IFM Option Print Barcode - Add "Print Bar Code" check box and hide the "Deposit" field.

Mod #525 Purchase History Shows Physical Adjustments

Mod #526 New Future Price's Cost Initialized to Zero

Mod #651 Inventory Bible Report - Add Bible Sort Code to Misc 2 page.

Mod #665 Allow items to be designated as "dated" items.

Mod #702 Change Item Stock Status Password Option

Mod #702 Control access to the "Stock Item" check box with password option.

Mod #705 Add Proprietary Territory Code to determine if the customer is authorized to purchase the item.

Mod #705 Determine if Customer Authorized to Purchase an Item

Mod #734 Purchase History display modified so Unit Cost is viewed without scrolling.

Mod #735 Disabled Inventory Tab in Inventory File Security Option

Mod #77 Custom GL code for Special Price in Customer File

Mod #77 Limit custom GL code field for Special Price to six characters.

Mod #80 Make From items Real Cost Calculation

Mod #813 Add Category value

Mod #838 Add MTD Sales Button to Inventory File

Mod #841 Show Description in Red Text When Item is Inactive

Mod #845 Allow Seasonal Items

Mod #862 Add Pop-Up in Invoicing for editing Cutting Instructions

Mod #869 When a piece item number is defined never prompt to set up the PC. item.

Mod #872 Hide Prices on Allocation Status Display Option - Add the Hide prices on Allocation Status display password option.

Mod #884 Add a per item catchweight +/- setting for min/max weight.

Mod #884 Maximum Weight is eliminated and Minimum Weight is now the non-zero "Catchweight %" value.

Mod #905 Sort Inventory Status by Invoice Date

Mod #906 Sell below Base Cost feature.

Mod #953 Password Option / Prevent Blank Required Fields in Files

Mod #958 Sort Lots so Empty Lots Shown Last

Mod #97 Physical Adjustments / Lots - Lot-based item automation.

Mod #992 Allow Editing Only on Cost/Price Tab Password Option

TI/HI fields in search configuration

Inventory Item Display

Mod #1661 Inventory Item Display Utility

Inventory Maintenance

#1597 - Use percent of sell price when calculating Sales Breakdown.

Mod #1615 Buyer Code Read-Only in IFM

Inventory On Hand - Lot File Report

Mod #502 Inventory On Hand - Lot File Report - Only print the On Order Quantity one time for multiple entries of the same item when sorted first by Item Number.

Inventory On Hand (Lot) Report

Mod #22 Inventory On Hand (Lot) Report - Show alternative title.

Inventory On Hand by Lot Report

Mod #1499 Inventory On Hand by Lot Report calculates Days Old based off original receipt date

Inventory On Hand Report

Mod #466 Inventory On Hand Report - Allow for 13 days of P.O.’s to be shown in individual column.

Mod #653 Inventory On Hand Report - Add column for total allocations for each item.

Mod #658 Inventory On Hand/ Price List Reports - Add Date on Box column.

Inventory Pick List Report

Mod #163 Pick List Report - Allow zero and negative quantity items.

Inventory Price Change Report

Mod #343 Inventory Price Change Report - Add Old Base Cost and Effective Base Cost Date fields.

Mod #343 Inventory Price Change Report validates off of Base Cost Information.

Inventory Price List

Mod #1666 Inv Price List Report uses Price Change Indicators

Mod #1666 Modify the Inventory Price List report

Inventory Price List Report

Mod #521 Inventory Price List Report - Group by Class + Description Line 2.

Mod #521 Table of Contents print out by Description Line 2

Inventory Pull Sheet Report

Mod #308 Inventory Pull Sheet Report - Grouped and page broken by UPC.

Mod #308 Secondary grouped on Route.

Mod #308 Style defaults to UPC Style.

Mod #308 UPC field's label has been changed to "Whse. Loc.".

Mod #399 Creates the Order Book Style for report.

Mod #399 Shows catchweight detail.

Mod #399 When grouping this report by Invoice Number, the Ship-To number will display after the Invoice number in the grouping header.

Inventory Receipts/Returns Report

Mod #967 Prompt to print an Inventory Receipts/Returns Report after transfer.

Inventory Reorder Report

Mod #342 Cubic Feet field is loaded by default instead of the Order Point field.

Mod #342 Inventory Reorder Report

Mod #342 Reject any records withhe Cubic Feet of 0 when running Reorder Items Only option.

Mod #342 Reorder items are calculated off Cubic Feet field in Inventory File.

Inventory Search

Mod #1486 Inventory Search - Highlights for Last Received Date

Mod #229 Inventory Search - Highlight Items that do not have available inventory.

Mod #830 Add Show/Hide Button for Inactive Items

Mod #916 Show FAB items in purple on Inventory Search

Inventory Transfer

Mod #1428 Shows All Available Lot Locations

Mod #230 Inventory Transfer - Set the Anniversary Amount of the destination Lot to zero.

Mod #657 Containerized Inventory Transfers

Inventory Transfer Report

Mod #967 Prompt to print an Inventory Receipts/Returns Report after transfer.

Inventory updates

Mod #29 Change LB. item update procedure.

Mod #29 LB. item On Hand value is adjusted based on the difference between Quantity Ordered and the actual shipped weight.

Mod #494 Change LB. item update procedure.

Mod #494 LB. item On Hand value is adjusted based on the difference between Quantity Ordered and the actual shipped weight.

Mod #494 LB. item Quantity Ordered amount is deducted from On Hand value.


Mod #1068 Sort by Brand Name first then item #.

Mod #1332 Option to Disable Promotion on Invoice

Mod #1602 Add the ability to print UPC on Invoices

Mod #523 Allow the user to define a Monetary exchanged rate for a customer.

Mod #523 Modify Type 2 Invoice to add "FACTURE" and "TOTAL FACTURE EURO".

Mod #523 Type 2 with Printing for Monetary Exchange

Invoice Carton Count

Mod #266 Delivery Manifest Report prompts for Carton Count value.

Invoice Comments

Mod #1654 Split Invoice Comments on Dynamic Documents

Invoice Cut List

Mod #211 Invoice Cut List - All items are printed on one page.

Mod #288 Invoice Cut List has all cut items printed on one page with items triple spaced with a separator line after each.

Invoice Date

Mod #1012 Suppress the Invoice Date is in the Past Message

Mod #1017 Default Invoice Date Starts with "tomorrow"

Mod #432 Password for Invoice Date

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day

Mod #488 Change Default Invoice Date

Mod #638 In Create Invoice use System Date plus one as default.

Mod #655 Invoice Date on new Invoice is Blank

Mod #900 PO Checkoff Utility Enter Invoice# & Date

Mod #923 Password Option Restrict Changes to Invoice Date

Invoice Documents

Mod #118 All Standard Order items appear regardless of Daily Quantity in Special Price file.

Mod #118 Auto-Generate Invoices.

Mod #1237 Change decimal places to 4 in the Invoice PDF from System Option #158.

Mod #1252 Alternate Total Pieces Value on Invoices

Mod #1337 Retail Invoice - Hide Invoice Total

Mod #1348 Print Description Line 3 in a Different Language

Mod #1628 Type 7 Remove Brand Add Billing Units

Mod #1638 Type MP Invoice GTIN Barcode

Mod #1654 Split Invoice Comments on Dynamic Documents

Mod #1655 Make Cash Invoice to use Heading Code 99

Mod #1656 PDF Invoice Filename to use Purchase Order Number

Mod #424 Automatically generate an invoice for all qualifying customers  whether or not items appear on the invoice.

Mod #731 Check for duplicate P.O. Numbers.

Mod #803 Hide Item Numbers on Invoices Option

Mod #859 Custom form to match pre printed invoice.

Mod #912 Count UOM TUB as CASE in Total Cases value.

Mod#1603 Pro-Forma Document

Invoice Edit

Mod #1502 Disable Edit of Invoices with Scanned Images

Invoice Headings Feature

Mod #1218 Type NF Invoice - Support entrée V4 Company Invoice Headings feature.

Invoice information Panel

Mod #1623 Rename Base Cost in Invoice Information Panel

Invoice Number

Mod #1368 Scan Barcode for Invoice # & Packer ID and open Packer Productivity dialog

Mod #900 PO Checkoff Utility Enter Invoice# & Date

Invoice Numbers

Mod #1057 Feature to Scan Barcodes into Invoice Numbers

Invoice Pick List Report

Mod #891 Exclude items with the Item Already Delivered flag.

Mod #925 Exclude items with the Item Already Delivered flag.

Invoice Print

Mod #1668 Modify Invoice printing block "Service Charge" print

Invoice Print Options

Mod #1346 Set Defaults for the Invoice Print Options dialog

Invoice Print Service Charge

Mod #1668 Disable Service Charge Printing if charge is zero

Invoice Printing

Mod #1593 Pull Country of Origin from the Inventory File

Mod #1703 Limit access to Merge Invoice settings

Invoice Register Report

Mod #1070 Added column options for "Completed By" and "Cases Pulled" values.

Mod #1166 Retail Invoicing via Create/Change Invoice

Invoice Search

Mod #35 Invoice Search Default

Mod #896 Exclude Printed Invoices from Search Results

Invoice Sort & Print

Mod #1549 Modify the sorting of the Dynamic Invoice and add Zone Case Totals

Invoice Status Panel

Mod #1362 Modify Invoice Status Panel for Special Order Items

Invoice Type 2

Mod #1545 Modify the layout of the Type 2 Invoice.

Invoice Type LE

#1618 - Edit Footer Message on Invoice Type LE.

Update invoice type "LE" to support unit prices greater than $999.


#1618 - Edit Footer Message on Invoice Type LE.

Mod #1 Weight in Invoicing defaults to Qty. Ordered for LB. Items

Mod #1013 Type 2 with Customer P.O. Number.

Mod #1017 Default Invoice Date Starts with "tomorrow"

Mod #102 Type A.

Mod #1023 Add bar code for Invoice Number and Page Number.

Mod #1023 Type A Invoice for use with entrée.DOC as a scannable document.

Mod #1024 Type MB Invoice - Add Brand Name column.

Mod #1027 Type MB Invoice

Mod #103 Type 2 with Brand, Pack Size & PO Number.

Mod #1030 Minimum Invoice Total Restriction - Set minimum total restriction on create invoice.

Mod #1034 Do not print invoices with items where Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped do not match.

Mod #1036 Type 2with Order Number.

Mod #1058 Type MB Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC - Adds compatible barcode to header.

Mod #106 Do not print Sub-totals by Temperature Zone.

Mod #1060 Type JU Invoice

Mod #1064 Type MB.

Mod #1065 Use warehouse location taken at time of printing.

Mod #1066 Type SL Invoice  w/Customize layout.

Mod #1067 Type BV Invoice

Mod #1071 Add entrée.DOC Bar Code to Type 1 Invoice

Mod #1072 Type MP Invoice - Changed to use the PDF layout as a laser form.

Mod #1073 Type 2.

Mod #1074 Type 2.

Mod #1082 Type HP Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC

Mod #1092 Type AI Invoice

Mod #1107 Type 2.

Mod #1112 Type LZ Invoice

Mod #1113 Type BV Invoice

Mod #1114 Type CD Invoice

Mod #1117 Type EB Invoice

Mod #1120 Type 2 with Brand and Pack Size.

Mod #1125 Type FE Invoice

Mod #1126 Type FE with Item UPC on Descrip Line 2

Mod #1127 Type 2 with Brand and UOM.

Mod #1129 Type BV Invoice

Mod #1133 Type LE Invoice for entrée.DOC w/ .DOC barcode

Mod #1136 Type DF Invoice

Mod #1138 Type SL Invoice

Mod #1147 Type MB Invoice - Add Pack Size and Brand Name and Print Landscape.

Mod #1148 Type MB Invoice - Add Customer Disclaimer.

Mod #115 Type EI Invoice

Mod #1156 Type EU Invoice

Mod #117 Type FL Invoice

Mod #1174 Type MB Invoice - Add a custom disclaimer.

Mod #1175 Type TT Invoice - Updated for Windows 7 print drivers.

Mod #1184 Type 2 With Customer P.O. Number

Mod #1185 Type CD Invoice

Mod #1187 Type MB Invoice w/ Finance Charge Policy

Mod #1190 Type 2 and Credit Memo.

Mod #1192 Type MB Invoice

Mod #1195 Type EU Invoice

Mod #1196 Type 2.

Mod #120 Type 2 with Class.

Mod #1204 Type GI Invoice

Mod #1205 Type 2.

Mod #1206 Type 2.

Mod #1209 Type 2 for Pre-Printed Form.

Mod #121 Type 2 with Warehouse Location.

Mod #1210 Type 4S with changes for Totals and Terms.

Mod #1215 Type 1.

Mod #1218 Type NF Invoice - Support entrée V4 Company Invoice Headings feature.

Mod #1219 Type LE Invoice - Alters the disclaimer text in the footer.

Mod #122 Type FL Invoice

Mod #1221 Type MB Invoice w/Time Stamp

Mod #1222 Type PP Invoice - Print Description Lines

Mod #1223 Type EP Invoice w/ Company Logo, Brand and UOM.

Mod #1229 Type 2.

Mod #123 Type A Invoice

Mod #1244 Type 2.

Mod #1247 Type LZ Invoice & Ship To Customer

Mod #126 Type 2 widen Item Description column.

Mod #127 Sort by Warehouse Location.

Mod #1270 Type 2 with Company Logo.

Mod #128 Type 2.

Mod #1282 Sort Line Items By Reverse Warehouse Location

Mod #1283 CFM Uses Non-Food Transit Tax %

Mod #1283 Printed Invoices change the caption from "Non-Food City Tax %" field  to read "Non-Food Transit Tax %"

Mod #1286 Type 2 with Driver Signature & Disclaimer

Mod #129 Block Editing of Item Description

Mod #1290 Type 4S with Date & Time of Print

Mod #1295 Sort invoice using Invoice Sort Order menu options in CFM: Customer Category or Temp Zone or Item Number.

Mod #1307 Type LZ Invoice

Mod #1319 Type 2 With Lot Number

Mod #132 Type 7 with Payment Terms

Mod #1325 Type HF Invoice

Mod #1329 Type AM Invoice

Mod #1341 Type 2 for Pre-Printed Form.

Mod #135 Type 2.

Mod #1355 Type MB Invoice with Ordertaker Code

Mod #1357 Type MB Invoice Disclaimer

Mod #1359 Type MB Invoice w/ Disclaimer

Mod #136 Type EI Invoice

Mod #1361 Type 2 with Page # of # and Copy Titles in red text

Mod #1380 Type MB with updated Disclaimer.

Mod #14 Print ID numbers with catchweight detail

Mod #1402 Type EU Invoice with Bottle Deposit

Mod #141 Type 2.

Mod #1410 Type GI Invoice with payment and collections policies

Mod #1412 Type NF Invoice with Routes

Mod #142 Type 2 with Brand & Pack Size.

Mod #1421 Type AM Invoice with tax information in the footer

Mod #1422 Brand Name & Pack Size Position on Invoice

Mod #1431 Type AU Invoice w/Collate as Default

Mod #1433 Type SL Invoice consolidates service charges in the footer & message options

Mod #1437 Type GI Invoice with header info centered

Mod #144 Catchweights Quantity Shipped Prompt, All items will require input of three values.

Mod #144 Eliminate Quantity Shipped prompt for Catchweight items.

Mod #1450 Type GI Invoice No Revision Letters Printed

Mod #1458 Type LE Invoice - No Revision Letters

Mod #1483 Type SL Invoice

Mod #1487 Print in Change Invoice Defaults to Invoice

Mod #1488 Type IM Invoice w/TOTAL for Cases

Mod #1490 Type NF Invoice with Lines

Mod #1496 Unit Price on Printed Invoices Supports 8 Characters

Mod #150 Type 2.

Mod #1504 Type JO Invoice

Mod #1523 Type LZ Invoice

Mod #154 Type 2 with purchase terms.

Mod #1579 Print invoices in Vertical Duplex mode

Mod #158 California Redemptions - Show "California Redemption Value" message and per unit amount.

Mod #16 Sort Invoices By Temp Zone

Mod #162 Replace Extended Amount value of  zero with  "OUT".

Mod #1621 Type MB Add California Redemption Value

Mod #1624 Modify Invoice Type LZ Header

Mod #167 Match pre-printed form on Type 2.

Mod #168 Type 2.

Mod #169 Type 2.

Mod #174 Use F4 to convert Invoice to "Cash Sale".

Mod #175 Type 1.

Mod #176 Type TT Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Mod #177 Type 2.

Mod #179 Type 2.

Mod #181 Type A with count of total units sold and total net weight.

Mod #182 Type 2.

Mod #183 Type 2 remove Contact Name & Phone.

Mod #184 Type 2 with UPC and Bar Code.

Mod #185 Type 2 for 8½ x 8½ forms.

Mod #190 Type LZ Invoice - Replace Pack Size column with Brand Name.

Mod #192 Type 2.

Mod #193 Type 2.

Mod #195 Type X Invoice - Quantity Ordered column to respect the settings of the "Allow Decimals in Invoicing".

Mod #196 Type 2.

Mod #20 Type 5 Invoice

Mod #200 Type 2 Sort by Warehouse Location.

Mod #201 Type 2.

Mod #210 Type 1.

Mod #221 Billing Detail allows "Sales Tax" value for the invoice to be changed.

Mod #223 Saving an invoice will automatically print the invoice using the default print configuration.

Mod #228 Type 2.

Mod #233 Plain paper Cash Invoice.

Mod #234 Modify layout of Print Open Receivables on Invoice.

Mod #235 Type 2.

Mod #242 Type 2 Invoice Show Net Weight

Mod #251 Picked Up items listed  in a separate category.

Mod #254 Printing will round final invoice total to nearest dollar.

Mod #258 Type 2 move Ship-To.

Mod #259 Type 2.

Mod #267 Type 2.

Mod #268 Type EI Invoice

Mod #272 Type LZ Invoice - Use larger font without making changes to the layout.

Mod #276 Show Blanks for Missing Weights.

Mod #277 Type 2.

Mod #279 Type JE Invoice - Force entrée to use Type JE Invoice.

Mod #282 Type 1.

Mod #285 All unprinted invoices are updated with current Real and Base costs of all items on the Purchase Order.

Mod #289 Type BD Invoice

Mod #291  Type 2 with "Page x of x".

Mod #292 Type FL Invoice

Mod #295 Type P2 / PS Invoice - Print either a regular invoice (PS) or an Order Confirmation (P2).

Mod #297 Type 2 show "Loc 1", "Loc 2" and "Total Cases.

Mod #30 Type 2 with Customer PO Number.

Mod #300 California Redemptions #2 - Include total deposit amount in the footer area of the final invoice page.

Mod #300 California Redemptions #2 - Show "California Redemption Value" amount being added to the invoice as a bottle deposit.

Mod #304 Do Not Print Tax Summary

Mod #305 Omit invoices three days old or less from Open Receivables list.

Mod #314 Type 2 with P.O. Number below Ship-To Address..

Mod #317 Type 2.

Mod #32 Change Salesperson area in header to Trucking Company.

Mod #32 Remove Billing Units replace with Brand Name.

Mod #320 Type 2 with Subtotal, Tax, and Total.

Mod #322 Type LZ Invoice - Show Ship-To Number instead of the Bill-To Number.

Mod #323 Type 2 Show Billed-To instead of Sold-To.

Mod #326 Items with a UOM of "PC." will be saved so theywill  all print separately at the end of the invoice.

Mod #327 Type 2 invoice with Reg No. Ship Date & Ship-To Phone.

Mod #33 Type 2 with Brand & Pack Size.

Mod #335 Type 2.

Mod #337 Enter Weights Show All Invoices for Route or Date

Mod #339 Print limited to maximum two lines per Item Description.

Mod #340 Potato Route Feature - Print fill-in blanks for driver to manually extend items with ship quantity of zero and re-total the invoice.

Mod #351 Type TT Invoice to match pre-printed form and show Total Quantity and Total Weight in footer with Invoice Total.

Mod #353 Type 2 Add Disclaimer.

Mod #358 Type DF Invoice

Mod #36 Type 2 with Total Weight.

Mod #361 Type 2 with "Ship To" phone number.

Mod #363 Weight Shipped value defaults to Quantity Ordered when adding a new LB. item.

Mod #366 Always print Warehouse Location from inventory file.

Mod #369 Type 2 Add Disclaimer.

Mod #37 Match pre-printed form with PO Number, Lot NUmber & Order Taker Code

Mod #371 Type 2 with Fax Number.

Mod #372 Type B Invoice

Mod #375 All items with a Unit of Measure of "CASE" will be printed first.

Mod #375 Sort items by Unit of Measure during printing.

Mod #376 Type 2.

Mod #377 California Redemptions / Type 2 Invoice modifications

Mod #383 Type 2.

Mod #387 Invoice line items Sort by Unit Price Sort - start with lowest-priced item when printing.

Mod #390 Print Fuel Surcharge - Printed invoice to display Add-On Service Charges as "Fuel Surcharge".

Mod #392 Type 1.

Mod #394 Type UQ Invoice - Add Bill To's Fax Number and Gross Weight total.

Mod #395 Sub-total Extended Amount, Quantity Shipped and Weight Shipped  on invoice.

Mod #40 Type 2 with PO Number.

Mod #401 Type 2.

Mod #402 Type 2.

Mod #405 Type 2.

Mod #408 Type 2.

Mod #410 Type BB Invoice

Mod #415 Type 2  move header/footer.

Mod #42 Type X Invoice - Adjust column widths.

Mod #43 Customized printing.

Mod #433 Invoice Print Updates Costs - Item cost information will be updated when an "in process" invoice is printed.

Mod #438 Round invoice totals to an even dollar amount on selected customers.

Mod #438 Rounding performed on invoices for customers with terms that begin with "COD" or terms "BILL TO BILL".

Mod #44 Type 2 with Total Gross Weight and Page x of  x.

Mod #440 Type 2 that Prints "COD".

Mod #441 Review all items and block invoices from being printed if one or more items have a Quantity Shipped is zero.

Mod #450 Customer Number will not appear on "Cash" invoices having the Terms value of "COD CASH".

Mod #454 Invoices will not be printed if they contain one or more catchweight items with a zero weight value.

Mod #455 Type LZ Invoice - Add logo image to page header in place of the distributor name and address panel.

Mod #457 Type 2 with Brand & Pack Size.

Mod #458 Calculate the Sub-Total value on printed invoices so that Customer Sales Discount is not deducted from the sub-total.

Mod #460 Type TT Invoice - Show the Total Net Weight in the footer.

Mod #461 When Sales Discounts are printed they are printed as "*** Credit Allowance x% ***".

Mod #467 Type 2 Prints 35 chars Item Description.

Mod #475 Loading Sheets/ Invoice With Ordertaker ID

Mod #476 Type 2 move footer.

Mod #482 Type EL Invoice

Mod #487 Print Invoices Alphabetically by Item Description.

Mod #491 Type 2 with PC. Price & Case Price.

Mod #492 Set order of Open AR for printing on invoices.

Mod #496 Type 2 move footer.

Mod #497 When printing by Invoice Number, the setup dialog will automatically re-open when print process is complete.

Mod #498  Type 2 for 8½ x 8½ forms.

Mod #50 Type 2 for Retail.

Mod #501 Type LZ Invoice - Add Brand Name column.

Mod #508 Type 7 Statement - Invoices with a zero Balance Due will not be printed in the statement.

Mod #513 Only print Description Lines 1 & 2 when System Option #8 is turned off.

Mod #514 When Open Receivables are printed, credits are not included.

Mod #515 When Terms  are "C.O.D. print the Comment with the code of "C.O.D.".

Mod #516 Type LZ Invoice - Replace Description column with Barcode UPC.

Mod #518 Dry Items temperature zone will print out as "BULK".

Mod #518 Refrigerated Items temperature zone will print out as "PACKAGED".

Mod #524 Type 2.

Mod #529 Type MB Invoice

Mod #533 Type 2 with Bill-To Customer Fax.

Mod #538 Type BD Invoice for narrow carriage printer

Mod #542 Type SL Invoice - Add company logo to header, Add Pieces and Brand Name columns.

Mod #543 Type 2 move footer.

Mod #547 Type 2 with Pack Size.

Mod #550 Type LZ Invoice - Modify to print logo in top right corner

Mod #554 Type 2 with no printing of Customer Payment terms in header..

Mod #559 Type 2.

Mod #560 Force the use of the "CLASS + ITEM" index for printing.

Mod #567 Type 2 widen Item Description column

Mod #568 Type 2 with Pack Size.

Mod #571 Type 2 with Ship-To Information.

Mod #572 Printing Comments on Invoices.

Mod #577 Type SE InvoiceSort and sub-total the printed Invoice by Class.

Mod #583 Type 2.

Mod #588 Type 3.

Mod #589 Type HP Invoice

Mod #59 Type 2.

Mod #593 Type 2 Prints 35 chars Item Description.

Mod #596 Type 2 Prints Invoice Total with System Option #67.

Mod #597 Type 2 Invoice Using Kilograms

Mod #598 Ordering Temp Zones with "Dry" items last.

Mod #6 Type 2 Move signature line and Remove Sold-To and Ship-To.

Mod #60 Allow paid invoices to be changed.

Mod #603 Type 2 with Disclaimer in footer.

Mod #604 Print using Receipts printer for Type AR Invoice.

Mod #605 Print Invoices Using Receipts Printer

Mod #610 Active Sale Price Always Used on Invoice

Mod #612 Password Required to Authorize Large Invoices

Mod #616 Type 2 remove the "Number of Pieces".

Mod #619 Type 2 with Lot Number on 2nd line.

Mod #630 Type LZ Invoice Includes Fuel Surcharge and Tax

Mod #632 Type BD Invoice

Mod #642 Sales Order Number Assigned from Number Pool for Invoices

Mod #647 Type X Invoice - Add MFG # from the Item UPC and print Sub-total, Food Tax, Non Food Tax and a sub-total for Quantity Shipped.

Mod #649 Type SL Invoice - Remove SRP column.

Mod #655 Invoice Date is blank on new invoices.

Mod #659 Type 2 with Print Name line under Signature.

Mod #668 Printing an "Unprinted" Invoice Updates Base, Real and Market costs.

Mod #669 Type 2.

Mod #67 Type TL Invoice - Move Invoice comments to page header and substitute Case/Piece item count for Order Number.

Mod #672 Cancel Invoice Utility

Mod #678 Type 2.

Mod #683 Override Minimum Sell Price Password Option

Mod #685 Type BD with Billing Units

Mod #688 Only Print Description lines 1 & 2.

Mod #694 Type LZ Invoice - Revise layout to allow a larger font to be used for printing the detail area.

Mod #697 Assign Route Number Utility Allows Packer Productivity Info - Allow the copy of invoice Packer Productivity information in same route.

Mod #70 Type A for custom Catchweight items.

Mod #700 Type 2 with Driver ID, Order Giver, Order Taker Code, Packer Code, Checker Code and Order Time.

Mod #711 Print Invoice Uses Ship To Customer Number

Mod #717 Type DF Invoice for narrow carriage printer

Mod #718 Type 2 with Customer PO Number.

Mod #719 Type LZ Invoice - Item UPC Number prints as second line of Item Description.

Mod #722 Print default for "Sort by" option set to Delivery Sequence.

Mod #723 Sort and group line items for printing using the contents of Description Line 4.

Mod #726 Type TL Invoice - Show Total Weight value on the same line as the Invoice Total.

Mod #728 First Category sort is followed by second-level sort by Warehouse Location.

Mod #728 Item Number is the new third-level sort.

Mod #738 Type 2.

Mod #747 Type 2.

Mod #748 Type HF Invoice

Mod #75 Type SD Invoice - Misc. Code "B" items print unit price at 4 decimal positions.

Mod #750 Type 2 with Multiple Styles Assigned per Customer.

Mod #751 Invoice Printing Suppresses Description lines 2 & 3.

Mod #758 A single, specific Item Description line will be printed for each customer.

Mod #759 Add Days Old column to the part of the Open AR listing on printed invoices

Mod #76 Type 2.

Mod #760 Limit printing of Open AR list to amounts older than 30 days.

Mod #767 Type 2.

Mod #772 Type MB Invoice Show Lots

Mod #776 Type 2 without Revision Letters

Mod #78 Type 2 with area for writing totals & monies.

Mod #787 Invoicing Lists Standard Order by Item Description

Mod #788 Type MB Invoice - Shows Suggested Retail Price.

Mod #791 Type BV Invoice

Mod #793 Type MB Invoice - Modify layout to add UPC Number column.

Mod #802 Type 2 with Pack Size.

Mod #804 Type 2.

Mod #81 Type 2 with Customer PO Number above Ship-To address.

Mod #82 Type 2 remove Number of Pieces & Match pre-printed form.

Mod #821 Change Invoice After Three Days Password Option

Mod #822 Type 2 with Brand.

Mod #83 Type LZ Invoice - Modify header to show company logo.

Mod #836 Type MB Invoice - Add Sub-Total.

Mod #839 Prevent Automatic Cost Updates on Lot Items

Mod #840 Add New Customers in Customer File Password Option

Mod #843 Print & Sort Invoices by Item Number Option.

Mod #844 Type MD Invoice - Add Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped columns.

Mod #847 Type 2.

Mod #858 Batch Email Invoices Utility

Mod #86 Type 2.

Mod #860 List Ingredient Breakdown for Kit Items

Mod #868 Type MB Invoice - Center name and address.

Mod #87 Type 2.

Mod #873 Show Assigned Lot Numbers on Printed Invoice

Mod #875 Type P Invoice for Special Email and add Pack Size.

Mod #876 Type IM Invoice

Mod #877 Type MD Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #878 Type 2 Invoice OCR for entrée.DOC

Mod #879 Type 2 Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC

Mod #88 Type P Invoice - Add Address 3, Address 4 and Address 5 fields.

Mod #880 Type 2.

Mod #881 Type 2.

Mod #885 Type 2.

Mod #886 Printing does not override Line 4 of Item Description.

Mod #893 Add Barcoded Invoice Number on the printed invoice.

Mod #895 Add the Invoice Number as a Barcode on the printed invoice.

Mod #897 Type MB Invoice Add Lot Number column

Mod #898 Add Barcoded Invoice Number to header for entrée.DOC.

Mod #899 Type BV Invoice

Mod #90 Type 2.

Mod #902 Type MP Invoice - Add Invoice # Barcode and Page ID to header for entrée.DOC.

Mod #91 Type EI Invoice

Mod #910 Type 2 Invoice Barcode - Adds Barcoded Invoice Number to printed invoice.

Mod #911 Type 2.

Mod #92 Type 2.

Mod #93 Type 2.

Mod #931 Type 2 with Driver's Signature, time, Pack Size.

Mod #948 Type TT Invoice w/ Customize layout.

Mod #950 Type MB Invoice w/Agriculture Commodities Act

Mod #954 Show permanent Line Number values for invoice line item.

Mod #955 entrée.NET invoice conversion saves the Markup % from the salesperson.

Mod #969 Type 2 with HST TAX.

Mod #971 Type 2 with Salesperson Name.

Mod #994 Category subtotals will be printed at the end of the invoice.

Mod #996 Suppress the printing of Line 4 of the Item Description.

Mod #999 Payment Notify Tag Feature.

Printing changes sort order to follow Sort invoice by Category.

Type 2 - Mod #116 UPC Barcodes - Print UPC for Scanning.

Type 2 Invoice modified to make Type GD used with a special digital printer.

Type 4S Invoice for Dot Matrix Printer

Type BO Invoice

Type BV Invoice

Type CC Invoice

Type EP Invoice

Type JO Invoice

Type JU Invoice

Type MI Invoice

Type NF Invoice

Type SB Invoice

Update invoice type "LE" to support unit prices greater than $999.


AMod #850 Show Expiration Date in Assign Lots dialog in invoicing, Available Lots listing shows Expiration Date.


entrée.UPC Mod #591 entrée.UPC - Modify Invoicing Weight Entry - Ignores the Min Weight and Max Weight values.

Mod #10 Print default is Invoice only.

Mod #1007 Filter Customers in Change Invoice added to Mod #680

Mod #1012 Suppress the "Invoice Date is in the past" warning message.

Mod #1015 Password Option Calculate GP using Landed Cost

Mod #1030 Minimum Invoice Total Restriction - Apply a minimum invoice total restriction to create invoice.

Mod #104 Show a +/- value for change in Unit Price.

Mod #1054 Add HOT Message link and Time / User stamp to Customer Notes.

Mod #1076 Allow Edit of Item Descriptions with System Option #39 off.

Mod #11 Weight shipped defaults to Qty. Ordered for LB. items

Mod #110 Show first Four Price Levels

Mod #111 Allow "inactive" inventory items to be added to P.O.

Mod #1155 Price per Piece in Invoice Status Panel

Mod #1211 Restrict Customer File Access added to Mod #680

Mod #1226 Link PO to Invoice so the Invoice will distribute the value of the Purchase Order across the line items.

Mod #1249 Approval Required for Less Than Warn Order Entry Amount

Mod #1261 Password Option - Edit Unit Price in Invoicing for items on a Bid Price.

Mod #1296 Sale Items Dialog Used for Sale Pricing on Invoice

Mod #1318 For Lot "DC" Update On-Hand Qty & On-Hand Weight

Mod #1321 Prevent Oversell Checks POs

Mod #134 Block Editing of Description Line 1

Mod #1346 Set Defaults for the Invoice Print Options dialog

Mod #1378 Reassign Invoice Customer Option

Mod #139 Qty Ordered / Qty Shipped Use Decimals

Mod #1394 Remove Fuel Surcharge if Route is P/U

Mod #140 Print Invoice box defaults to unchecked.

Mod #1427 Remove Small Order Fee if Route is P/U

Mod #148 Prompts for processing instructions on items with "C" in Misc Code field.

Mod #1484 Allocate Lot Items when Lots are Assigned in Invoicing

Mod #1501 Fuel Surcharge Once per Invoice Date per Ship To

Mod #1579 Print invoices in Vertical Duplex mode

Mod #1593 Pull Country of Origin from the Inventory File

Mod #1598 Add Fuel Surcharge By Quantity

Mod #1703 Limit access to Merge Invoice settingse

Mod #198 Credits mode sets default Return Code value for credits to "Spoilage".

Mod #211 Invoice Cut List - All items are printed on one page.

Mod #224 Minimum Delivery Charge

Mod #237 Invoice Items by Warehouse Location

Mod #239 Default Quantity Shipped Zero

Mod #24 Invoicing Spoilage Credit Feature

Mod #25 Sort and subtotal invoice by Class.

Mod #251 Create invoice checks the Quotation files for items that the customer has already picked up.

Mod #251 Show Picked Up items in a separate category on Invoices and Loading Sheets.

Mod #260 Always use Quantity Ordered for Total Cases count.

Mod #261 Print Blanks When Extended Amount is Zero

Mod #262 - Dialog will ask if Unit Prices should be printed.

Mod #266 Delivery Manifest Report prompts for Carton Count value.

Mod #270 Items to be loaded in the same order as the Loading Sheet

Mod #273 Show Assigned Sequence Number

Mod #275 Check customer's credit status using  the "Ship-To" customer.

Mod #303 Catchweight Billing Units and Extended Amount will be blank to allow written data entry.

Mod #303 Catchweight items will be grouped together at the bottom of the invoice.

Mod #338 Show Gross Profit information on second page of status area.

Mod #338 Show Price Levels 1, 2 and 3 in the status area of invoice editing.

Mod #345 Determine Low Inventory using Cubic Feet

Mod #346  Customer Ad Allowance Feature & Report

Mod #355 Add Tracking System for Accruals.

Mod #356 Modify Automatic Lot Assignment

Mod #364 Display a checklist to allow selection of items to save in Customer Sales History.

Mod #364 Identify all items not currently listed in Customer Sales History.

Mod #380 Items will be loaded in Change Invoice in the same order they were originally added to the Invoice.

Mod #382 Leaker Allowance - Deducts a Leaker Allowance percentage from items on invoices.

Mod #384 Canadian Freight Charges - Apply GST to invoice freight charges.

Mod #388 Invoice Printing Options dialog displayed will default to no document selected for printing.

Mod #397 Minimum Invoice Total feature.

Mod #414 Print Invoice is set to "Off" when loading an invoice for editing.

Mod #417 Allow Ordertaker Code value to be changed in Billing Details.

Mod #418 Show Last Purchase Information

Mod #419 Retail Invoicing System with EBT (only entree 4.1 has EBT)

Mod #419 Standalone Retail Invoicing

Mod #421 Invoice Edit Shows Real Cost - Remove Base Cost value and show Real Cost in status area of the invoice editing.

Mod #422 Create New Special Price/Standard Order File

Mod #422 Use invoice description to create new Special Price/Standard Order file.

Mod #423 Modify Base Cost Calculation for items with an "R" in any of the six Miscellaneous Code values is calculated from the current Unit Price value.

Mod #427 Manual Price Changes Blocks Unit Price Update of line items during invoice editing.

Mod #432 Require a password to use an Invoice Date that is not a scheduled delivery day for the customer.

Mod #439 Prevent Items from Being Sold at No Charge by displaying a message when the operator attempts to sell an item with a Unit Price of zero.

Mod #444 Use Quantity Shipped to determine the number of catchweight lines.

Mod #447 Show Price Levels 1, 2 and 3 in the status area of invoice editing.

Mod #46 Default selection option is Number instead of All.

Mod #462 Leaker Allowance Modifications - Generate a second line of output on printed invoice showing the "net unit price" of the item after application of the Leaker Allowance.

Mod #469 Change Minimum Sell Price Password Option that will have operator verify their price when the entered price is lower than Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day - Auto Generate Invoices to 1 day after the Current System Date.

Mod #474 Below Minimum Sell Price Warning - Working Unit Price value is not updated with the Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #477 Change feature name to "Warn Order Entry if Gross Profit % is below".

Mod #485 Confirm Non-Standard Order Items - Add dialog to confirm the addition of items that are not on the customer's Standard Order list.

Mod #486 MTD Sales and YTD Sales dialogs will have the "Begins with" option of the search feature enabled.

Mod #488 Default Invoice Date value begins with "tomorrow" rather than "today".

Mod #489 When a catchweight item is added to an invoice the operator is taken directly into the catchweight entry process.

Mod #490 Post all Inventory and Accounts Receivable updates using "print" option switch.

Mod #495 Add option to enter an Inventory Item Number or a Catalog Number when adding an item.

Mod #511 Add Customer Comment to Hot Message Dialog

Mod #511 Hot Message dialog customer comment will ONLY be printed on the loading sheet.

Mod #519 Filter Billing Details List by Customer Misc Code

Mod #519 Show only Company Invoice Headings with Miscellaneous Code value matching the customer's.

Mod #527 Block Invoice Sub-Totaling when Sorted by Temp Zone

Mod #528 Display on Status area on page 2 Price Levels 1- 4 of the item.

Mod #544 Assign Lots Dialog Suppresses Lot Cost Information

Mod #544 Suppress display of the Unit Cost values in the "On Order" summary.

Mod #544 Suppress the display of cost information in the "On Order" status.

Mod #544 Suppress the display of lot cost information in Assigned Lots.

Mod #555 Suppress printing of "Payment Due" message.

Mod #558 Automatically Assign Lots Using Default Value specified in Customer File.

Mod #565 Allow Processing of Lot Items in Invoicing - System Option #21 modified to allow processing of lot-based items.

Mod #575 Real Cost / Base Cost Values / FIFO Costs

Mod #602 Prompt for Discount % & Bill back % values.

Mod #61 Invoicing - Customer Special Price override the settings of System Option #34.

Mod #611 Assigned Lots - Quantity Shipped can not change for Lots with no additional inventory.

Mod #614 Allow Invoice Changes Password Option - nvoice changes after Loading Sheet prints.

Mod #656 Retail Invoicing Feature in Create Invoice with EBT

Mod #665 Add "dated" items dialog.

Mod #673 Invoicing Case Cost Option - "Case Cost" option for items with UOM of "CASE" priced by weight provides a "per case" value.

Mod #679 Warn Order Entry dollar amount check prevents invoice creation.

Mod #680 Restrict Access to Customer Invoice by Ordertaker Code.

Mod #69 Add a blank for the Extended Amount, Catchweight items will not be extended.

Mod #69 Invoice Total area will be blank and Print blanks for Weight detail.

Mod #698 Invoices Require Order Giver Value to be filled in before items.

Mod #7 P.O. Number Default is Blank

Mod #705 Determine if Customer Authorized to Purchase an Item

Mod #705 Match  Territory to Proprietary Territory Code to determine if the customer is authorized to purchase the item.

Mod #709 Print Open Receivables on Invoice shows Days Old value.

Mod #71 Add dialog box with a list of pre-defined processing instructions for seafood.

Mod #71 Create custom processing instructions.

Mod #712 Show Changes in Unit Price From Last Recorded Sale

Mod #716 Add dialog to manually adjust invoice totals.

Mod #72 Add column for Tote Number and Prompt for Tote Number.

Mod #736 Limit Comment Editing in Invoicing Password Option and restrict users' ability to edit comments.

Mod #753 Alert for Non-Standard Order Item

Mod #763 Break Price is allowed to go below Minimum Sell Price without a warning.

Mod #764 Sale Price Below Minimum Sell Price without a warning.

Mod #768 Edit Description in Invoicing Option - To edit Descriptions of non-stock items System Option #39 "Edit Description in Invoicing" must be enabled.

Mod #773 Authorize Use of Break Pricing for a Customer

Mod #797 Modify calculation of Total Weight.

Mod #798 Invoicing Price Level Option

Mod #8 Customer Special Price Updates Do not update customer special prices.

Mod #801 Show P.O. Number, invoice number and Total for multiple invoice with the same invoice date.

Mod #806 Automatically Fax Invoice Copy to replace invoice printing.

Mod #807 Fuel Surcharge on Invoices

Mod #813 Sort Invoices by Customer Category Option

Mod #819 Tag New Special Price Entries for Sales Tracking when a product was last sold.

Mod #820 MTD Sales automatically opens advanced search window and selects Description.

Mod #826 Suppress "Item Qualifies for Promotion" Message

Mod #832 Allow Any Item Substituted for any Other Item

Mod #837 Customer/Item Combinations can be Sold Below Base Cost

Mod #861 Lock Price in Invoicing Option to block editing of select special prices.

Mod #861 Used with entrée.DSR

Mod #862 Add Pop-Up in Invoicing for editing Cutting Instructions

Mod #863 Add Pop-Up in Invoicing to enter and edit requested price value.

Mod #863 used with entrée.DSR

Mod #864 Allow a Locked Special Price to go below Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #874 Show Item Description in Bold for First-time Sale

Mod #888 Invoicing Displays Item Notes Automatically & prints

Mod #891 Highlight in RED delivered items in Enter Weights dialogs.

Mod #891 Print / Add Item Already Delivered Flag to Invoices

Mod #9 Format of Qty Ordered field has 2 decimal places.

Mod #917 Substitution History feature in MTD History.

Mod #919 Saving will automatically print invoices using the default print configuration.

Mod #923 Password Option Restrict Changes to Invoice Date

Mod #925 Add to Items Already Delivered Flag

Mod #925 Delivered items highlighted in RED in items grid.

Mod #926 Restrict Lot Assignment Edits Password Option

Mod #927 Invoicing Records Item Information When Printed

Mod #941 Process Food Show orders in entrée using Food Show add-on module in entrée.

Mod #942 Pending Food Show orders will automatically be added to the entrée invoice.

Mod #957 Check Special Price Customer Number for Item Description

Mod #960 Prompt to Update Cost & Prices on Unprinted Invoices

Mod #984 Allow Food Show deliveries from past weeks to remain visible.

Mod #993 Add prompt to add items to the Special Price File not currently listed.

TI/HI fields in search configuration

Item Class

Mod#1595 Cost Price Update Utility by Class to Use Market Cost

Item Description

Mod #129 Block Editing of Item Description

Mod #134 Block Editing of Description Line 1

Mod #1348 Print Description Line 3 in a Different Language on Invoices.

Mod #1505 Add 4 Passwords Options for Editing Description Lines

Mod #719 Type LZ Invoice - Item UPC Number prints as second line of Item Description.

Item Notes

Mod #888 Invoicing Displays Item Notes Automatically & prints

Item Number

Mod #1280 Print Invoice Uses Customer Item Number

Mod #1374 Create Invoice Add Item Process Prompt Order

Mod #495 Use Inventory Item Number or Catalog Number

Mod #803 Hide Item Numbers on Invoices Option

Mod #901 Purchase Order w/ Piece Item Number

Item Order

Mod #1265 Change Invoice Item Order

Item Shortage Adjustments Utility

Mod #1354 Item Shortage Adjustments Display All Invoices

Item Stock Status

Mod #702 Change Item Stock Status Password Option

Item Substitutions

Mod #833 Loading Sheet - Item substitutions listed on Invoice and Loading Sheet.

Item Surcharge

Items Already Delivered

Mod #891 Print / Add Item Already Delivered Flag to Invoices

Mod #925 Add to Items Already Delivered Flag

- J -


Mod #1677 Implement JIT feature in entrée

- K -

K12 Services, Inc

Mod #607 USDA's Pass Through Value program support.


Mod #597 Type 2 Invoice Using Kilograms

Kit Items

Mod #1160 Display the Warehouse Location of the ingredient items.

Mod #1276 Kit Items Received Without Deducting Inventory

Mod #1568 - Provide a "Labor Cost" addition for Kit items

Mod #403 Ingredient quantities are adjusted to reflect the "Quantity Ordered" value.

Mod #403 Show ingredient breakdown list below item on Loading Sheet.

Mod #622 Use Alternate UOM for Kit Ingredient Items - Add a field to the Weight Information as an alternate UOM for Kit ingredients.

Mod #623 Allow Receipt of Kit Items when Qty or Weight are Zero

Mod #790 Kits - Cost / Price Update Defaults

Mod #860 List ingredient breakdown on invoices and loading sheets.

Mod #98 Modify handling of weight on "Make From" items


Mod #1568 - Provide a "Labor Cost" addition for Kit items

Kosher Products

Mod #824 Only Accepts Kosher Products Option

- L -


Mod #1061 Print Picking Labels Enhancement - Create Invoice allows you to click on the “print single labels regardless of quantity” option.

Mod #1134 Picking Labels - Custom Shellfish Labels.

Mod #1137 Production Label printing prevents the weight value printed on the label from exceeding the "Maximum Case Weight" value.

Mod #13 Picking Labels  Sort by Temperature Zone.

Mod #1449 Custom Picking Labels Print By Box

Mod #15 Sort Picking Labels - Sort by Invoice + Sequence + Item.

Mod #153 Picking Labels Print Order - Print Invoice picking labels in the same order as they were entered.

Mod #1592 Modify the Picking Label Print Qty

Mod #1646 Print Picking Labels by Invoice

Mod #406 DHEC Label Print - DHEC label printing removes 1/2" margin at the top of the form.

Mod #468 Custom Picking Labels

Mod #742 Custom DHEC Labels

Mod #755 Picking Labels for DHEC Items items can be sent to 2 different printers using 2 report configurations.

Mod #818 Picking Labels  - Items with UOM  of CASE, PAIL and BAG will print a single label.


Mod #1568 - Provide a "Labor Cost" addition for Kit items

Landed Cost

Mod #1015 Password Option Calculate GP using Landed Cost

Mod #1474 Gross Profit Report deducts Bill Back from Landed Cost


Mod #1147 Type MB Invoice - Add Pack Size and Brand Name and Print Landscape.


Mod #1072 Type MP Invoice - Changed to use the PDF layout as a laser form.

Laser Printer

Mod #149 Customer Order Forms Sort by item Class & print on Laser.

Mod #214 P.O. Receiving Report - defaults to "Landscape" orientation for laser printer.

Mod #448 Loading Sheets - Customize for laser printer using design of Type KF invoice.

Last Cost

Mod #180 Allow edit of last Cost value.

Last Invoice Amount

Mod #595 Customer Call Sheets Report - Add Last Invoice Sale Date, Last Invoice Amount, and Territory Code to Summary Style.

Last Purchase

Mod #418 Show Last Purchase Information

Last Received Date

Mod #1486 Inventory Search - Highlight for Last Received Date

Last Sale

Mod #712 Show Changes in Unit Price From Last Recorded Sale

Layers per Pallet

Mod #293  P.O. shows "Cases per layer" and "Layers per pallet" when printing.

LB. Items

Mod #1 Weight in Invoicing defaults to Qty. Ordered for LB. Items

Mod #11 Weight shipped defaults to Qty. Ordered for LB. items

Mod #29 LB. item On Hand value is adjusted based on the difference between Quantity Ordered and the actual shipped weight.

Mod #494 Change LB. item update procedure.

Mod #494 LB. item On Hand value is adjusted based on the difference between Quantity Ordered and the actual shipped weight.

Mod #494 LB. item Quantity Ordered amount is deducted from On Hand value.

Lead Time

Mod #1311 Add Minimum Order & Lead Time to Inventory

Mod #1414 Recalculate Order Point Utility

Leaker Allowance

Mod #382 Leaker Allowance - Deducts a Leaker Allowance percentage from items on invoices.

Mod #462 Leaker Allowance Modifications - Generate a second line of output on printed invoice showing the "net unit price" of the item after application of the Leaker Allowance.

Legal Notices

Letter of Dunning

Mod #1193 Distributor address block at the top of the page not printed.

Mod #1445 Letter of Dunning w/Logo

Mod #670 Show the DSD Order Number.

Level Prices

Mod #110 Show first Four Price Levels

Mod #1202 Assigned Level Price for Customer is Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #264 Quick Price Change blocks updates to level pricing when cost of item is changed.

Mod #357 Modify Price Calculation System

Mod #481 Recalculate Costs and Prices for Lots

Mod #64 Pricing - Use Price Level 2 pricing if assigned level price is zero.

Level Pricing

Mod #1605 Modify the Level Price Editing Grid

License Agreement

Line Numbers

Mod #954 Show Permanent Line Number Values in invoice

Load Sheet

Mod #1648 Auto Print Load Sheet

Loading Sheet

Mod #1009 Show both Frozen and Cooler items on the second Loading Sheet.

Mod #101 Loading Sheet - Move Warehouse Location.

Mod #1033 Loading Sheet with Qty Shipped

Mod #1035 Loading Sheet - Remove Warehouse location and expand Description.

Mod #1043 Loading Sheet - Removing the fill-in blanks for Qty Shipped and replace with Billing Units.

Mod #1044 Dialog saves/reuses "Number of Copies" value and check collate.

Mod #1052 Loading Sheet - Add quantity to be shipped data.

Mod #1056 Loading Sheet Customize layout.

Mod #1059 Add entrée.DOC Barcode to Loading Sheet

Mod #1065 Use warehouse location taken at time of printing.

Mod #1068 Sort by Brand Name first then item #.

Mod #107 Loading Sheet - Add option to disabled display of the Unit Price of items.

Mod #1080 Loading Sheet - Customize layout and add Quantity Ordered.

Mod #1088 Loading Sheet Print Saves PDF file.

Mod #1115 Loading Sheet Customize layout.

Mod #1116 Loading Sheet add On Hand with value of 9999 and no decimals.

Mod #1121 Loading Sheet Customize layout.

Mod #1130 Loading Sheet - Add "Checked" line, "Pulled By" and Mfg. Item#.

Mod #1142 Loading Sheet - Customize layout to show "Ordertaker Code" and "Time Entered".

Mod #1146 Loading Sheet with 10 Char Warehouse Location

Mod #1149 Loading Sheet - Change layout to show all 10 characters of Warehouse Location.

Mod #1150 Loading Sheet Not Bound by System Option #100

Mod #1154 Loading Sheet - Change layout to show all 10 characters of Warehouse Location.

Mod #1159 Loading Sheet - Add "On Hand Quantity" column.

Mod #116 Print Total Number of Cases at bottom.

Mod #116 UPC Barcodes - UPC barcode is printed as a separate line for scanning.

Mod #1167 Loading Sheet - Shows one catchweight blank for "PC." items on loading sheet

Mod #1169 Loading Sheet - Custom & Print the page numbers in the “Page X of Y” format.

Mod #1173 Loading Sheet Option System Option #66 "Print Duplicate"

Mod #1177 Loading Sheet - Show the "Warehouse Location" value in bold text.

Mod #1178 Loading Sheet - Show "Manufacturer's Item Number" on the line below "Description".

Mod #1189 Loading Sheet Comments Titled Special Instructions

Mod #123 Type A Invoice - Sort items as if System Option #54 - "Sort Loading Sheet by Temperature Zone" was enabled.

Mod #1246 Loading Sheet - Remove "Brand" column and replace with the Lot "Expiration Date".

Mod #1250 Loading Sheet Layout of Ship-To Customer

Mod #127 Sort by Warehouse Location.

Mod #1274 Loading Sheet - Add a line below each line item to show lot numbers and quantities assigned to fill that line item.

Mod #1274 Loading Sheet - Change layout add “Picked By” and “Checked By”.

Mod #1278 Loading Sheet - System Option #53 required & layout changed

Mod #1281 Loading Sheet - Displays “Total Line Count”

Mod #1281 Loading Sheet - System Option #53 required

Mod #1285 Loading Sheet with Unit Price & Ordertaker Code

Mod #1294 Sort Loading Sheets By Temp Zone then Item Description

Mod #1304 Print Loading Sheet Separates Cut Items

Mod #131 Loading Sheet - Add Lot Number. Add Net Weight column with underline to record weights.

Mod #1324 Loading Sheet - System Option #53 is enabled the “Warehouse Location” column will be replaced with “Unit Price”.

Mod #1334 Loading Sheet - Widen the Description column and make 10 Char Warehouse Location.

Mod #1336 Loading Sheet - Widen the Warehouse Location column.

Mod #1344 Save & Print Deleted/Add On Items on Loading Sheet

Mod #1352 Loading Sheet with Lot Exp Date & Brand Name.

Mod #1353 Print & Sort Loading Sheet by Lot Warehouse Location when System Option #40 is enabled.

Mod #1360 Loading Sheet with Warehouse Location

Mod #14 Print ID numbers with catchweight detail

Mod #1400 Sort Items on Loading Sheet by Brand

Mod #1469 Add Total Qty to the Sales Order Loading Sheet footer

Mod #1513 Customize the Sorting of Load Sheet

Mod #1514 Customize the Printing of Loading Sheets

Mod #1596 Defaults "Invoice Printing Options" for Sales Orders

Mod #1601 Loading Sheet Print Mod

Mod #1612 Print Loading Sheet Omits Items

Mod #1613 Provide the Print "Changed" Only Option

Mod #165 Default selection set to "by Number" for Purchase Orders, Loading Sheets and Bills of Lading

Mod #170 Loading Sheet Match layout per sample.

Mod #188 Loading Sheet - Add to footer areas for Number of Cartons, Prepared by and Checked by values.

Mod #188 Loading Sheet - Expand Description column to 35 characters.

Mod #191 Loading Sheet - Suppress page header print on all pages after the first page.

Mod #209 Loading Sheet - Quantity Shipped replaces Quantity Ordered

Mod #213 Loading Sheet - Add a line for Packer Name and in footer show Total Number of Units Sold.

Mod #219 Loading Sheet - Show the PKR CODE that is stored in the UPC field for the item in Description.

Mod #220 Loading Sheet - Add fill-in areas for Total Ship and Charged by values.

Mod #220 Loading Sheet - Add Summary area at the bottom showing Total Quantity Ordered.

Mod #220 Loading Sheet - Provide a fill-in area at top of page for "Stop #".

Mod #23 Loading Sheet Customized layout.

Mod #241 Loading Sheet - Only use columns for Quantity Ordered, Quantity Shipped, Checked and Description.

Mod #243 Loading Sheet - Items with UOM set to "EACH" placed in a category called "Repack Items".

Mod #247 Loading Sheet - Header shows time stamp recorded when the invoice was first created.

Mod #250 Footer has a blank to fill in Packer Name, Footer shows Total Items Shipped.

Mod #250 Includes the customer's HOT! Message in page header.

Mod #251 and System Option #40

Mod #251 Picked Up items listed in a separate category.

Mod #256 Loading Sheet - shows Total Quantity, Ship Via, Miscellaneous, Total Weight Shipped and Total Amount.

Mod #26 Page break and print byTemperature Zone.

Mod #281 Loading Sheet - Add data entry boxes for Rack, Truck, Flat, Shelf, Cartons and Packages.

Mod #315 Loading Sheet - Move Item Number, Quantity Ordered, Quantity Shipped, and Quantity Shipped (blank line) columns before UOM.

Mod #318 Loading Sheet - Lot Number replaces Line Number and Warehouse Location column.

Mod #318 Loading Sheet - Quantity Shipped (blank line) column is shrunken to allow room for the Lot Number column.

Mod #32 Change Salesperson area in header to Trucking Company.

Mod #321 Loading Sheet - Center document name and add the Customer PO Number underneath the Ship-To Address.

Mod #321 Loading Sheet - Display Line, Case QTY, PC. QTY, UPC Code,Description, Pack Size, Unit Price, BO QTY, and ORD QTY.

Mod #324 Loading Sheet - Show Billed-To instead of Sold-To.

Mod #325 Loading Sheet - Show Bill of Lading instead of Loading Sheet.

Mod #326 Items with a UOM of "PC." will be saved so theywill  all print separately at the end of the loading sheet.

Mod #327 Print the Ship-To Customer's Phone Number in the address information.

Mod #327 Use Register No. instead of Customer No. and use Ship Date instead of Delivery Date.

Mod #341 Loading Sheet - Add customer's Purchase Order Number to header.

Mod #341 Loading Sheet - Replace the Billing Units with Gross Weight.

Mod #344 Print one blank for catchweight items.

Mod #359 Loading Sheet - Change Qty. Order column to Qty.Bill.

Mod #361 Add Ship-To customer's phone number. Modify page footer adding blanks for Location and ID information.

Mod #361 Show actual value of "Quantity Shipped" instead of the fill-in blank

Mod #366 Always print Warehouse Location from inventory file.

Mod #37 with PO Number, Lot NUmber & Order Taker Code

Mod #389 Loading Sheet - Change Brand Name column to use 35 characters for Description.

Mod #39 Loading Sheet - Add Unit Price and UOM.

Mod #403 Ingredient quantities are adjusted to reflect the "Quantity Ordered" value for Kit Item.

Mod #403 Show ingredient breakdown list below Kit Item.

Mod #408 Customize layout.

Mod #41 Loading Sheet - Add area for writing Packer Productivity information.

Mod #425 Loading Sheet - Remove Brand Name column and display all 35 characters of Description.

Mod #426 Do not print fill-in blanks for catchweight detail information.

Mod #442 Loading Sheet - Remove Brand Name column and replace it with Lot Number.

Mod #444 Use Quantity Shipped to determine the number of catchweight lines.

Mod #448 Loading Sheets - Customize for laser printer using design of Type KF invoice.

Mod #45 Loading Sheet - Print date and time of printing and Ordertaker Code.

Mod #46 Default selection option is Number instead of All.

Mod #475 Loading Sheets custom layout.

Mod #484 IFM Option Print Barcode - Print Item Bar Code option.

Mod #49 Loading Sheet - Blanks represent weight info not entered yet.

Mod #49 Loading Sheet - Existing weight info to be shown on the page.

Mod #50 For Retail - Show Quantity Shipped value for Quantity Ordered.

Mod #500 Loading Sheets - Expand Description column to 35 characters by resizing Brand Name to 8 characters.

Mod #504 Loading Sheets - Blank-out the Unit of Measure column if it is not CASE.

Mod #505 Loading Sheets - Move Brand Name column immediately to the left of the Description.

Mod #505 Loading Sheets - Terms is replaced with P.O. Number.

Mod #511 Hot Message dialog customer comment will ONLY be printed on the loading sheet.

Mod #539 Loading Sheets display Total Pieces value in footer.

Mod #540 Loading Sheets  - Modify Order Date to print the day of the week after the date.

Mod #540 Loading Sheets  - Print FOB and Ship Via after the customer's addresses in header.

Mod #55 Loading Sheet - Print option for only "Add On" items to be listed.

Mod #552 Loading Sheets - Brand Name and Pack Size columns are to the left of the Description column when System Option #53 is activated.

Mod #553 Loading Sheets - Items without "Y" in the sixth place of the "Miscellaneous Code" are omitted from the output.

Mod #554 Suppress printing of Customer Payment terms in header.

Mod #56 Loading Sheet - Substitute ShipTo customer number for Bill To customer number.

Mod #560 Force the use of the "CLASS + ITEM" index for printing.

Mod #594 Loading Sheets - Customize layout.

Mod #609 Loading Sheets - Print Lot Reference Column.

Mod #617 Loading Sheets - Add Warehouse Location, Brand Name, Pack Size and Vendor's Item Number columns.

Mod #619 with Lot Number on 2nd line.

Mod #621 Loading Sheets - Add Quantity Shipped column with actual value.

Mod #625 Loading Sheets - Items with Misc Code "U" will print Description in red

Mod #625 Loading Sheets - Print Description lines 2 - 4 and any comment in red.

Mod #626 Loading Sheets - Add Ordertaker Code and Delivery Day and Shrink Salesperson to Sales.

Mod #639 Loading Sheets - Print Lot items in "summary" style without details.

Mod #646 Loading Sheets Customize layout.

Mod #662 Loading Sheets w/ Frozen and Refrigerated items appear on the second Loading Sheet.

Mod #663 Loading Sheets - Add a space between Description and Brand Name columns.

Mod #68 Loading Sheet - Override System Option #8.

Mod #68 Loading Sheet - Print Description lines 3 and 4.

Mod #687 Loading Sheets - Show Warehouse Location and Unit Price.

Mod #689 Prints item's UPC Number as a second data line.

Mod #691 Loading Sheets - Page break by Temp Zone.

Mod #692 Loading Sheet Print One Blank Line per Catchweight Item.

Mod #693 Loading Sheets - Show Warehouse Location, Secondary Warehouse Location and Pack Size.

Mod #699 Loading Sheets - Show all ten characters of Warehouse Location split between two lines.

Mod #707 Loading Sheets - Remove Brand Name column and replace with Last Date and Last Price.

Mod #72 Add column for Tote Number.

Mod #721 Loading Sheets - Change the title of Brand Name column to Code Number.

Mod #721 Loading Sheets - Modify layout to show all 35 characters of Item Description.

Mod #721 Loading Sheets - Replace the Pack Size column with Unit Price.

Mod #722 Print default for "Sort by" option set to Delivery Sequence.

Mod #728 First Category sort is followed by second-level sort by Warehouse Location.

Mod #728 Item Number is the new third-level sort.

Mod #730 Loading Sheets - Show Total Weight in the footer.

Mod #733 Loading Sheets - Header shows P.O. Number immediately above the "Ship-To" address.

Mod #738 Remove customer Contact Name and print Contact Number.

Mod #741 Loading Sheets - Modify layout to show all 35 characters of Item Description.

Mod #746 Loading Sheets - Warehouse Location displays 6 characters.

Mod #805 Loading Sheets - Add a Lot Number column, Add Total Cases and Lot # Total in footer.

Mod #819 Tag New Special Price Entries for Sales Tracking when a product was last sold.

Mod #833 Loading Sheet - Item substitutions listed on Invoice and Loading Sheet.

Mod #85 Loading Sheet - Show Warehouse Location and Pack Size.

Mod #860 List Ingredient Breakdown for Kit Items

Mod #862 Show cutting instructions on sheet

Mod #863 Shows requested price value.

Mod #870 Loading Sheet - Allow lines to specify lot number information on catchweight items.

Mod #871 Loading Sheet - Show Brand Name, Pack Size, Warehouse Location and On Hand Qty.

Mod #883 Loading Sheet Customize layout.

Mod #892 Enable Scanning of Loading Sheets

Mod #892 Enable Scanning of Loading Sheets  - Modify print to enable scanning with wand scanner.

Mod #904 Loading Sheet with Total Ordered Quantity

Mod #909 Type 2 Loading Sheet with 35 Char Description

Mod #913 Loading Sheet Sort by Warehouse using IFM Value

Mod #922 Loading Sheet with 8 Char Warehouse Location.

Mod #932 Loading Sheet with Time Printed

Mod #939 Bill of Lading & customized the printed Sales Order loading sheet.

Mod #945 Print 'Add On' items only" option defauls to "Yes".

Mod #949 Loading Sheet Customize layout.

Mod #988 Loading Sheet - Display all 10 characters of warehouse location data.

Mod #99 Loading Sheet - Adjust line spacing when printing Catchweight blanks.

Mod #996 Suppress the printing of Line 4 of the Item Description.

Loading Sheet Total Pieces Ordered


Mod #1445 Letter of Dunning w/Logo


Mod #1208 Type I Statement - logo correction

Mod #1301 Type I Statement Logo space doubled

Mod #133 Type P Statement - Print company logo at the top of the page.

Mod #455 Type LZ Invoice - Add logo image to page header in place of the distributor name and address panel.

Mod #542 Type SL Invoice - Add company logo, Add Pieces and Brand Name columns.

Mod #550 Type LZ Invoice - Modify to print logo in top right corner

Mod #551 Type Y Statement - Modify to print logo in the top right corner of the page.

Mod #569 Type I Statement - Modify logo area to accept the 1 inch square image that entrée normally uses for a company logo.

Mod #690 Type I Statement - Print logo using appropriate aspect ratio in top left corner.

Mod #794 Type I Statement - Adjust print of company logo.

Mod #83 Type LZ Invoice - Modify header to show company logo.

Mod #867 Type I Statement - Adjust print of company logo.

Lot Warehouse Location

Mod #1353 Print & Sort Loading Sheet using System Option #40.


Mod #1010 Assignment of Lots Oversold - Lot received most recently will be oversold to cover the remaining requirement.

Mod #1021 Print DHEC Shellfish Information using Lot Number on invoice

Mod #1172 Lot Number Only on Loading Sheet not on the Invoice.

Mod #1231 Link Original Lot Information to New Lot

Mod #1246 Loading Sheet with Lot Expiration Date

Mod #1274 Loading Sheet with Lot Numbers & Qty assigned

Mod #1277 Purchase Order Layout Add fill-in blank for Lot Numbers.

Mod #131 Loading Sheet - Add Lot Number. Add Net Weight column with underline to record weights.

Mod #1316 Use "DC" as Default Lot Number

Mod #1318 For Lot "DC" Update On-Hand Qty & On-Hand Weight

Mod #1347 Edit Lot Receipt Date in entrée V4.

Mod #1349 Add Lot Expiration Date to Lot Listing Dialog

Mod #1352 Loading Sheet with Lot Exp Date & Brand Name.

Mod #1353 Print & Sort Loading Sheet by Lot Warehouse Location when System Option #40 is enabled.

Mod #1356 Invoice Lot Items from Purchase Orders

Mod #1386 Print Invoice with Pre-Sold Lots Not Received

Mod #1428 Shows All Available Lot Locations

Mod #1484 Allocate Lot Items when Lots are Assigned in Invoicing

Mod #1499 Inventory On Hand by Lot Report calculates Days Old based off original receipt date

Mod #186 Auto-Assign Lots - Adds the automatic Lot assignment process.

Mod #186 Lot number selected based on the value of the customer's Miscellaneous Code.

Mod #187 Assign Default Lot Number - Incoming lot-based items will automatically be assigned default Lot Number of "PD".

Mod #22 Inventory On Hand (Lot) Report - Show alternative title.

Mod #230 Inventory Transfer - Set the Anniversary Amount of the destination Lot to zero.

Mod #231 Lots Case Items - Reference value of the "case" item is copied to the "piece" item's Lot.

Mod #232 Lots Default Anniversary Values - Set specific default values for Anniversary Days and Anniversary Amount.

Mod #238 Clear Weights on Empty Lots - Add the Clear Weights on Empty Lots utility to zero the weight of empty Lots.

Mod #317 Invoice prints Lot Numbers between the Description and Unit Price Columns.

Mod #318 Loading Sheet - Loading Sheets replaces Line Number and Warehouse Location column.

Mod #356 If no lots contain inventory, assign the entire line item to the newest of the empty lots.

Mod #356 If no lots exist for the item, create a "placeholder" lot with the Lot Number of "DUMMYLOT" and assign the entire line item to this lot.

Mod #356 Modify Automatic Lot Assignment - Assign the entire line item to the first lot which has inventory.

Mod #356 Modify automatic lot-assignment feature in Invoicing.

Mod #356 Review the lots from oldest to newest.

Mod #442 Loading Sheet - Remove Brand Name column and replace it with Lot Number.

Mod #479 Modify Lot File Search - Lot File search in Physical Adjustments edit dialog to show Allocations.

Mod #480 Modify Handling of Lots - In Receiving Real Cost and Average Weight values will be automatically updated by re-averaging the current lot information.

Mod #481 Recalculate Costs and Prices for Lots items by performing a weighted average of the cost information stored with each non-zero lot.

Mod #507 Receive by PO Lot Number Assignment - Assign Purchase Order Number as the Lot Number for all lot-based items in Receiving.

Mod #544 Assign Lots Dialog Suppresses Lot Cost Information

Mod #558 Invoicing will automatically assign Lots using a default value specified in Customer File.

Mod #565 Allow Processing of Lot Items in Invoicing - System Option #21 modified to allow processing of lot-based items in Invoicing.

Mod #586 Update Vendor Information in Receiving for Lots

Mod #609 Loading Sheets - Loading Sheet prints Lot Reference Column.

Mod #611 Assigned Lots  - Quantity Shipped can not change for Lots with no additional inventory.

Mod #639 Loading Sheets - Printed Lots in "summary" style on Loading Sheets.

Mod #749 Convert Sales Order Utility  - Lots will automatically be assigned if System Option #106 is enabled.

Mod #772 Type MB Invoice Show Lots

Mod #805 Loading Sheets - Loading sheet with Lot Number column and Total Cases and Lot # Total in footer.

Mod #839 Prevent Automatic Cost Updates on Lot Items - Prevent Base & Real Cost automatic update.

Mod #850 Show Expiration Date in Assign Lots dialog in invoicing, Available Lots listing shows Expiration Date.

Mod #870 Loading Sheet - Allow lines to specify lot number information on catchweight items.

Mod #873 Show Assigned Lot Numbers on Printed Invoice

Mod #897 Type MB Invoice Add Lot Number column

Mod #926 Restrict Lot Assignment Edits Password Option in invoicing.

Mod #958 Sort Lots so Empty Lots Shown Last

Mod #97 Physical Adjustments / Lots - Automatically assign  P.O. Number.

Mod #97 Physical Adjustments / Lots - Automatically assign Lots on FIFO basis.

Mod #97 Physical Adjustments automatically creates adjusting entries.

Low Inventory

Mod #345 Determine Low Inventory using Cubic Feet

- M -


Mod #1669 Rename "UCS Comm Code" to display "Sysco Cust #"

Make Cash Invoice

Mod #1655 Make Cash Invoice to use Heading Code 99

Make From

Allow System Option #69 to update the Freight Cost of "Make From" items

Make From Feature Add-On module

Mod #1041 Allow any inventory item to be linked  to any other inventory item.

Make From Items

Mod #1041 Revised Make From Feature Add-On module

Mod #248 Enable a Make From relationship be established for ANY inventory item.

Mod #248 Make From items derived from the changed item are also updated.

Mod #248 Option to allow the updating of any Special Prices attached to "Make From".

Mod #38 Make From for PC. Items

Mod #493 Inventory of the master item is adjusted using the Quantity Shipped value of the "made" item.

Mod #546 Update Pricing for Make From Items Defaults to "Yes"

Mod #546 Updates for “Make From” items are also performed in the automatic cost/price update.

Mod #80 Make From items - Real Cost Calculation

Mod #98 Modify handling of weight on "Make From" items

Manufacturer Number

Mod #1315 Purchase Order w/ Manufacturer # & Selling Price.

Mod #647 Type X Invoice - Add MFG # from the Item UPC and print Sub-total, Food Tax, Non Food Tax and a sub-total for Quantity Shipped.

Mark Up

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid "Mark Up"

Market Cost

Mod #1089 Market Cost set to Average of Real Cost

Mod #125 Future Price Global List - - Market Cost used to calculate a new Base Cost value.

Mod #1320 Calculate Base Cost = Market + Markup

Mod #1466 Update Market Cost from Base Cost Utility

Mod #1470 Matrix Pricing based off Market Cost

Mod #1511 Minimum Selling Price Based on Market Cost

Mod #328 Calculate Base Cost off Market Cost

Mod #360 Modify Status area to show Market Cost in P.O. editing dialog.

Mod #435 Change Market Cost value of the item to be calculated as Real Cost plus Freight.

Mod #668 Printing an "Unprinted" Invoice Updates Base, Real and Market costs.

Mod #713 Purchase Orders use Market Cost Value for Unit Price

Market Freight

Mod #1686 Provides Market Freight cost value in Inventory File

Markey Cost

Mod #674 Update Market Cost using Real Cost plus Freight Cost.


Mod #1320 Calculate Base Cost = Market + Markup

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1679 System Option #34 Calc. % Markup for Special Prices

Mod #634 Never Update Price Levels without Markup Values


Mod #955 entrée.NET Save Markup% from Salesperson in Invoice

Master Item

Mod #1497 Rename UNSPSC to Master Item/ Add Password Option #142

Matrix Codes

Mod #21 Accounts Receivable Report - Add Matrix Codes description column.

Matrix Pricing

Mod #1470 Matrix Pricing based off Market Cost

Maximum Case Weight

Mod #1137 Prevent the weight value printed on the label from exceeding this value.

Merchandising Fee

Mod #720 Add a 6% merchandising fee to select customers with Level 8 pricing.

Minimum Delivery Charge

Mod #224 Impose charge when total item count on an invoice is below the specified quantity.

Minimum Invoice Total feature

Mod #397 Invoice Total value will be red anytime it is below the minimum amount specified for the customer.

Minimum Order

Mod #1311 Add Minimum Order & Lead Time to Inventory

Minimum Sell Price

EopMod #35 Replace the Minimum Sell Price with the price set in Price Level 3.

Mod #1011 Restrict Special Price Edits using Minimum Sell Price password option.

Mod #1202 Assigned Level Price for Customer is Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #146 Use mark-up percent formula to calculate Minimum Sell Price value.

Mod #1511 Minimum Selling Price Based on Market Cost

Mod #469 Change Minimum Sell Price Password Option that will have operator verify their price when the entered price is lower than Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #474 Below Minimum Sell Price Warning - Change warning so it does not display actual price value.

Mod #474 Below Minimum Sell Price Warning -Working Unit Price value is not updated with the Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #599 Overrides the "Override Minimum Sell Price" password option.

Mod #599 Prevent Selling Below Minimum Sell Price

Mod #682 Quotations Shows Base Cost & Minimum Sell Price

Mod #683 Override Minimum Sell Price Password Option

Mod #763 Break Price Below Minimum Sell Price

Mod #764 Sale Price Below Minimum Sell Price without a warning.

Mod #771 Substitute Price Levels 1 and 5 for Minimum Sell Price in Invoicing" password option.

Mod #771 Use Non-Zero Level Prices 1 or 5 as Minimum Sell Price

Mod #810 Prevent Special Prices below Base Cost or Minimum Sell

Mod #823 Allow Below Cost Prices Option

Mod #864 Allow a Locked Special Price to go below Minimum Sell Price.

Minimum Selling Price

Mod #1680 Price Level 4 as Minimum Selling Price in Invoicing

Misc. Code

Mod #1465 Enhance Mod #705 Proprietary Territory Code

Miscellaneous Code

Mod #1228 Modify Level Pricing Utility Excludes Item By Misc Code

Mod #1251 Print Invoice By Customer Miscellaneous Code Option

Mod #148 Prompts for Processing Instructions

Mod #71 Add dialog box with a list of pre-defined processing instructions by Misc Code.

Mod #1515 Extend the behavior of Mod #993 and Mod #1429 into Change Invoice

Mod #1518 - Alter the sort order used for items on Quotations.

Mod #1521

Mod #1525 entrée.MW - Provide a freight cost adjustment for warehouse inventory

Mod #1527

Mod #1530

Mod #1534 - Modify non-dynamic Statement Type 7 to include Salesmen # and change font type/size.

Mod #1535 - Add the "Allow selling below Base Cost" option to the miscellaneous tab of CFM.

Mod #1539 Modify Invoice Type X to fit print out properly.

Mod #1547 - Modify the layout of the Invoice Type LE.

Mod #1560 - Customer Order Forms Report Price Indicators

Mod #1567 - Modify the printed quotation

Mod #1567 - Modify the printed quotation to remove QTY QUOTE/UOM/BILLING UNITS and add BRAND NAME.

Mod #1616 Modify sort order in Change Invoice

Mod #1617 Add option to Commodity Report

Mod 198

Mod #1607 Set Default Return Code to ''Spoilage''

Mod#1538 - Omit Description Lines 2-3 on Purchase Orders.

Modify Assign Route

Mod #1647 Modify Assign Routes

Mod #1717 Modify Assign Routes Route and Stop Information

Modify Level Pricing

Mod #1228 Modify Level Pricing Utility Excludes Item By Misc Code

Mod #1314 Modify Level Pricing Run Once by TEA Scheduler

Modify printing process

Modify the footer of the Loading Sheet

Monetary Exchange

Mod #523 Monetary Exchange Rate Mechanism

Mod #779 Update Exchange Rates utility.

Mod #779 Using multiple exchange rates per currency.

MTD History

Mod #917 Substitution History feature.

MTD Sales

Mod #486 Enable "Begins with" option of the search feature.

Mod #820 MTD Sales Default Search Window

Mod #838 Add MTD Sales Button to Inventory File


Mod #737 Add-on module entrée.MW.

- N -

Narrow Carriage Printer

Mod #538 Type BD Invoice for narrow carriage printer

Mod #717 Type DF Invoice for narrow carriage printer


Mod #1326 Allow for negative quantities/weights in Receive by PO

Net Weight

Mod #131 Loading Sheet - Add Lot Number. Add Net Weight column with underline to record weights.

Mod #242 Type 2 Invoice Show Net Weight

New Items

Mod #1586 Default the Special Pricing Markup Basis

No Charge

Mod #439 Prevent Items from Being Sold at No Charge by displaying a message when the operator attempts to sell an item with a Unit Price of zero.

No Ship

Mod #1620 Add new "No Ship" option to CFM

Non Food Tax

Mod #647 Type X Invoice - Add MFG # from the Item UPC and print Sub-total, Food Tax, Non Food Tax and a sub-total for Quantity Shipped.

Non-Standard Order Items

Mod #485 Confirm Non-Standard Order Items

Mod #753 Alert for Non-Standard Order Item

Non-stock Items

Mod #330 Block System Option #14 for Non-Stock Items

Mod #473 Non-Stock Items Display in Standard Order

Mod #768 Edit Description in Invoicing Option


Mod #853 Add Special Notes to Customer File

Number of Copies

Mod #1044 Dialog saves/reuses "Number of Copies" value and check collate.

- O -


Mod #878 Type 2 Invoice OCR for entrée.DOC

Mod #985 Bill of Lading for OCR - entrée.DOC

On Order Calculations

Mod #1405 On Order Calcualtions Uses Day before Invoice Date

Open AR Listing

Mod #1267 Add Payments and Credit/Discount columns.

Mod #234 Modify layout of Print Open Receivables on Invoice.

Mod #492 Set order of Open AR for printing on invoices.

Mod #709 Print Open Receivables on Invoice

Mod #760 Limit printing of Open AR list to amounts older than 30 days.

Open ARs

Mod #759 Add Days Old column to the part of the Open AR listing on printed invoices

Open POs

Mod #1405 On Order Calcualtions Uses Day before Invoice Date

Open Receivables

Mod #235 Invoice Type 2

Mod #305 Omit Invoices 3 Days Old or Less for customer

Mod #514 Invoice Prints Open Receivables.

Order Breakdown

Mod #350 Order Breakdown has No Weekend Days

Order Confirmation

Mod #295 Type P2 / PS Invoice - Print either a regular invoice (PS) or an Order Confirmation (P2).

Order Date

Mod #1562 Modify the Customer Listing Report

Order Email

Mod #1653 Modify the Order Confirmation Email

Order Forms

Order Forms Report

Mod #1370 Validate Customers for Reports added to Mod #680

Order Giver

Mod #698 Invoices Require Order Giver Value to be filled in before items.

Order Guide

Mod #57 Print Order Guide automatically when invoice is printed.

Order Guide Report

NetMod #10 Modify the layout of the Order Guide / Product Listing report.

Order Point

Mod #1414 Recalculate Order Point Utility

Order Taker Call List

Mod #1020 Filter Ordertaker Call List by Route

Mod #1151 Create Invoice Call List Mod #680 Filters

Mod #1162 Order Taker Call List button to manipulate pricing.

Mod #296 Ordertaker Call List

Mod #296 Remove any customer with activity, including an invoice cancellation.

Mod #412 Modify so Ordertake Code of the customer is ignored so any and all customers requiring a call will be listed.

Order Taker Code

Mod #1392 Customer Account Inquiry Restriction added to Mod #680

Mod #412 Modify so Ordertake Code of the customer is ignored so any and all customers requiring a call will be listed.

Ordertaker Call List

Mod #1046 Temporary Override Customer Call Time

Ordertaker Code

Mod #1142 Loading Sheet - Loading sheet to show "Ordertaker Code" and "Time Entered".

Mod #1211 Restrict Customer File Access added to Mod #680

Mod #1285 Loading Sheet with Unit Price & Ordertaker Code

Mod #1370 Validate Customers for Reports added to Mod #680

Mod #417 Allow Order Taker Value Changes

Mod #45 Loading Sheet - Print date and time of printing and Ordertaker Code.

Mod #626 Loading Sheets - Add Ordertaker Code and Delivery Day and Shrink Salesperson to Sales.

Mod #680 Restrict Access to Customer Invoice by Ordertaker Code, Alternate Order Taker Feature expanded.

Outstanding Balances Report

Mod #309 Outstanding Balances Report - Print Customer Payment Terms and Customer Payment Method.

Over Cost

Mod #434 Modify Calculation of Price Levels so that % Over Cost values are treated as $ Over Cost.


Mod #1279 Password Option - Change Item's Oversell Status

Mod #1287 Change Prevent Oversell System Option #80

Mod #1321 Prevent Oversell Checks POs

Mod #253 Override Prevent Oversell

Mod #374 Prevent Oversell / Breaking of Cases

Mod #696 Prevent Oversell Default "Allow Item to be Oversold"

Mod #882 Prevent Oversell Warning Provides No Default Option

Mod #920 Prevent Oversell to Ignore Open Purchase Orders

- P -


P.O. Checkoff List

Mod #3 Filter by Vendor Misc Code.

P.O. Number

Mod #1540 Show Customer P.O. Number in Credit Memo header

P.O. Receiving Report

Mod #214 P.O. Receiving Report - defaults to "Landscape" orientation for laser printer.

Mod #409 P.O. Receiving Report - Show a "Tot. Frt" value at the end of the report.

Mod #637 P.O. Receiving Report - Calculates and displays a Cost: Extended Freight column.

Pack Size

EopMod #37 Add Brand, Unit and Pack to Item Grid

Mod #1085 Purchase Order w/ Pack Size

Mod #1153 Purchase Order w/ Pack Size.

Mod #1422 Brand Name & Pack Size Position on Invoice

Mod #362 Show Pack Size and Location on P.O. second data line for each item.

Mod #938 Purchase Order Layout w/ Item Pack Size

Packer ID

Mod #1368 Scan Barcode for Invoice # & Packer ID and open Packer Productivity dialog

Packer Name

Mod #213 Loading Sheet - Add a line for Packer Name and in footer show Total Number of Units Sold.

Packer Productivity

Mod #1070 Added "Completed By" and "Cases Pulled" values.

Mod #1368 Scan Barcode for Invoice # & Packer ID and open Packer Productivity dialog

Mod #297 Modify edit dialog to match the customized layout.

Mod #41 Loading Sheet - Add area for writing Packer Productivity information.

Mod #834 Change the Data Layout in the Packer Productivity Dialog

Packer Productivity Report

Mod #1070 Added column options for "Completed By" and "Cases Pulled" values.

Mod #245 Packer Productivity Report - Replace Items Not Pulled with Frozen Items Not Pulled.


Mod #1455 Add TI/HI Feature to Inventory File

Pass Through Value System (PTV)

Mod #1087 Customer's commodity balances can be viewed as weights.


Mod #1688 Allow selling below Landed Cost Password Option

Password Option

Mod #1008 Override Min/Max in Enter Weights Password Option

Mod #1011 Restrict Special Price Edits using Minimum Sell Price password option.

Mod #1122 Allow Edit of Taxable Items password option.

Mod #1236 Password options to limit price changes in invoicing by customer assigned price level.

Mod #1261 Password Option - Edit Unit Price in Invoicing for items on a Bid Price.

Mod #1279 Password Option - Change Item's Oversell Status

Mod #1328 Receive by PO Defaults to Average Method - "Override cost change setting in Receive by Purchase Order"

Mod #1505 Add 4 Passwords Options for Editing Description Lines

Mod #432 Password for Invoice Date

Mod #453 Allow Edit of Special Prices allowed when the cost value is hidden.

Mod #469 Change Minimum Sell Price Password Option that will have operator verify their price when the entered price is lower than Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #599 Prevent Selling Below Minimum Sell Price

Mod #612 Password Required to Authorize Large Invoices

Mod #614 Allow Invoice Changes Password Option - invoice changes after Loading Sheet prints.

Mod #654 Modify Hide Cost in File Maintenance Option - Allow editing of Special Prices

Mod #683 Override Minimum Sell Price Password Option

Mod #684 Allow Sales Order changes after Release print

Mod #701 Activate 'Inactive' items in purchasing

Mod #702 Change Item Stock Status Password Option

Mod #703 Edit Accounting Information in Customer File Maintenance Password Option

Mod #729 Receive by PO Default is Cost Only - Average Method

Mod #736 Limit Comment Editing in Invoicing Password Option

Mod #771 Use Non-Zero Level Prices 1 or 5 as Minimum Sell Price

Mod #810 Prevent Special Prices below Base Cost or Minimum Sell

Mod #821 Change Invoice After Three Days Password Option

Mod #832 Allow Any Item Substituted for any Other Item

Mod #835 View Real Cost in Quick Price Change Password Option

Mod #840 Add New Customers in Customer File Password Option

Mod #852 Password Option Sales Order Credit Limit

Mod #853 Add Special Notes to Customer File

Mod #872 Hide Prices on Allocation Status Display Option

Mod #923 Password Option Restrict Changes to Invoice Date

Mod #926 Restrict Lot Assignment Edits Password Option

Mod #953 Password Option / Prevent Blank Required Fields in Files

Mod #963 Allow Editing of Real Cost Password Option

Mod #992 Allow Editing Only on Cost/Price Tab Password Option

Payment Due

Mod #555 Suppress printing of "Payment Due" message.

Payment Notify Tag Feature

Mod #999


Mod #1406 Retail Invoicing - Features for Charges & Payments

Mod #1578 Modify the Credit Hold System


Mod #1072 Type MP Invoice - Changed to use the PDF layout as a laser form.

Mod #1088 Loading Sheet Print Saves PDF file.

Mod #1237 Invoice PDF from System Option #158

PDF Invoice

Mod #1606 Upload .DOC Invoices Through the Import Utility


Mod #1698 Assign Fuel Surcharge as % of the Inv/SO Total


Mod #463 Display warning if PERCS data has not been entered.

Physical Adjustments

Mod #203 Accept inventory information on a "per location" basis.

Mod #479 Modify Lot File Search - Lot File search in edit dialog shows Allocations.

Mod #506 Physical Adjustments automatically prompts for next item

Mod #525 Purchase History Shows Physical Adjustments

Mod #675 Physical Adjustments by Class shows Warehouse Location.

Mod #97 Physical Adjustments / Lots - Automatically create adjusting entries for Lots.

Physical Update

Mod #981 Writes to an external file in a SQL Server database instead of the ARPHYS file.

Pick List Report

Mod #204 Pick List Report - On Order column only reflects purchases that are scheduled to arrive on before the ending date.

Mod #51 Pick List Report - Page break when the first character of Warehouse Location changes.

Mod #652 Pick List Report - Add blank lines for entering catchweight information.

Mod #704 Pick List Report - Add option to "Only print for customers that have not yet been printed".

Mod #89 Pick List Report - Print beginning & ending invoice number range.

Mod #914 Pick List Report - Add Barcoded Invoice Number for scanning.

Picked Up items

Mod #251 Picked Up items listed in a separate category.

Picking Labels

Mod #1061 Print Picking Labels Enhancement - Create Invoice allows you to click on the “print single labels regardless of quantity” option.

Mod #1070 Option to print added to Enter Packer Information dialog.

Mod #1134 Picking Labels - Generate customized DHEC shellfish labels.

Mod #13 Picking Labels  Sort by Temperature Zone.

Mod #1449 Custom Picking Labels Print By Box

Mod #15 Sort Picking Labels - Sort by Invoice + Sequence + Item.

Mod #153 Picking Labels Print Order - Print Invoice picking labels in the same order as they were entered.

Mod #1592 Modify the Picking Label Print Qty

Mod #468 Custom Picking Labels layout

Mod #724 Picking Labels "Exclude PC. items" from printing option.

Mod #755 Picking Labels for DHEC Items can be sent to 2 different printers using 2 report configurations.

Mod #818 Picking Labels  - Items with UOM  of CASE, PAIL and BAG will print a single label.

Picking Labels Report

Mod #1070 Automatically print report in Enter packer Information utility.

Mod #762 Picking Labels Report - Dates initialized to blank values.

Picking Zone

Mod #1683 New Picking Zone field in Inventory File Maintenance

Piece Item

EopMod #24 Scanning Credits Uses the Piece Item

Mod #724 Picking Labels "Exclude PC. items" from printing option.

Mod #901 Purchase Order w/ Piece Item Number

Piece Price

EopMod #17 Add "Piece Price" Column


Mod #219 Loading Sheet - Show the PKR CODE that is stored in the UPC field for the item in Description.

PO Checkoff Utility

Mod #900 PO Checkoff Utility Enter Invoice# & Date

PO On Hand Quantity

Mod #1313 Add field to Create/Change Purchase Order

PO Status Report

Mod #1482 Add Pick Up Fields to Edit PO Miscellaneous Dialog


Potato Route Feature

Mod #340 Potato Route Feature

Prevent Blank

Mod #953 Password Option / Prevent Blank Required Fields in Files

Prevent Edit

Mod #1007 Filter Customers in Change Invoice added to Mod #680

Prevent Oversell

Mod #1287 Calculate the inventory available from Purchase Orders so that it counts orders due on or before the "Order Date".

Mod #1287 Change Prevent Oversell System Option #80

Mod #1321 Prevent Oversell Checks POs

Mod #253 Override Prevent Oversell

Mod #374 Prevent Oversell / Breaking of Cases - Restore the DOS-style behavior so breaking of cases is not included.

Mod #696 Prevent Oversell Default "Allow Item to be Oversold"

Mod #882 Invoicing warning will not allow the user to select a "default" option.

Mod #882 Prevent Oversell Warning Provides No Default Option

Mod #920 Prevent Oversell to Ignore Open Purchase Orders


Price Change Indicator

Mod #1666 Modify the Inventory Price List report

Price Change Indicators

Mod #1666 Inv Price List Report uses Price Change Indicators

Price Level

Mod #1680 Price Level 4 as Minimum Selling Price in Invoicing

Mod #1687 Option to Round Price Levels to the nearest 9 cents

Price Level 1

Mod #172 Changes to price level markup percentage of Price Level 1 trigger dialogs.

Mod #172 Dialog to ask if percentage change should be applied to remaining levels.

Mod #172 Dialog to determine how much the percentage has changed.

Price Levels

Mod #338 Show Gross Profit, Price Levels 1, 2 and 3.

Mod #434 Modify Calculation of Price Levels so that % Over Cost values are treated as $ Over Cost.

Mod #447 Show Price Levels 1, 2 and 3 in the status area of invoice editing.

Mod #528 Display on Status area on page 2 Price Levels 1- 4 of the item.

Mod #634 Never Update Price Levels without Markup Values

Price List Report

Mod #119 Price List Report - Change the way Exclude Items Out of Stock works.

Mod #1248 Price List Report 3 Column Layout Option

Mod #2 Telxon Item Number - Column option control Telxon Item Number.

Mod #48 Price List Report - Check Total Weight against Min/Max Weight in catchweight entry.

Mod #658 Inventory On Hand/ Price List Reports - Add Date on Box column.

Mod #887 Prints customer's fax number and primary e-mail address in custom style.


#1551 Utility to track Average Transaction pricing of an item

Mod #1162 Order Taker Call List button to manipulate pricing.

Mod #1236 Limit Price Changes By Price Level in Invoicing Password Options.

Mod #1391 Increase Pricing By Percent for entrée Version 3.

Mod #357 Use "Real + Freight" cost basis option for calculating Level prices and customer Special prices.

Mod #367 All updates to "floating" prices are done manually.

Mod #367 Prevent automatic updating of "floating" price levels.

Mod #434 All price levels are to be rounded to two decimal places with the exception of Level 4 which will be rounded to four decimal places.

Mod #434 Modify Calculation of Price Levels so that % Over Cost values are treated as $ Over Cost.

Mod #481 Recalculate Costs and Prices for Lots by performing a weighted average of the cost information stored with each non-zero lot.

Mod #481 Use Real Cost value from utility to recalculate Base Cost, Level Prices and Customer Special Prices.

Mod #563 Suggested Retail Price calculation changed to bypass the piece item safety check.

Mod #634 Never Update Price Levels without Markup Values

Mod #64 Pricing - Use Price Level 2 pricing if assigned level price is zero.

Mod #763 Break Price Below Minimum Sell Price

Mod #764 Sale Price Below Minimum Sell Price without a warning.

Mod #778 Add Freight 2 Cost, Duty Cost, & Wharfage Cost to item costing system.

Mod #829 Allow Customer Special Prices to Override Group Pricing

Mod #846 Add Tier Pricing

Primary Vendor

Mod #1471 Define Per LB Freight Rate for Vendors


Mod #1487 Print in Change Invoice Defaults to Invoice

Mod #1496 Unit Price on Printed Invoices Supports 8 Characters

Print Cutlist EOP

Mod #1629 Print Cutlist with each Invoice

Print Date

Mod #1634 Modify the Print by Date option

Print Deposit Slip

Mod #849 Allow individual receipts to be designated as Cash.

Print Invoice

Mod #1053 Only close this dialog with Cancel or "X".

Mod #1053 The Scan Loading Sheets dialog will be automatically displayed after printing a batch of invoices.

Mod #1188 Print Class in Bold Text

Mod #1251 Print Invoice By Customer Miscellaneous Code Option

Mod #1280 Print Invoice Uses Customer Item Number

Mod #1386 Print Invoice with Pre-Sold Lots Not Received

Mod #140 Print Invoice box defaults to unchecked.

Mod #913 Loading Sheet Sort by Warehouse using IFM Value

print jobs

Print Label Invoice

Mod #1646 Print Picking Labels by Invoice

Print Loading Sheet

Mod #1601 Loading Sheet Print Mod

Print Statements

Mod #349 Option to print Statements for Bill To & Ship To.

Printed PO

Mod #1423 Sort for Items on Printed POs

Printed Quotation


Mod #10 Print default is Invoice only.

Mod #1034 Do not print invoices with items where Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped do not match.

Mod #1044 Dialog saves/reuses "Number of Copies" value and check collate.

Mod #1065 Use warehouse location taken at time of printing.

Mod #1088 Loading Sheet Print Saves PDF file.

Mod #1143 Print Checks Remove Dollar Sign from Check Amount.

Mod #1172 Lot Number Only on Loading Sheet

Mod #1273 AP Print Checks Uses Signature Graphic

Mod #1304 Print Loading Sheet Separates Cut Items

Mod #1344 Save & Print Deleted/Add On Items on Loading Sheet

Mod #1353 Print & Sort Loading Sheet by Lot Warehouse Location when System Option #40 is enabled.

Mod #1462 Check Stub Printing

Mod #1500 Print has Collate Unchecked by Default

Mod #1514 Customize the Printing of Loading Sheets

Mod #1555 Add filters to the Statement Print form.

Mod #1579 Print invoices in Vertical Duplex mode

Mod #1613 Provide the Print "Changed" Only Option

Mod #165 Default selection set to "by Number" for Purchase Orders, Loading Sheets and Bills of Lading

Mod #223 Saving an invoice will automatically print the invoice using the default print configuration.

Mod #235 Modify print of Open Receivables listing so that a 12 cpi font is used instead of 10 cpi.

Mod #254 Round invoice total columns to nearest dollar.

Mod #276 Show Blanks for Missing Weights.

Mod #388 Invoice Printing Options dialog displayed will default to no document selected for printing.

Mod #414 Print Invoice is set to "Off" when loading an invoice for editing.

Mod #487 Print Invoices Alphabetically by Item Description.

Mod #492 Set order of Open AR for printing on invoices.

Mod #497 When printing by Invoice Number, the setup dialog will automatically re-open when print process is complete.

Mod #513 Only print Invoice Description Lines 1 & 2 when System Option #8 is turned off.

Mod #514 When Invoices print Open Receivables, credits are not included.

Mod #515 When an invoice has Terms "C.O.D. print the Comment with the code of "C.O.D.".

Mod #520 Tobacco Tax

Mod #560 Force the use of the "CLASS + ITEM" index for printing Invoices and Loading Sheets.

Mod #604 Use the Receipts printer for Type AR Invoices

Mod #605 Print Invoices Using Receipts Printer

Mod #618 Print Spanish Item Descriptions on lines 3 & 4.

Mod #665 Add a check for dates on "dated" items before printing.

Mod #668 Printing an "Unprinted" Invoice Updates Base, Real and Market costs.

Mod #686 Use full 10 character value in document printing.

Mod #711 Print Invoice Uses Ship To Customer Number

Mod #717 Type DF Invoice for narrow carriage printer

Mod #722 Default for "Sort by" option set to Delivery Sequence for Invoices and Loading Sheets.

Mod #723 Sort and group line items for printing using the contents of Description Line 4.

Mod #751 Invoice Printing Suppresses Description lines 2 & 3.

Mod #806 Automatically Fax Invoice Copy to replace invoice printing.

Mod #873 Show Assigned Lot Numbers on Printed Invoice

Mod #886 Printing invoices does not override Line 4 of Item Description.

Mod #888 Invoice prints Item Notes.

Mod #895 Add the Invoice Number as a Barcode on the printed invoice.

Mod #919 Saving will automatically print invoices using the default print configuration.

Mod #945 Print 'Add On' items only" option defauls to "Yes".

Mod #996 Suppress the printing of Line 4 of the Item Description.

Printing & Sorting

Mod #1596 Defaults "Invoice Printing Options" for Sales Orders

Mod #1601 Loading Sheet Print Mod

Mod #1602 Add the ability to print UPC on Invoices

Mod #1629 Print Cutlist with each Invoice

Mod #1634 Modify the Print by Date option

Printing and Sorting

Mod #1648 Auto Print Load Sheet

Mod #1668 Disable Service Charge Printing if charge is zero

Pro Forma

Mod#1603 Pro-Forma Document

Process Scan-In Data

Mod #1454 Automatically Post Scan-In Items


Mod #607 Pass Through Value program

Product Listing Report

NetMod #10 Modify the layout of the Order Guide / Product Listing report.


Mod #1191 CFM Add Customer Promotions Default

Mod #130 Promotion #1 Ending Date not required.

Mod #1331 Mark Items with "P" for Promotion for Invoices /Sales Orders.

Mod #1332 Option to Disable Promotion on Invoice

Mod #1333 Brand Promotions with UOM Exclusion

Mod #1379 Changes for Promotions & System Option #195

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

Mod #1393 Do not deduct Promotion Amount

Mod #334 Promotions for Zero-Cost Items - Allows promotions regardless of the Unit Price value.

Mod #334 Promotions for Zero-Cost Items.

Mod #428 Promotions Use Quantity Ordered when deciding if an item qualifies to for a promotion.

Mod #826 Suppress "Item Qualifies for Promotion" Message

Proof of Delivery Add-On Module

Mod #1340 entrée.POD Proof of Delivery System

Proprietary Territory Code

Mod #1465 Enhance Mod #705 Proprietary Territory Code

Prospects Tab

Net-EopMod #38 Alternate Prospect Status Levels


Mod #313 Canadian Taxes

PTV Program

Mod #607 Pass Through Value program

Pull Sheet

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day - Initialize the default report date(s) to the day after current System Date.

Pull Sheet Report

Mod #316 Modify to print a line containing "DATE: ____/____/________" when there is an item being printed that has a miscellaneous code of "D".

Mod #319 Add a checkbox that will be checked by default to activate catchweight format.

Mod #319 Catchweight information line will print below a catchweight item.

Mod #319 Pull Sheet Report Activate Catchweight Format

Mod #756 Changed Items Only feature triggered by number of labels printed for the item.

Mod #756 Pull Sheet Report Changed Items Only Feature

Purchase Date

Mod #1639 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Mod #1640 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Purchase History

Mod #525 Purchase History Shows Physical Adjustments

Mod #676 Purchase History Information - On Hand Quantity value listed will be "true on hand".

Mod #734 Display so Unit Cost is viewed without scrolling.

Purchase Order

Mod #1051 Purchase Order w/ Brand Name.

Mod #1063 Region Code Processing

Mod #1085 Purchase Order w/ Pack Size

Mod #1105 Replace Description Line 1 with Line 4.

Mod #1108 Add Expected Receipt Date to POs.

Mod #111 Allow "inactive" inventory items to be added to P.O.

Mod #1153 Purchase Order w/ Pack Size.

Mod #1157 PO Batch Mode sort by Class then Description.

Mod #1158 Items can be added to POs using Vendor Item Number or entrée Item Number.

Mod #1194 Customize PO layout.

Mod #1226 Link PO to Invoice so the Invoice will distribute the value of the Purchase Order across the line items.

Mod #1277 PO Print includes Purchase Order Terms document.

Mod #1277 Purchase Order Layout Add fill-in blank for Lot Numbers.

Mod #1315 Purchase Order w/ Manufacturer # & Selling Price.

Mod #1345 Purchase Order w/ Brand Name.

Mod #1356 Invoice Lot Items from Purchase Orders

Mod #1473 Add Buyer's Utility to Create POs

Mod #1476 Print PO with Buyer Code & Time Stamp

Mod #1482 Add Pick Up Fields to Edit PO Miscellaneous Dialog

Mod #151 Customize layout.

Mod #165 Default selection set to "by Number" for Purchase Orders, Loading Sheets and Bills of Lading

Mod #17 Purchase Order Layout adds Warehouse Location, shows "our item number", Pack Size and Total Weight.

Mod #171 Include  text "CONFIRMATION REQUIRED" in header.

Mod #171 List "Note 3" value in Vendor File as first line of Ship To.

Mod #171 Show item's Real and Base costs in the second data line for each item.

Mod #226 Customize layout.

Mod #269 Center the data for the Vendor Item Number column.

Mod #27 P.O. Shows Total Gross Weight

Mod #280 Items with zero "Order Point" value will be processed in the "Batch" mode.

Mod #287 Do not restrict the use of  "inactive" inventory items when creating a P.O.

Mod #293  P.O. shows "Cases per layer" and "Layers per pallet" when printing.

Mod #298 Show the Vendor Special Instructions at the end of the item details on P.O.

Mod #301 Force all P.O. edits to be handled through the pop-up window.

Mod #302 P.O.  pop-up window prompts for Item UPC Number from the Inventory File.

Mod #31 Purchase Order with Warehouse Location

Mod #360 Modify Status area to show Market Cost in P.O. editing dialog.

Mod #362 Show Pack Size and Location on P.O. second data line for each item.

Mod #386 On P.O. add Broker information, show Broker Name, Broker Phone Number, Broker Fax Number and Vendor Phone Number.

Mod #420 On P.O. replace Weight Ordered field with Group Code.

Mod #436 Accept entry of the Equalization, Bill Back and Accrual values.

Mod #436 Add customized calculation to establish the Base Cost of the item using Equalization, Bill Back and Accrual values.

Mod #436 Purchase Order Base Cost Calculation

Mod #437 Customize layout.

Mod #446 Auto Generate Purchase Orders - Add option for process output to go to a simple report instead of live "Purchase Orders.

Mod #466 Inventory On Hand Report - Allow for 13 days of P.O.’s to be shown in individual column.

Mod #484 IFM Option Print Barcode - Print Item Bar Code option.

Mod #535 Remove the Receive By and Posted By lines from footer.

Mod #536 Limit Items in Purchase Order Batch Mode

Mod #537 Purchase Order Fax Number Layout

Mod #556 Add vendor contact information and special instructions in P.O. footer

Mod #600 Accept Entry of Item Discount Value in Purchasing and display item discount value when printed.

Mod #641 Auto-Generate Purchase Order Feature

Mod #643 Transfer data from Sales Order to Purchase Order

Mod #644 Show customer's P.O. Number immediately below the "Ship-To".

Mod #650 Customized Landscape Purchase Order

Mod #701 Activate 'Inactive' items in purchasing password option.

Mod #701 Allow items in an "Inactive" state to be restored to "Active" status.

Mod #706 Auto-Generate Purchase Order Feature updated so invoices can be filtered by Customer Industry Code.

Mod #713 Purchase Orders use Market Cost Value for Unit Price

Mod #775 entrée.FMS Uses Purchase Date for Work Order Date

Mod #782 Receive by PO New Fields - Store Arrival Date and Bill of Lading Number fields.

Mod #783 Add Real Cost remove Weight Ordered.

Mod #809 Use Broker information for Contact Name and Number.

Mod #811 Modify Auto-Generate Purchase Order feature to consolidate to a single line item.

Mod #889 Customized landscape oriented layout.

Mod #901 Purchase Order w/ Piece Item Number

Mod #920 Prevent Oversell to Ignore Open Purchase Orders

Mod #921 Purchase Order Shows Total Cubes

Mod #924 Create new Type CI Purchase Order.

Mod #930 Purchase Order w/ Brand Name

Mod #938 Purchase Order Layout w/ Item Pack Size

Mod #94 Purchase Order with In-house Item Number

Mod #979 Purchase Order w/ Option for UPC Code instead of the item SKU.

Purchase Order Number

Mod #1656 PDF Invoice Filename to use Purchase Order Number

Mod #7 P.O. Number Default is Blank

Purchase Orders

#1588 - Modify System Option 203 to exclude POs when the expected date is null.

Mod #1577 - Restrict the user when Receiving by PO


Mod #1029 Display / Activate Inactive Items on POs.

Mod #1029 Reactivate items.

Mod #1029 View inactive items in search.

Mod #1198 Purchasing Batch Entry Mode w/ Brand Name.

Mod #1199 Change the averaging of Supplemental Purchase Order costs.

Mod #1199 Receive by PO Supplemental PO Costs.

Mod #1200 Supplemental PO Calculation of Freight Value By Units.

Mod #1559 Modify Receive by PO and Change PO screens

Mod #1577 - Restrict the user when Receiving by PO

Mod #1585 Modify the Posting Date in Enter Payables

Mod #600 Accept Entry of Item Discount Value in Purchasing and display item discount value when printed.

Mod #827 Warn If item Has Not Previously Been Purchased

Purchasing & Purchase Orders

Mod #1326 Allow for negative quantities/weights in Receive by PO

Mod #1557 Drop Ship POs

Mod #16340Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Mod #1639 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Mod #1657 Modify the Standard PO form

Purchasing and Purchase Orders

Mod#1543 Custom purchase order form Type "NL" per specs on file.


Mod #431 Purge Customer Item History

Pyrimont ProfiTouch

NetMod #3 Add a Pyrimont ProfiTouch compatible order text file.

- Q -


Mod #1083 Canada Add QST & GST/HST

Mod #1084 Show QST & GST/HST Values

Qty Ordered

Mod #1374 Create Invoice Add Item Process Prompt Order

Mod #139 Qty Ordered / Qty Shipped Use Decimals

Mod #195 Type X Invoice - Quantity Ordered column to respect the settings of the "Allow Decimals in Invoicing".

Mod #260 Always use Quantity Ordered for Total Cases count.

Mod #844 Type MD Invoice - Add Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped columns.

Mod #9 Format of Qty Ordered field has 2 decimal places.

Qty Shipped

Mod #139 Qty Ordered / Qty Shipped Use Decimals

Mod #144 Eliminate Quantity Shipped prompt for Catchweight items.

Mod #209 Loading Sheet - Quantity Shipped replaces Quantity Ordered

Mod #239 Default Quantity Shipped Zero

Mod #441 Review all items and block invoices from being printed if one or more items have a Quantity Shipped is zero.

Mod #611 Assigned Lots  - Quantity Shipped can not change for Lots with no additional inventory.

Mod #647 Type X Invoice - Add MFG # from the Item UPC and print Sub-total, Food Tax, Non Food Tax and a sub-total for Quantity Shipped.

Mod #844 Type MD Invoice - Add Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped columns.

Quick Price Change

Mod #1453 Edit Special Prices w/Editable Special Base Cost

Mod #1685 Quick Price Change Save Button Default Enabled

Mod #248 Enable a Make From relationship be established for ANY inventory item.

Mod #248 Make From items derived from the changed item are also updated.

Mod #248 Option to allow the updating of any Special Prices attached to "Make From".

Mod #264 Block updates to level pricing when cost of item is changed.

Mod #427 Manual Price Changes Blocks Unit Price Update of line items during invoice editing.

Mod #54 Quick Price Change - Change invoice updates both Cost and Price.

Mod #835 View Real Cost in Quick Price Change Password Option


Mod #1081 IIF format file for import.

Mod #934 entrée.QB QuickBooks Linker add-on Module.



Mod #1065 Use warehouse location taken at time of printing.

Mod #155 Quotations Ordered by Item Number - Print item list ordered by Item Number.

Mod #157 Quotations Show Base Cost of item in editing.

Mod #332 Quotations Sort Order - Sort in Change Quotation and Print Quotation so  items listed by Class, then Description 2 and then Description 1.

Mod #366 Always print Warehouse Location from inventory file.

Mod #379 Quotation Document Header - Replace "Quotation" document name in header with "QUOTATION___PICKUP TICKET (CREDIT PENDING ITEM RETURN)"

Mod #682 Quotations Shows Base Cost & Minimum Sell Price

Mod #828 Sort Printed Quotations Alphanumerically

Mod #840 Add New Customers in Customer File Password Option


- R -

Real Cost

Mod #1089 Market Cost set to Average of Real Cost

Mod #285 All unprinted invoices are updated with current Real and Base costs of all items on the Purchase Order.

Mod #357 Modify Price Calculation System - add option for "Real + Freight" cost basis.

Mod #421 Invoice Edit Shows Real Cost

Mod #435 Change Market Cost value of the item to be calculated as Real Cost plus Freight.

Mod #478 Sales Invoice Register & Sales Summary Report - Add option to display a "Real + Freight Cost" column.

Mod #480 Modify Handling of Lots - real cost will be automatically updated by re-averaging the current lot information.

Mod #481 Recalculate Costs and Prices for Lots

Mod #53 Cost / Price Update - Base Cost value will cause Real Cost to be adjusted to match.

Mod #53 Cost / Price Update - Value used to update Customer Special Prices is the change in the Real Cost value.

Mod #575 Real Cost / Base Cost Values / FIFO Costs

Mod #668 Printing an "Unprinted" Invoice Updates Base, Real and Market costs.

Mod #783 Change P.O. to add Real Cost and remove Weight Ordered.

Mod #80 Make From items - Real Cost Calculation

Mod #835 View Real Cost in Quick Price Change Password Option

Mod #890 Edit Bid Prices Dialog Displays Future Base Cost of the item instead of real cost.

Mod #915 Break the Link Between Real Cost & Base Cost

Mod #963 Allow Editing of Real Cost Password Option

Reassign Invoice

Mod #1626 Adds Copy Special Prices to Mod #1378

Recalculate Inventory On Hand Utility

Mod #575 Real Cost / Base Cost Values / FIFO Costs - Recalculate FIFO Costs option.

Mod #575 Real Cost / Base Cost Values / FIFO Costs - Recalculate History Invoice Detail option.

Receipt Date

Mod #1347 Edit Lot Receipt Date in entrée V4.


Mod #761 Retail Invoicing Custom Receipt

Mod #785 Retail Invoicing always Prints 2 Copies of receipt.

Receive by Date

Mod #1389 Use Receive By Date with Supplemental POs

Receive by Item

Mod #1152 Receive By Item and PO - Real Cost always averaged into Market Cost.

Mod #1428 Shows All Available Lot Locations

Mod #464 Modify Receive by Item Screen - For items with Average Weight and no Constant Weight populate Weight Received with Quantity Received * Average Weight from Inventory File.

Mod #564 Allow catchweight items to be processed without a quantity value.

Mod #825 Process data from entrée.UPC Scan In feature.

Receive by PO

Mod #1326 Allow for negative quantities/weights in Receive by PO

Mod #1428 Shows All Available Lot Locations

Mod #1564 Update the Receive by Purchase Order form

Receive by Purchase Order

Mod #114 Set default in Apply Cost Changes to Manually update Cost and Price.

Mod #1152 Receive By Item and PO - Real Cost always averaged into Market Cost.

Mod #1328 Receive by PO Defaults to Average Method - "Apply cost changes" setting defaults to "Cost and Price - Average Method".

Mod #1398 Sort Receive by PO by Warehouse Location

Mod #1411 Allow Inactive Items to be Reset to Active

Mod #1472 Receive by PO - Activate "Inactive" items

Mod #1564 Update the Receive by Purchase Order form

Mod #187 Assign Default Lot Number - Incoming lot-based items will automatically be assigned default Lot Number of "PD".

Mod #286 "Apply cost changes" value defaults to "Cost and Price - New Method" selection.

Mod #429 Receive by PO Add Box Date - Remove the Cost column and add the Box Date column in edit grid.

Mod #463 Display warning if PERCS data has not been entered.

Mod #507 Receive by PO Lot Number Assignment - Assign Purchase Order Number as the Lot Number for all lot-based items.

Mod #545 Receive by PO Defaults to No Cost or Price Updates - Set default of "Apply cost changes" setting to "No Cost or Price updates" in Receive by Purchase Order.

Mod #600 Accept Entry of Item Discount Value in Purchasing and display item discount value when printed.

Mod #600 Subtract item discount from item's purchase cost.

Mod #613 Automatically update unprinted invoices Real & Base costs and prompt to update unprinted invoices in date range.

Mod #729 - Override cost change setting in Receive by Purchase Order password option.

Mod #729 Receive by PO Default is Cost Only - Average Method

Mod #745 Receive by PO Clears Freight Value - Freight value of an item  set to zero when P.O. is without any supplements.

Mod #769 Receive by PO by Item Number - Item information loaded in alphanumeric order by Item Number.

Mod #782 Receive by PO New Fields - Add Arrival Date and Bill of Lading Number fields.

Mod #848 Expand Weight Received and Open Weight fields.


Mod #112 Update Average Weight automatically using average weight for Catchweight items.

Mod #1262 Receiving Process for Catchweight Items

Mod #1559 Modify Receive by PO and Change PO screens

Mod #1577 - Restrict the user when Receiving by PO

Mod #232 Lots Default Anniversary Values - Set Lot default values for Anniversary Days and Anniversary Amount.

Mod #283 Use Weight for both "LB." items and catchweight items.

Mod #284 Use True on Hand Inventory when Cost-Averaging

Mod #285 All unprinted invoices are updated with current Real and Base costs of all items on the Purchase Order.

Mod #430 Update the Average Weight and Pack Size values in the Inventory File for catchweight items.

Mod #435 Cost updates to an item will be reflected in the Market Cost value of the item calculated as Real Cost plus Freight.

Mod #480 Modify Handling of Lots - Real Cost and Average Weight values will be automatically updated by re-averaging the current lot information.

Mod #586 Update Vendor Information in Receiving for Lots

Receiving Sheets

Mod #1401 entrée.MW - Print Ten Digit Warehouse Location


Mod #158 California Redemptions - Show "California Redemption Value" message and per unit amount.

Mod #300 California Redemptions #2 - Show the total dollar amount added to each item and total deposit amount.

Mod #377 California Redemptions / Type 2 Invoice modifications

Mod #976 California Redemptions Labeled Bottle Deposit - Charges labeled "Bottle Deposit".


Mod #662 Loading Sheets w/ Frozen and Refrigerated items

Refrigerated Items

Mod #518 Refrigerated Items temperature zone will print out as "PACKAGED".

Region Code Feature

Mod #1063 Region Code Processing - Add Region Code field to user accounts.

Mod #1063 Region Code Processing - Display region information in Create / Change PO.

Mod #1063 Region Code Processing - Track total purchase amounts for each Region.

Release AP/AR Utility

Mod #1106 Default to a cost calculation method of Market Cost.

Mod #908 Customer Specific Bottle Deposits

Release Form

Mod #1631 Modify Sales Order Release Form

Mod #1653 Modify the Order Confirmation Email

ReMove BRand

Mod #1628 Type 7 Remove Brand Add Billing Units

Rename Base Cost

Mod #1623 Rename Base Cost in Invoice Information Panel


Mod #1135 Add Special Price Report Feature to CFM

Report Modifications

Mod #1666 Inv Price List Report uses Price Change Indicators

Report System

Mod #1592 Modify the Picking Label Print Qty


Inventory Reports - Mod #658 Inventory On Hand/ Price List Reports - Add Date on Box column.

Mod #1144 Customer Special Price/Standard Order Report - Add ability to show the current settings for the customer’s "Promotion", "Fax Price List" and "Authorized  for Batch Email" option settings.

Mod #1166 Retail Invoicing via Create/Change Invoice - updated Invoice Register Report for Retail with Invoice Total Retail column.

Mod #119 Price List Report - Change the way Exclude Items Out of Stock works.

Mod #1248 Price List Report 3 Column Layout Option

Mod #1266 Commission Report Omit Credit Memo Requirement

Mod #1330 Custom Delivery Manifest Report

Mod #1343 Custom GL Income Statement

Mod #1372 Buyer Stock Status Report Filtering

Mod #1404 Custom Cut List Report Font Size

Mod #1415 Custom GL Balance Sheet & Income Statement

Mod #1440 Print Returns Sheet w/Delivery Manifest Report

Mod #1474 Gross Profit Report deducts Bill Back from Landed Cost

Mod #1477 Gross Profit Report with PO Qty and Date

Mod #1492 Add Barcode to Cut List Report

Mod #1499 Inventory On Hand by Lot Report calculates Days Old based off original receipt date

Mod #1519 Modify the description of Return Code "H"

Mod #152 Buyer's Stock Status Report - Modify Average Weekly Usage value to include weeks which do not have sales.

Mod #1531 - Add "Freight Type" field to IFM

Mod #1553 Add a "Brand Type" Field to Inventory Maintenance

Mod #1562 Modify the Customer Listing Report

Mod #163 Pick List Report - Allow zero and negative quantity items.

Mod #18 Gross Profit Report - Use Constant Weight for non-catchweight items when calculating total weight.

Mod #197 Commodity Report - Expand width of Total Sales and Weight Sold columns to 13 characters.

Mod #204 Pick List Report - On Order column only reflects purchases that are scheduled to arrive on before the ending date.

Mod #21 Accounts Receivable Report - Add Matrix Codes description column.

Mod #212 Delivery Manifest Report - Set default to Style "I" and  double space.

Mod #214 P.O. Receiving Report - defaults to "Landscape" orientation for laser printer.

Mod #22 Inventory On Hand (Lot) Report - Show alternative title.

Mod #236 AP Aging Report - Add a summary to the report.

Mod #245 Packer Productivity Report

Mod #246 Special Price Report - Set report heading to read "Customer Price List".

Mod #254 Sales Credit Register Report, Sales Invoice Register Report, Sales Reports Round invoice total columns to nearest dollar.

Mod #266 Delivery Manifest Report prompts for Carton Count value.

Mod #28 Override Default Column Width in Reports

Mod #299 Delivery Manifest Report

Mod #308 Inventory Pull Sheet Report

Mod #309 Outstanding Balances Report

Mod #316 Pull Sheet Report

Mod #319 Pull Sheet Report Activate Catchweight Format

Mod #342 Inventory Reorder Report

Mod #343 Inventory Price Change Report

Mod #346  Customer Ad Allowance Feature & Report

Mod #348 Cash Receipts Report - Add option to run only for  “Write Offs" and "Bad Debts".

Mod #398 Delivery Manifest Report Style H is default.

Mod #399 Inventory Pull Sheet Report - Creates the Order Book Style for report.

Mod #399 Inventory Pull Sheet Report - Shows catchweight detail.

Mod #399 Inventory Pull Sheet Report - When grouping this report by Invoice Number, the Ship-To number will display after the Invoice number in the grouping header.

Mod #409 P.O. Receiving Report - Show a "Tot. Frt" value at the end of the report.

Mod #443 Sales Comparative Analysis Report - Print a Period Totals Summary at the end of the report.

Mod #446 Auto Generate Purchase Orders - Add option for process output to go to a simple report instead of live "Purchase Orders.

Mod #466 Inventory On Hand Report - Allow for 13 days of P.O.’s to be shown in individual column.

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day Commodity Report

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day Delivery Manifest

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day Pull Sheet

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day Sales Review

Mod #478 Sales Invoice Register & Sales Summary Report - Add option to display a "Real + Freight Cost" column.

Mod #48 Price List Report - Check Total Weight against Min/Max Weight in catchweight entry.

Mod #502 Inventory On Hand - Lot File Report

Mod #51 Pick List Report - Page break when the first character of Warehouse Location changes.

Mod #521 Inventory Price List Report - Group by Class + Description Line 2.

Mod #557 Sales Business Status Report - Add a line for "Current Lot BAY Value at Price Level 1."

Mod #561 Buyer's Stock Status Report

Mod #58 Customer Special Price/ Standard Order Reports - Only display items when minimum order field value greater than or equal to 1.

Mod #595 Customer Call Sheets Report - Add Last Invoice Sale Date, Last Invoice Amount, and Territory Code to Summary Style.

Mod #637 P.O. Receiving Report - Calculates and displays a Cost: Extended Freight column.

Mod #651 Inventory Bible Report - Allow data to be selected for report using Bible Sort Code.

Mod #652 Pick List Report - Add blank lines for entering catchweight information.

Mod #653 Inventory On Hand Report - Add column for total allocations for each item.

Mod #66 Buyer's Stock Status Report

Mod #664 Buyer's Stock Status Report - Include the combined CASE/PC information.

Mod #704 Pick List Report - Add option to "Only print for customers that have not yet been printed".

Mod #756 Pull Sheet Report Changed Items Only Feature

Mod #762 Picking Labels Report - Dates initialized to blank values.

Mod #887 Price List Report - Prints customer's fax number and primary e-mail address in custom style.

Mod #89 Pick List Report - Print beginning & ending invoice number range.

Mod #891 Invoice Pick List Report with Item Already Delivered

Mod #914 Pick List Report - Add Barcoded Invoice Number for scanning.

Mod #925 Invoice Pick List Report

Mod #928 Customer Order Forms Report

Mod #967 Prompt to print an Inventory Receipts/Returns Report after transfer.

Mod#1582 - Add an Exclusive Brand checkbox to Brand Maintenance

Price List Report - Mod #658 Inventory On Hand/ Price List Reports - Add Date on Box column.

Request Price Change Feature

EopMod #20 Add Request Price Change feature.

Required Date

Mod #1639 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO

Mod #1640 Relabel Required Date/Purchase Date for PO


Mod #1577 - Restrict the user when Receiving by PO

Retail Invoicing

Mod #1018 Add Route, Stop and Fuel Surcharge

Mod #1031 Allow retail pricing to be entered in text format for promotions, special prices,on the invoice and in specific reports.

Mod #1166 Retail Invoicing via Create/Change Invoice

Mod #1406 Retail Invoicing - Features for Charges & Payments

Mod #1424 Retail Invoicing - Print Type LZ Invoice Not Receipt

Mod #1611 Automatically fill missing weight using Average Weight on Retail Invoices

Mod #419 Retail Invoicing System with EBT (only entree 4.1 has EBT)

Mod #419 Standalone Retail Invoicing

Mod #633 Retail Invoicing Feature to Allow Changes to Unit Price

Mod #656 Retail Invoicing Feature in Create Invoice with EBT - Add dialog to ask for amount paid, calculate change due and print a receipt.

Mod #656 Use UPC bar code or Inventory Item Number to add items to invoice.

Mod #761 Retail Invoicing Custom Receipt

Mod #785 Retail Invoicing always Prints 2 Copies of receipt.

Mod #866 Prevent completion unless all weights entered.

Mod #866 Prompt for weights before saving.

Mod #947 Retail Price System - Date Driven

Mod #980 Add Retail Prices to Copy Special Prices Utility

Mod #987 Allow Retail pricing to be defined with a quantity based price.

Retail Invoicing Feature

Mod #1045 Retail Invoicing Scanned Catchweight Block

Mod #1045 Version that blocks scanned catchweight items to obtain the weight.

Retail Invoicing System

Mod 1337 to hide Invoice Total on printed invoice

Retail Prices

Mod #1031 Price List Report, Sales Promo Bulletin, Special Price Report and Type HO Invoice

Mod #947 Retail Price System - Date Driven

Mod #980 Add Retail Prices to Copy Special Prices Utility

Mod #987 Allow Retail pricing to be defined with a quantity based price.

Return Authorization

Mod #700 Show the Order Giver and other information

Mod #965 Return Authorization customized

Return Code

Mod #1607 Set Default Return Code to ''Spoilage''

Return Codes

Mod #1308 Credit Item Return Codes

Mod #1519 Modify the description of Return Code "H"

Mod #198 Set Credit Return Code to "Spoilage"

Mod #199 Return Product to Inventory - All existing return codes except "H" will result in the product being returned to inventory.

Mod #532 Credit Memo Screen Defaults to "Damage"

Mod #935 User Defined Return Codes - Adds an option to return the product to inventory or not.

Mod #935 User Defined Return Codes - Allow the user to edit the Return Code Description.

Return Items

Mod #564 Allow catchweight items to be processed without a quantity value.

Mod #672 Cancel Invoice Utility - "Return items to inventory" option will always be checked.

Returns Sheet

Mod #1440 Print Returns Sheet w/Delivery Manifest Report

Revision Letters

Mod #776 Type 2 without Revision Letters


Mod #1687 Option to Round Price Levels to the nearest 9 cents


Mod #1018 Retail Invoicing with Route, Stop and Fuel Surcharge

Mod #1020 Filter Ordertaker Call List by Route

Mod #1387 Print Rt & Stop on Sales Order Confirmation

Mod #337 Enter Weights Show All Invoices for Route or Date

Mod #372 Type B Invoice

Route blank

Mod #1634 Modify the Print by Date option

Route Transactions System

Mod #576 Route Transactions System


Mod #1412 Type NF Invoice with Routes


Mod #1288 Assign Routes Add Ship-To City & Delivery Time

Mod #1322 Block Route/Stop Updates

Mod #1647 Modify Assign Routes

Mod #1717 Modify Assign Routes Route and Stop Information

Mod #311 Assign Routes Retrieve Ship-To - Retrieve Ship-To Customer Number directly from the Customer File.

Mod #340 Potato Route Feature

Mod #456 Assign Routes Add Driver Comments - Imports Driver Comments from the main Comments File.

Mod #470 Automatic Route Sequencing Utility - Allow customers to be inserted into a route and reassign the stop numbers of all customers.

Mod #576 Route Transactions System - Exchanging inventory and sales information.

Mod #697 Assign Route Number Utility Allows Packer Productivity Info - Allow the copy of invoice Packer Productivity information in same route.

- S -

Sale Items

Mod #1296 Sale Items Dialog Used for Sale Pricing on Invoice

Sale Pricing

Mod #1296 Sale Items Dialog Used for Sale Pricing on Invoice

Mod #222 Active Sale Price always overrides regular pricing regardless of whether or not the Sale Price is lower.

Mod #610 Active Sale Price Always Used on Invoice

Mod #764 Sale Price Below Minimum Sell Price without a warning.

NetMod #1 Sale price always overrides regular price.

Sales BreakDown

#1597 - Use percent of sell price when calculating Sales Breakdown

Sales Business Status Report

Mod #557 Sales Business Status Report - Add a line for "Current Lot BAY Value at Price Level 1."

Sales Commission Report

Mod #1392 Customer Account Inquiry Restriction added to Mod #680

Sales Comparative Analysis Report

Mod #443 Sales Comparative Analysis Report - Print a Period Totals Summary at the end of the report.

Sales Credit Register Report

Mod #254 Round invoice total columns to nearest dollar.

Sales Discounts

Mod #458 Calculate the Sub-Total value on printed invoices so that Customer Sales Discount is not deducted from the sub-total.

Mod #461 Print Credit Allowance on Invoice

Sales Invoice Register Report

Mod #254 Round invoice total columns to nearest dollar.

Mod #478 Sales Invoice Register & Sales Summary Report - Add option to display a "Real + Freight Cost" column.

Sales Order

Mod #1631 Modify Sales Order Release Form

Sales Order Confirmations

Mod #1224 Sales Order prints a Revision Letter and Adds the “WEIGHT*FREIGHT” total.

Mod #1224 SO Confirmation w/ Revision Letter, Weight

Mod #1234 Print Estimated LB, Catchweight and remove Payment Due By.

Mod #1234 SO Confirmation Print Estimated LB, Catchweight

Mod #1387 Print Rt & Stop on Sales Order Confirmation

Mod #339 Print limited to maximum two lines per Item Description.

Mod #378 In Confirmations and Releases replace Miscellaneous field with Time Printed which is the time the current copy of the document was printed.

Mod #378 Sales Order Confirmations / Releases

Mod #940 Customize Sales Order Confirmation layout

Sales Order Releases

Mod #339 Print limited to maximum two lines per Item Description.

Sales Orders

Mod #1065 Use warehouse location taken at time of printing.

Mod #1263 Change Convert SO Utility Item Order

Mod #1264 Create/Change Sales Order Space Issue

Mod #1318 For Lot "DC" Update On-Hand Qty & On-Hand Weight

Mod #1469 Add Total Qty to the Sales Order Loading Sheet footer

Mod #1479 Create Sales Order Add Item Prompts for Qty and Item number

Mod #1596 Defaults "Invoice Printing Options" for Sales Orders

Mod #363 Weight Shipped value defaults to Quantity Ordered when adding a new LB. item.

Mod #366 Always print Warehouse Location from inventory file.

Mod #642 SO Number Assigned from Number Pool for Invoices

Mod #643 Transfer data from Sales Order to Purchase Order

Mod #684 Allow SO Changes after Release Print Password Option

Mod #684 Sales Order Changes after Release Print Password Option allows "supervisor override" of this restriction.

Mod #684 When Release is printed Sales Orders can not be changed.

Mod #731 Check for duplicate P.O. Numbers.

Mod #851 Exceeding Credit Limit Prevents Sales Order Creation

Mod #852 Password Option Sales Order Credit Limit

Mod #854 Sales Order Confirmation Shows Total Gross Weight

Sales Orders, Promotions & Commissions

Mod #1631 Modify Sales Order Release Form

Mod #1678 Leave Email Recipent Blank for Sales Order Release

Sales Quota System

Mod #582 Limits can be set on a "per salesperson" or "per customer" basis.

Sales Review

Mod #472 Advance Report Default Date 1 Day - Initialize the default report date(s) to the day after current System Date.

Sales Summary Report

Mod #478 Sales Invoice Register & Sales Summary Report - Add option to display a "Real + Freight Cost" column.

Sales Tax

Mod #1083 Canada Add QST & GST/HST

Mod #221 Allow "Sales Tax" Change

Mod #969 replaced with HST TAX

Sales Tracking

Mod #819 Tag New Special Price Entries for Sales Tracking


Mod #1007 Filter Customers in Change Invoice added to Mod #680

Mod #1636 Modify Salesperson/Broker Maintenance

Mod #249 Cash Receipts / Date for Payment of Commission

Mod #968 Force and lock Salesperson DSR data exchange options

Salesperson ID

Mod #1370 Validate Customers for Reports added to Mod #680

Mod #1392 Customer Account Inquiry Restriction added to Mod #680

Mod #959 Sort and Group Statements by Salesperson ID.

Scan Loading Sheets

Mod #1053 The Scan Loading Sheets dialog will be automatically displayed after printing a batch of invoices.


Mod #825 entrée.UPC Bar Code Scanning


Mod #1314 Modify Level Pricing Run Once by TEA Scheduler


Mod #71 Add dialog box with a list of pre-defined processing instructions.


Mod #1486 Inventory Search - Highlights for Last Received Date

Mod #1553 Add a "Brand Type" Field to Inventory Maintenance

Mod #229 Inventory Search - Highlight Items that do not have available inventory.

Mod #35 Invoice Search Default

Mod #486 Search Options MTD/YTD Sales History

Mod #896 Exclude Printed Invoices from Search Results

TI/HI fields in search configurations

Search System

Mod #1090 Search method default is "Contains".

Searching the Modifications Catalog

Using the KnowledgeBase

Seasonal Items

Mod #845 Allow Seasonal Items


Mod #735 Disabled Inventory Tab in Inventory File Security Option

Sell Below

Mod #1688 Allow selling below Landed Cost Password Option

Sell Price

#1597 - Use percent of sell price when calculating Sales Breakdown

Selling Price

Mod #1315 Purchase Order w/ Manufacturer # & Selling Price.

Selling UOM Feature

EopMod #7 Enable Selling Units of Measure Feature in EOP

Mod #1040 Show the "returns only" setting of the "piece" items.

Sequence Number

Mod #273 Show Assigned Sequence Number

Mod #407 Inventory/ Add Default Sequence Number field to IFM Miscellaneous tab.

Service Charge

Mod #1668 Modify Invoice printing block "Service Charge" print


Mod #1021 Print DHEC Shellfish Information using Lot Number on invoice

Ship To

Mod #1247 Type LZ Invoice & Ship To Customer

Mod #1378 Reassign Invoice Customer Option

Mod #349 Option to print Statements for Bill To & Ship To.

Mod #56 Loading Sheet - Substitute ShipTo customer number for Bill To customer number.

Ship Via

Mod #1124 Add drop down menu in CFM and Billing Detail

Mod #1124 CFM Customer Ship Via Menu


Mod #1250 Loading Sheet Layout of Ship-To Customer

Mod #275 Check Credit of Ship to Customer

Mod #311 Assign Routes Retrieve Ship-To

Mod #322 Type LZ Invoice - Show Ship-To Number instead of the Bill-To Number.

Mod #327 Type 2 Invoice

Mod #711 Print Invoice Uses Ship To Customer Number

Mod #784 Modify Special Price System Options #33 and #34 - Saving the Special Price for a given "Ship-To" customer.

Mod #944 Type 7 Statement - Aging Summary revised and running "Balance Forward" value will reset when Ship-To changes.


Mod #1354 Item Shortage Adjustments Display All Invoices

Show for Salesperson Code Feature

Mod #959 Sort and Group Statements by Salesperson ID

Show text based retail price values

Mod #1031 Price List Report, Sales Promo Bulletin, Special Price Report and Type HO Invoice


Mod #659 Invoice add Print Name line under


Mod #979 Purchase Order w/ Option for UPC Code instead of the item SKU.

Small Order Fee

Mod #1427 Remove Small Order Fee if Route is P/U

Small Order Fees

Mod #1406 Retail Invoicing - Features for Charges & Payments


NetMod #4 Access to the SOAP API


Mod #1295 Sort invoice using Invoice Sort Order menu options in CFM: Customer Category or Temp Zone or Item Number.

Mod #1400 Sort Items on Loading Sheet by Brand

Mod #1423 Sort for Items on Printed POs

Mod #1442 Block Sort Order in Invoicing for SO #75 Enter Credit items in Invoicing

Mod #509 Items Retrieved Ordered by Item Description

Mod #509 Standard Order by Seq# then Item Description.

Mod #667 Print Invoice Sorted by Line Items by Seq # then Item #

Mod #722 Print default for "Sort by" option set to Delivery Sequence.

Mod #723 Sort and group line items for printing using the contents of Description Line 4.

Mod #728 By Category then Warehouse Location.

Mod #752 Sort Invoice by Category Option

Mod #769 Receive by PO by Item Number - By Item Number in alphanumeric order.

Mod #787 Invoicing Lists Standard Order by Item Description

Mod #813 Sort Invoices by Customer Category Option

Mod #828 Sort Printed Quotations Alphanumerically

Mod #843 Print & Sort Invoices by Item Number Option.

Mod #905 Sort Inventory Status by Invoice Date

Mod #913 Loading Sheet Sort by Warehouse using IFM Value

Mod #958 Sort Lots so Empty Lots Shown Last

Mod #959 Sort and Group Statements by Salesperson ID

Mod #966 Sort Standard Order by Class and Description

Mod #994 Category subtotals will be printed at the end of the invoice.

Sort Order

Mod #1559 Modify Receive by PO and Change PO screens


Mod #1513 Customize the Sorting of Load Sheet


Mod #618 Print Spanish Item Descriptions on lines 3 & 4.

Special Base Cost

Mod #1016 Associate Bid Prices with Special Real and Special Base Costs.

Mod #1453 Edit Special Prices w/Editable Special Base Cost

Mod #580 Update Special Real & Special Base Costs

Mod #674 Special Base Cost will be updated using the item's Market Cost.

Special Instructions

Mod #1189 Loading Sheet Comments Titled Special Instructions

Mod #556 Add vendor contact information and special instructions in P.O. footer

Special Landed Cost

Mod #1627 Edit Special Landed Cost of Special Prices

Special Order Items

Mod #1362 Modify Invoice Status Panel for Special Order Items

Special Price

Default cost basis for a new Special Price will be Base Cost.

Mod #1011 Restrict Special Price Edits using Minimum Sell Price password option.

Mod #1135 Add Special Price Report Feature to CFM

Mod #1407 Save Description 2-4 in Special Price File

Mod #1429 Special Price File New Entries Selling Price 0.00

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid "Mark Up"

Mod #1676 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1681 Edit Bid mark up "$"/"%" values in Special Price Grid

Mod #1714 Modify the Edit Special Prices dialog

Mod #202 Create "Taxable" status entry in the Special Price File and set the value.

Mod #422 Create New Special Price/Standard Order File

Mod #445 Exclude "Bid" Sales from 12-Week Sales

Mod #453 Allow Edit of Special Prices allowed when the cost value is hidden.

Mod #471 Lock Cost Basis of Special Pricing - Cost Markup basis to be set to Base Cost when editing special prices.

Mod #481 Recalculate Costs and Prices for Lots

Mod #53 Cost / Price Update - Base Cost value will cause Real Cost to be adjusted to match.

Mod #53 Cost / Price Update - Value used to update Customer Special Prices is the change in the Real Cost value.

Mod #581 Special Pricing Allows Items to be "Approved"

Mod #601 Only Apply Special or Bid Prices if they are Lower

Mod #61 Invoicing - Customer Special Price override the settings of System Option #34.

Mod #74 Customer File Special Price - Prevents automatic additions to Special Price file.

Mod #810 Prevent Special Prices below Base Cost or Minimum Sell

Mod #813 Add Category value to Inventory and Customer Files.

Mod #817 Copy Special Prices Utility

Mod #819 Tag New Special Price Entries for Sales Tracking

Mod #829 Allow Customer Special Prices to Override Group Pricing

Mod #864 Allow a Locked Special Price to go below Minimum Sell Price.

Mod #956 Copy Special Price to Bid Price Utility

Mod #957 Check Special Price Customer Number for Item Description

Mod #987 Allow Retail pricing to be defined with a quantity based price.

Mod #993 Create Invoice Prompt to Add Items to Special Price File

Net-EopMod #26 Display Special Prices in Orange-red

NetMod #2 Special Price Overrides Group Code Price

Special Price Grid

Mod #1667 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1676 Modify the Special Price Grid

Mod #1707 Modify the Special Price Grid in CFM and IFM

Special Price Report

Mod #246 Special Price Report - Set report heading to read "Customer Price List".

Special Price/Standard Order Report

Mod #1370 Validate Customers for Reports added to Mod #680

Special Prices

Mod #1580 Default Customer Special Prices to "Base Cost"

Mod #1586 Default the Special Pricing Markup Basis

Mod #1679 System Option #34 Calc. % Markup for Special Prices

Special Real Cost

Mod #1016 Associate Bid Prices with Special Real and Special Base Costs.

Mod #580 Update Special Real & Special Base Costs

Mod #674 Special Real Cost will be updated using the item's Real Cost.

Spoilage Credit Feature

Mod #24 Invoicing Spoilage Credit Feature

SQL Server

Mod #981 Physical Update Writes to External SQL Server Database

Standard Order

Mod #105 Standard Order Add Class replacing Item Number column.

Mod #118 Auto Generate Invoices & Standard Order Items

Mod #1257 Standard Order Item Search Fields include "Pack Size" and "Last Sale Date".

Mod #164 If there is no quantity in Daily value default to the Standard quantity.

Mod #164 Zero Quantity Standard Order Items

Mod #164 Zero quantity standard order items always appear on invoice.

Mod #1710 Modify the Standard Order

Mod #173 Allow edit of Standard order Sequence Number value.

Mod #19 Standard Order Screen list sorted by Item Number.

Mod #227 Standard Order by Class then Item Number.

Mod #244 Automatically switch to "Standard Order" edit mode when a Customer Number has been entered.

Mod #244 Switch to "Standard Order" Mode

Mod #271 Standard Order by Class - Customers with a Permit Number value of "C" have Standard Order items loaded in order by Class.

Mod #331 Standard Order loaded by Sequence Number.

Mod #34 Invoicing & Standard Order - Block the loading of Standard Order information.

Mod #385 Sort Standard Order by Class

Mod #396 Show All Active Inventory Items in Standard Order.

Mod #473 Non-Stock Items Display in Standard Order

Mod #509 Items with Sequence Number value that is either blank or "ZZZ" go to the end of list and sorted by Description.

Mod #509 Sort Standard Order items retrieved first by Sequence Number and then by Description.

Mod #579 Items are added to Invoices in the same order as filled.

Mod #579 Standard Order Tracks Order of Items as filled.

Mod #640 Modify Invoice Standard Order Edit Grid

Mod #667 Print Invoice Sorted by Line Items by Seq # then Item #

Mod #787 Invoicing Lists Standard Order by Item Description

Mod #966 Sort Standard Order by Class and Description

NetMod #8 Default sort for Standard Order by Class then Description 1.

Standard Order Report

Mod #58 - Only display items when minimum order field value greater than or equal to 1.


Mod #1555 Add filters to the Statement Print form.

Statement Closing

Mod #257 Payments / Statement Closing Date - Customer payments not reversed when applied after Closing Date.

Statement Types


Blank Statements

Mod #1032 Type P Statement - Remove Statement ID.

Mod #1055 Type 4 Statement - Increases page footer space.

Mod #108 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #1118 Type I Statement - Replace Reference column with Check Date.

Mod #113 Type Blank Statement - to match pre-printed form.

Mod #1168 Type I Statement

Mod #1208 Type I Statement - logo correction

Mod #1214 Type P Statement - Add a “Credit Memo Amount” column

Mod #1225 Type 9 Statement

Mod #124 Type P Statement - Show customer's fax number below phone number.

Mod #1245 Type S Statement

Mod #1255 Type I Statement - Use the Company Invoice Heading feature.

Mod #1256 Type V Statement

Mod #1301 Type I Statement Logo space doubled

Mod #133 Type P Statement - Print company logo at the top of the page.

Mod #1369 Type I with Comments

Mod #1459 Type I Aligned with Envelope Window

Mod #193 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #194 Type Blank Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #257 Payments / Statement Closing Date - Customer payments not reversed when applied after Closing Date.

Mod #263 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #265 Type 2 Statement to show remittance address.

Mod #274 Type P statement - Move customer address to the right in page header.

Mod #278 Type 4 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #306 Type P Statement - Omit invoices three days old or less from statement.

Mod #310 Type P Statement - Replace P.O. Number with Order Number to reflect the DSD Order Number.

Mod #333 Type Blank Statement - Add customer's payment terms to header.

Mod #349 Option to print Statements for Bill To & Ship To.

Mod #354 Type Blank Statement - Shift layout two places to the right to align with form.

Mod #391 Type Blank Statement - Show customer's terms next to customer's address.

Mod #459 Type P Statement - Company information moved to left side of the page so that it fits in the window for the return address information.

Mod #499 Type P Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #5 Type 4 Statement

Mod #508 Type 7 Statement - Invoices with a zero Balance Due will not be printed in the statement.

Mod #541 Type P Statement - Reposition company’s two addresses for use in a window envelope.

Mod #549 Type 7 Statement - Move header area so customer's address aligns with window envelope.

Mod #551 Type Y Statement - Modify to print logo in the top right corner of the page.

Mod #562 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #569 Type I Statement - Modify logo area to accept the 1 inch square image that entrée normally uses for a company logo.

Mod #584 Type Blank Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #592 Type I Statement - Remove Invoice Total and Payment Total from footer.

Mod #628 Type Y Statement - Shows Current Month's Payments

Mod #660 Type P Statement - Remove all headings.

Mod #661 Type I Statement - Move customer's address to align with window envelope.

Mod #677 Type Y Statement - Payments received prior to the Starting Date of the statement will be omitted.

Mod #690 Type I Statement - Print logo using appropriate aspect ratio in top left corner.

Mod #715 Type I Statement - Move customer's address to align with window envelope.

Mod #794 Type I Statement - Adjust print of company logo.

Mod #867 Type I Statement - Adjust print of company logo.

Mod #929 Type 7 Statement - Account Number is printed as a prefix for Customer Number.

Mod #944 Type 7 Statement - Aging Summary revised and running "Balance Forward" value will reset when Ship-To changes.

Mod #959 Sort and Group Statements by Salesperson ID

Mod #96 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #978 Type P Statement - Add Barcode containing Statement ID and Page Number.

Type F Statement

Type P Statement

Types 2, 4, 7 & 9

Types F, I , J, L, M & N

Types R, S, V, X & Y

Status Panel

Mod #1155 Price per Piece in Invoice Status Panel


Mod #1018 Retail Invoicing with Route, Stop and Fuel Surcharge

Mod #1387 Print Rt & Stop on Sales Order Confirmation

Mod #220 Loading Sheet - Provide a fill-in area at top of page for "Stop #".

Mod #372 Type B Invoice

Substitute Item

Mod #832 Allow Any Item Substituted for any Other Item

Sugar Beverage Tax

Mod #1382 Sugar Beverage Tax

Suggested Retail Price

Mod #563 Calculation changed to bypass the piece item safety check.

Mod #788 Type MB Invoice - Shows Suggested Retail Price.

Mod #789 Modified to use rounded customer's Retail Markup %.

Mod #789 Retail Markup

Supplemental POs

Mod #1199 Change the averaging of Supplemental Purchase Order costs.

Mod #1200 Supplemental PO Calculation of Freight Value By Units.

Mod #1389 Use Receive By Date with Supplemental POs

Sweetened Beverage Tax

Mod #1419 Sweetened Beverage Tax


Mod #1718 Display Sysco Uniform Vendor Code (SUVC) Fields

System Option

#1588 - Modify System Option 203 to exclude POs when the expected date is null.

System Option #1

Mod #1131 Auto-Generate Purchase Order & System Option #1 & #60.

Mod #1131 System Option #1 respects this #60 setting during invoicing.

System Option #100

Mod #1150 Loading Sheet Not Bound by System Option #100

Mod #123 Type A Invoice

System Option #103

Mod #1010 Assignment of Lots Oversold

System Option #106

Mod #1010 Assignment of Lots Oversold

Mod #749 Convert Sales Order Utility  - Lots will automatically be assigned if System Option #106 is enabled.

System Option #107

Mod #730 Loading Sheets

System Option #111

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

System Option #131

Mod #786 Suppress Printing of COOL Information on a per-customer basis.

System Option #14

Mod #330 Block System Option #14 for Non-Stock Items

Mod #330 Restrict feature only to items which are low on inventory.

System Option #146

Mod #728 Sort By Category then Warehouse Location.

System Option #147

Mod #1086 Change system option #147 so items are sorted and grouped by Category and sub-totals are omitted.

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

Mod #728 Sort By Category then Warehouse Location.

System Option #151

Mod #960 Prompt to Update Cost & Prices on Unprinted Invoices

System Option #158

Mod #1237 Invoice PDF from System Option #158

System Option #16

Mod #65 Credit Memo Numbers / Override System Option #16.

System Option #169

Mod #982 Allow Override of Automatic Credit Hold Feature

System Option #195

Mod #1379 Changes for Promotions & System Option #195

System Option #21

Mod #1409 Modify System Option #21 - Recalculate Case Price

Mod #565 Allow Processing of Lot Items in Invoicing

System Option #27

Mod #831 Allow Sales and Cost of Sales GL accounts to be specified.

System Option #32

Mod #36 and Type 2 invoice with Total Weight.

System Option #33

Mod #993 Create Invoice Prompt to Add Items to Special Price File

System Option #34

Mod #61 Invoicing - Customer Special Price override the settings of System Option #34.

Mod #993 Create Invoice Prompt to Add Items to Special Price File

System Option #35

Mod #689 Print Item UPC Number as Second Line

System Option #39

Mod #1076 Allow Edit of Item Descriptions with System Option #39 off.

Mod #768 Edit Description in Invoicing Option

System Option #40

Mod #1353 Print & Sort Loading Sheet by Lot Warehouse Location when System Option #40 is enabled.

Mod #251 Picked Up items listed in a separate category.

System Option #53

Mod #1035 Loading Sheet - Remove Warehouse location and expand Description.

Mod #1278 Loading Sheet Custom layout changed

Mod #1281 Loading Sheet - Custom Loading Sheet with Total Line Count

Mod #1324 Loading Sheet “Warehouse Location” column will be replaced with “Unit Price”.

Mod #552 Loading Sheets - Brand Name and Pack Size columns are to the left of the Description column when System Option #53 is activated.

Mod #699 Loading Sheets - Show all ten characters of Warehouse Location split between two lines.

Mod #707 Loading Sheets - Remove Brand Name column and replace with Last Date and Last Price.

Mod #721 Loading Sheets - Change the title of Brand Name column to Code Number.

Mod #805 Loading Sheets

Mod #871 Loading Sheet - Show Brand Name, Pack Size, Warehouse Location and On Hand Qty.

Mod #988 Loading Sheet - Display all 10 characters of warehouse location data.

System Option #54

Mod #123 Type A Invoice

Mod #1294 Sort Loading Sheets By Temp Zone then Item Description

Mod #691 Loading Sheets - Page break by Temp Zone.

System Option #60

Mod #1131 Auto-Generate Purchase Order & System Option #1 & #60.

Mod #1131 System Option #1 respects this #60 setting during invoicing.

Mod #713 Purchase Orders use Market Cost Value for Unit Price

System Option #64

Mod #1009 Loading Sheet for Frozen / Cooler Items

Mod #662 Loading Sheets w/ Frozen and Refrigerated items

System Option #66

Mod #1173 Loading Sheet Option System Option #66 "Print Duplicate"

System Option #67

Mod #106 Always set to "Yes" Do not print Sub-totals by Temperature Zone.

Mod #1295 Sort invoice using Invoice Sort Order menu options in CFM: Customer Category or Temp Zone or Item Number.

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

Mod #596 Type 2 Invoice Prints Invoice Total

System Option #75 Enter Credit items in Invoicing

Mod #1442 Block Sort Order in Invoicing for SO #75 Enter Credit items in Invoicing

System Option #8

Mod #513 Invoice Prints Only Description Lines 1 & 2.

Mod #68 Loading Sheet - Override System Option #8.

System Option #80

Mod #1287 Change Prevent Oversell System Option #80

Mod #253 Override Prevent Oversell - Provides button to override "Prevent Oversell of Items" option.

Mod #696 Prevent Oversell Default "Allow Item to be Oversold"

Mod #920 Prevent Oversell to Ignore Open Purchase Orders

System Option #87

Mod #833 Loading Sheet - Item substitutions listed on Invoice and Loading Sheet.

System Option #9

Mod #772 Type MB Invoice Show Lots

System Options

Allow System Option #69 to update the Freight Cost of "Make From" items.

Mod #1563 Modify the functionality of System Option #142

System Options #146

Mod #813 Sort Invoices by Customer Category Option

System Options #147

Mod #813 Sort Invoices by Customer Category Option

System Options #33

Mod #784 Modify Special Price System Options #33 and #34 - Saving the Special Price for a given "Ship-To" customer.

System Options #34

Mod #784 Modify Special Price System Options #33 and #34 - Saving the Special Price for a given "Ship-To" customer.

System Preferences

Mod #207 GL Account overrides.

- T -

Tab Enter

Mod #1682 Modify behavior of TAB/ENTER in Create Invoice

Tally Sheet Document

Mod #573 Lists Catchweight items and sent to the Receipts printer.


Mod #780 Bermuda Tariff & CPC Code Lists

Tax Summary

Mod #304 Do Not Print Tax Summary


Mod #202 Special Price "Taxable" Status - Add item "Taxable" value.

Taxable Items

Mod #1122 Allow Edit of Taxable Items password option.


Mod #1122 Allow Edit of Taxable Items Password Option.

Mod #1382 Sugar Beverage Tax

Mod #1419 Sweetened Beverage Tax

Mod #1421 Type AM Invoice with tax information in the footer

Mod #221 Allow "Sales Tax" Change

Mod #304 Do Not Print Tax Summary

Mod #313 Canadian Taxes

Mod #520 Tobacco Tax

Mod #647 Type X Invoice - Add MFG # from the Item UPC and print Sub-total, Food Tax, Non Food Tax and a sub-total for Quantity Shipped.

TEA Scheduler

Mod #1314 Modify Level Pricing Run Once by TEA Scheduler

Telxon Item Number

Mod #2 Telxon Item Number

Temperature Zone

Mod #106 System Option #67 always set to not print Sub-totals by Temperature Zone.

Mod #123 Type A Invoice

Mod #1294 Sort Loading Sheets By Temp Zone then Item Description

Mod #13 Picking Labels  Sort by Temperature Zone.

Mod #1383 Custom Invoice Printing of Subtotals

Mod #16 Sort Invoices By Temp Zone

Mod #26 Page break and print Loading Sheet byTemperature Zone.

Mod #518 Dry Items temperature zone will print out as "BULK".

Mod #527 Block Invoice Sub-Totaling when Sorted by Temp Zone

System Option #67

Territory Code

Mod #595 Customer Call Sheets Report - Add Last Invoice Sale Date, Last Invoice Amount, and Territory Code to Summary Style.


In search configurations

Mod #1455 Add TI/HI Feature to Inventory File


TI/HI Threshold

In search configurations

Mod #1455 Add TI/HI Feature to Inventory File

Tier Pricing

Mod #846 Add Tier Pricing

Time Date Header

Mod #1624 Modify Invoice Type LZ Header

Time Printed

Mod #378 Sales Order Confirmations / Releases

Mod #932 Loading Sheet with Time Printed

Time Stamp

Mod #1221 Type MB Invoice w/Time Stamp

Mod #1476 Print PO with Buyer Code & Time Stamp

Mod #247 Loading Sheet - Header shows time stamp recorded when the invoice was first created.


Mod #1054 Customer Notes Time/User Stamp

Tobacco Tax

Mod #520 Tobacco Tax

Total Cases

Mod #912 Invoice with Count UOM TUB as CASE in Total Cases value.

Total Cubes

Mod #921 Purchase Order Shows Total Cubes

Total Gross Weight

Mod #27 P.O. Shows Total Gross Weight

Mod #854 Sales Order Confirmation Shows Total Gross Weight

Total Line Count

Mod #1281 Loading Sheet - Displays “Total Line Count”

Total Net Weight

Mod #460 Type TT Invoice - Show the Total Net Weight in the footer.

Total Pieces

Mod #1252 Alternate Total Pieces Value on Invoices

Mod #539 Loading Sheets

Total Qty

Mod #1469 Add Total Qty to the Sales Order Loading Sheet footer

Mod #351 Type TT Invoice to match pre-printed form and show Total Quantity and Total Weight in footer with Invoice Total.

Total Weight

Mod #351 Type TT Invoice to match pre-printed form and show Total Quantity and Total Weight in footer with Invoice Total.

Mod #797 Modify Invoicing Calculation of Total Weight

Tote Number

Mod #72 Add column for Tote Number.

Track Lot

Mod #1699 Disable the Track By Lot check box

Trackmax Export

Mod #900 PO Checkoff Utility Enter Invoice# & Date


Mod #1029 Display / Activate Inactive Items on POs.

Mod #1029 Reactivate items.

Mod #1029 View inactive items in search.

Transfer Manifest Feature

Mod #777 Bermuda Transfer Manifest Feature

Transfer Pull Sheet

Mod #1351 entrée.MW Add UPC Code to Transfer Pull Sheet

Mod #1401 entrée.MW - Print Ten Digit Warehouse Location

Transit Tax

Mod #1283 CFM Uses Non-Food Transit Tax %

Type 1 Invoice

Mod #1071 Add entrée.DOC Bar Code to Type 1 Invoice

Mod #1215 Widen “Exted Prics” column.

Mod #175 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #210 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #282 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #392 Match pre-printed form.

Type 2

Mod #1540 Show Customer P.O. Number in Credit Memo header

Type 2 Invoice

Mod #1013 Customize layout with Customer P.O. Number.

Mod #103 Add Pack Size and Brand Name. Print PO Number above Ship To.

Mod #103 Remove line number, Item number, UOM, and Ordered Date.

Mod #1036 with Order Number and remove Salesperson from data area and add Order Number to the left of Invoice Number.

Mod #1073 Customize layout.

Mod #1074 Customize layout.

Mod #1107 Customize layout.

Mod #1120 Customize layout with Brand and Pack Size.

Mod #1120 Remove the "Line" and "Checked" columns.

Mod #1127 Customize layout add Brand and UOM columns.

Mod #116 UPC Barcodes - UPC number will replace Item Number.

Mod #1184 With Customer P.O. Number

Mod #1190

Mod #1196

Mod #120 Quantity Shipped column displays the product's Class.

Mod #1205

Mod #1206

Mod #1209 For Pre-Printed Form.

Mod #121 Warehouse Location prints as part of the second line of Item description.

Mod #1229

Mod #1244

Mod #126 Remove Quantity Shipped and Billing Units columns  widen Item Description column.

Mod #1270 with Company Logo

Mod #128 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #1286 with Driver Signature & Disclaimer

Mod #1319 With Lot Number

Mod #1341 For Pre-Printed Form.

Mod #135 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #1361 Page # of # and Copy Titles in red text

Mod #141 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #142 Add Brand Name and Pack Size columns and remove Line and Checked columns.

Mod #150 Add customize Loading Sheet and Match pre-printed form.

Mod #154 Add customer purchase terms.

Mod #1655 Make Cash Invoice to use Heading Code 99

Mod #167 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #168 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #169 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #174 converts Invoice to "Cash Sale" document.

Mod #177 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #179 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #182 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #183 Remove Contact Name, Contact Telephone Number values from the Bill To address.

Mod #184 Add UPC Code, and Bar Code on the second line of item Description.

Mod #184 Description Lines 2 - 4 values will be ignored.

Mod #185 Modify to print 8 1/2" x 8 1/2".

Mod #185 Remove Number of Pieces and Total weight columns.

Mod #192 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #193 Match pre-printed form and update for Windows 8.

Mod #196 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #200 Sort by Warehouse Location when printing.

Mod #201 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #228 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #235 Allow all 35 characters of  Description to print.

Mod #235 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #235 Modify print of Open Receivables listing so that a 12 cpi font is used instead of 10 cpi.

Mod #242 Expand Description and Billing Units columns.

Mod #242 Remove UOM and Checked columns.

Mod #242 Re-title Billing Units column Weight.

Mod #242 Show Net Weight value in footer area.

Mod #258 Add Lot Number column under Item Number and move "Ship To" address.

Mod #259 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #267 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #277 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #291  Print "Page x of x" message even if the invoice is only one page.

Mod #297 Modify invoice to show "Loc 1", "Loc 2" and "Total Cases" in  header.

Mod #30 with Customer PO Number in header.

Mod #314 Show P.O. Number below Ship-To Address.

Mod #317 Lot Number prints between the Description and Unit Price Columns.

Mod #320 Modify footer to show Subtotal, Tax, and Total information.

Mod #323 Show Billed-To instead of Sold-To.

Mod #327 Print the Ship-To Customer's Phone Number in the address information.

Mod #327 Use Register No. instead of Customer No. and use Ship Date instead of Delivery Date.

Mod #33 Add Brand Name and Pack Size, Adjust print of Sold To and Shipped To.

Mod #33 Relocate Revision Letter and remove Line and Checked columns.

Mod #335 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #353 Add disclaimer to footer.

Mod #36 Allow Total Weight to be printed when System Option #32 is disabled.

Mod #361 Add Pack Size and Brand Name columns. Show Ship-To customer's phone number in header.

Mod #361 Remove Line Number and Quantity Ordered columns.

Mod #369 Display custom disclaimer information in footer.

Mod #37 with PO Number, Lot NUmber & Order Taker Code

Mod #371 Show Fax Number directly below Phone Number in header.

Mod #376 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #377 California Redemptions / Type 2 Invoice modifications

Mod #383 Move customer address information and invoice totals to match pre-printed forms.

Mod #40 Add P.O. Number, Expand Unit Price column, Reduce Extended Amount column size.

Mod #401 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #402 Match pre-printed form and Totals are two lines lower on the page.

Mod #405 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #408 Customize layout.

Mod #415 Document title in the header is raised one line and footer is lowered one line.

Mod #44 Add "Page x of x" to page and substitute Total Gross Weight for Standard Total Weight.

Mod #440 Print "COD" in footer when the terms are COD.

Mod #440 Print "COD-CASH" in footer when the terms are COD-CASH.

Mod #440 Print "COD-CHECK" in footer when the terms are COD-CHECK.

Mod #457 with Brand & Pack Size and remove Line Number and Billing Units columns.

Mod #467 Match pre-printed form and prints 35 chars Item Description

Mod #476 Move footer down two lines.

Mod #491 Add PC. Price and Case Price columns and removing Billing Units and Unit Price columns.

Mod #496 Move footer down one line.

Mod #498  Modify to print 8 1/2" x 8 1/2".

Mod #50 For Retail - Gross profit margin equals the difference between Invoice Total and Total Suggested Retail price.

Mod #50 For Retail - Printing replaces the line number column with the Unit Retail Price.

Mod #50 For Retail - Show Total Suggested Retail Price at bottom.

Mod #524 Realign header vertically.

Mod #533 Replace Route/Stop with Bill-To Customer's fax number in header.

Mod #543 Move footer down one line.

Mod #547 Add Pack Size column.

Mod #554 Suppress printing of Customer Payment terms in header.

Mod #559 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #567 Remove the Quantity Ordered column and reallocating the space to the Description column.

Mod #568 Remove Line Number and Quantity Ordered columns and add Pack Size column.

Mod #571 Add Ship-To's Contact and Phone Number.

Mod #571 Remove Bill-To's Contact and Phone Number.

Mod #583 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #59 Add one space before Billing Units and Invoice Total.

Mod #593 Prints 35 chars Item Description.

Mod #596 Prints Invoice Total with System Option #67.

Mod #597 Use "KG" for Kilograms instead of "LB".

Mod #6 Move signature line and Remove Sold-To and Ship-To.

Mod #603 Add Disclaimer to footer.

Mod #616 Remove the Number of Pieces in footer.

Mod #619 with Lot Number on 2nd line.

Mod #659 Add Print Name line under Signature in footer.

Mod #669 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #678 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #700 Add Driver ID and match pre-printed form.

Mod #700 Show Order Giver, Order Taker Code, Packer Code, Checker Code and Order Time as a single line of information.

Mod #718 Customer PO number prints below Ship To address.

Mod #738 Remove customer Contact Name and print Contact Number.

Mod #747 Show the UPC Number column.

Mod #750 Configure columns on a per customer basis using alternate invoice styles.

Mod #76 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #767 Customeize to match pre-printed form.

Mod #776 Suppress printing of the Revision Letter.

Mod #78 Add area to write totals & monies received.

Mod #802 Add Pack Size column & remove Quantity Ordered and UOM columns.

Mod #804 Add a  line between Customer Address and Customer Number.

Mod #81 with Customer PO Number

Mod #82 Remove Number of Pieces & Match pre-printed form.

Mod #822 Replace Item Number with Brand Name.

Mod #847 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #86 Customize layout.

Mod #87 Customize layout.

Mod #878 Type 2 Invoice OCR for entrée.DOC - Modify so invoice page numbers can be properly scanned using OCR.

Mod #879 Type 2 Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC for scanning.

Mod #880 Customize layout.

Mod #881 Force system to always commit Item Description lines 3 & 4.

Mod #885 Customize layout.

Mod #90 Customize layout.

Mod #910 Type 2 Invoice Barcode - Adds Barcoded Invoice Number to printed invoice.

Mod #911 Adjustments to line spacing.

Mod #92 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #93 Match pre-printed form.

Mod #931 Add a Driver's Signature line, Time and Pack Size.

Mod #931 Remove the Route/Stop value, Line # and Quantity Ordered.

Mod #969 Sales Tax is replaced by HST TAX.

Mod #971 Customize layout with Salesperson Name.

Type 2 Load Sheet

Mod #159 Type 2 Loading Sheet - Print 35 characters of Description.

Type 2 Statement

Mod #108 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #193 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #263 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #265 Type 2 Statement to show remittance address.

Mod #562 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #96 Type 2 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Type 3 Invoice

Mod #588 Match pre-printed form.

Type 4 Statement

Mod #1055 Type 4 Statement - Increases page footer space.

Mod #278 Type 4 Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #5 Type 4 Statement w/ Customize form.

Type 4S Invoice

Mod #1210 Printing of the AR Aging Summary on invoice controlled on a "per customer" basis.

Mod #1210 Type 4S with changes for Totals and Terms

Mod #1290 Type 4S with Date & Time of Print

Type 4S Invoice for Dot Matrix Printer

Type 5 Invoice

Mod #20 Type 5 Invoice customized form.

Type 7 invoice

Mod #132 Type 7 with Payment Terms & Match pre-printed form.

Type 7 Statement

Mod #508 Type 7 Statement - Invoices with a zero Balance Due will not be printed in the statement.

Mod #549 Type 7 Statement - Move header area so customer's address aligns with window envelope.

Mod #929 Type 7 Statement - Account Number is printed as a prefix for Customer Number.

Mod #944 Type 7 Statement - Aging Summary revised and running "Balance Forward" value will reset when Ship-To changes.

Type 9 Statement

Mod #1225 Type 9 Statement

Type A Invoice

Mod #102 Move P.O. Number & Replace Ship To address  with "SAME".

Mod #1023 Add bar code for Invoice Number and Page Number.

Mod #1023 Type A Invoice for use with entrée.DOC as a scannable document.

Mod #123 Type A Invoice

Mod #181 Replace the count of line items in footer with a count of total units sold.

Mod #181 Show "P.O. Number" value in data block.

Mod #181 Type A with count of total units sold and total net weight.

Mod #70 Add Comment area at bottom of page and Expand Quantity Ordered field.

Type AI Invoice

Mod #1092 Type AI Invoice w/ Customize layout of page header.

Type AM Invoice

Mod #1329 Type AM Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #1421 Type AM Invoice with tax information in the footer

Type AR

Mod #604 Print using Receipts printer for Type AR Invoice.

Type AU Invoice

Mod #1431 Type AU Invoice w/Collate as Default

Type B Invoice

Mod #372 Move Invoice Date up one line.

Mod #372 Show Item column before Description column in detail.

Mod #372 Show Route and Stop number in header.

Mod #372 Sum  Open Receivables into one Balance line.

Mod #372 Type B Invoice Enlarge the address blocks from 30 to 35 characters wide.

Type BB Invoice

Mod #410 Expand Quantity Ordered column.

Mod #410 Move Product Code (Item Number) column to the left.

Mod #410 Replace Checked column with Weight Shipped.

Type BD Invoice

Mod #289 Type BD Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Mod #538 Type BD Invoice for narrow carriage printer

Mod #538 Type BD Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Mod #632 Type BD Invoice - Length of the item detail area set to 34 lines.

Mod #685 Type BD with Billing Units - Weight column is replaced with Billing Units.

Mod #819 Tag New Special Price Entries for Sales Tracking when a product was last sold.

Type Blank Statement

Mod #113 Type Blank Statement - to match pre-printed form.

Mod #194 Type Blank Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #333 Type Blank Statement - Add customer's payment terms to header.

Mod #333 Type Blank Statement - Replace Balance Due column with Balance Forward column.

Mod #354 Type Blank Statement - Shift layout two places to the right to align with form.

Mod #391 Type Blank Statement - Show customer's terms next to customer's address.

Mod #584 Type Blank Statement to match pre-printed form.

Type BO Invoice

Type BO Invoice

Type BV Invoice

Mod #1067 Type BV Invoice  w/Customize layout.

Mod #1113 Type BV Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #1129 Type BV Invoice

Mod #791 Type BV Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #899 Type BV Invoice w/Customize layout.

Type BV Invoice

Type CC Invoice

Type CC Invoice

Type CD Invoice

Mod #1114 Type CD Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #1185 Type CD Invoice

Type DF Invoice

Mod #1136 Type DF Invoice

Mod #358 Modify Extended Amount column to allow for printing 4 decimals.

Mod #358 Remove Page Number from the header.

Mod #358 Remove Unit of Measure column from the detail.

Mod #717 Type DF Invoice for narrow carriage printer

Type EB Invoice

Mod #1117 Type EB Invoice - Add Qty Ord column & Customize layout.

Type EI Invoice

Mod #115 Type EI Invoice - Line items print 2 lines higher and second line of header prints one line higher.

Mod #136 Type EI Invoice - Comments are left-aligned with Description column.

Mod #268 Type EI Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Mod #91 Type EI Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Type EL Invoice

Mod #482 Type EL Invoice - Move footer up one line.

Type EP Invoice

Mod #1223 Type EP Invoice w/ Company Logo, Brand and UOM.

Type EP Invoice

Type EU Invoice

Mod #1156 Type EU Invoice

Mod #1195 Type EU Invoice

Mod #1402 Type EU Invoice with Bottle Deposit

Type F Statement

Type F Statement

Type FE Invoice

Mod #1125 Type FE Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #1126 Type FE - Add item UPC in invoice Description line 2 w/Customize layout.

Type FL Invoice

Mod #117 Type FL Invoice - Add total of BRK items and UOM column.

Mod #117 Type FL Invoice - BRK columns removed and Description column expanded to 35 characters.

Mod #122 Type FL Invoice - Header information 2 lines lower, Unit Price column has 4 decimal places and Weight column has 2 decimal places.

Mod #292 Type FL Invoice - Invoice total will be printed in the body of the invoice.

Type GD Invoice

Type 2 Invoice modified to make Type GD used with a special digital printer.

Type GI Invoice

Mod #1204 Type GI Invoice

Mod #1410 Type GI Invoice with payment and collections policies

Mod #1437 Type GI Invoice with header info centered

Mod #1450 Type GI Invoice No Revision Letters Printed

Type HF Invoice

Mod #1325 Type HF Invoice - Show “Customer P.O. Number”

Mod #748 Type HF Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Type HO Invoice

Mod #1031 Retail Invoicing Feature Shows text based retail price values

Type HP Invoice

Mod #1082 Type HP Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC with invoice number and page id for entrée.DOC.

Mod #589 Type HP Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Type I Statement

Mod #1118 Type I Statement - Replace Reference column with Check Date.

Mod #1168 Type I Statement

Mod #1208 Type I Statement - logo correction

Mod #1255 Type I Statement - Use the Company Invoice Heading feature.

Mod #1301 Type I Statement Logo space doubled

Mod #1369 Type I with Comments

Mod #1459 Type I Aligned with Envelope Window

Mod #569 Type I Statement - Modify logo area to accept the 1 inch square image that entrée normally uses for a company logo.

Mod #592 Type I Statement - Remove Invoice Total and Payment Total from footer.

Mod #661 Type I Statement - Move customer's address to align with window envelope.

Mod #661 Type I Statement - Remove Invoice Total and Payment Total in the footer.

Mod #661 Type I Statement - Remove Salesman and Salesman Phone Number in the header.

Mod #690 Type I Statement - Print logo using appropriate aspect ratio in top left corner.

Mod #715 Type I Statement - Move customer's address to align with window envelope.

Mod #794 Type I Statement - Adjust print of company logo.

Mod #867 Type I Statement - Adjust print of company logo.

Type IM Invoice

Mod #1488 Type IM Invoice w/TOTAL for Cases

Mod #876 Type IM Invoice - Adds 1.5 inches of empty space to the footer.

Type JE Invoice

Mod #279 Type JE Invoice

Type JO Invoice

Mod #1504 Type JO Invoice

Type JO Invoice

Type JU Invoice

Mod #1060 Type JU Invoice w/Customize layout.

Type JU Invoice

Type KF Invoice

Mod #448 Loading Sheets - Customize for laser printer using design of Type KF invoice.

Type LE Invoice

Mod #1133 Type LE Invoice for entrée.DOC w/ .DOC barcode

Mod #1219 Type LE Invoice - Alters the disclaimer text in the footer.

Mod #1458 Type LE Invoice - No Revision Letters

Type LZ Invoice

Mod #1112 Type LZ Invoice w/Customize layout.

Mod #1247 Type LZ Invoice & Ship To Customer

Mod #1307 Type LZ Invoice

Mod #1424 Retail Invoicing - Print Type LZ Invoice Not Receipt

Mod #1523 Type LZ Invoice

Mod #1624 Modify Invoice Type LZ Header

Mod #190 Type LZ Invoice - Replace Pack Size column with Brand Name.

Mod #272 Type LZ Invoice - Use larger font without making changes to the layout.

Mod #322 Type LZ Invoice - Show Ship-To Number instead of the Bill-To Number.

Mod #455 Type LZ Invoice - Add logo image to page header in place of the distributor name and address panel.

Mod #455 Type LZ Invoice - Modify the footer area to relocate the driver signature fill-in blanks and add a finance charge disclaimer.

Mod #501 Type LZ Invoice - Add Brand Name column.

Mod #501 Type LZ Invoice - Add text "Interest of 1.5% per month will be applied to all overdue accounts".

Mod #501 Type LZ Invoice - Make Pack Size column 10 characters and Remove Line Number column.

Mod #516 Type LZ Invoice - Replace Description column with Barcode UPC.

Mod #550 Type LZ Invoice - Modify to print logo in top right corner

Mod #630 Type LZ Invoice Includes Fuel Surcharge and Tax

Mod #694 Type LZ Invoice - Revise layout to allow a larger font to be used for printing the detail area.

Mod #719 Type LZ Invoice - Item UPC Number prints as second line of Item Description.

Mod #83 Type LZ Invoice - Modify header to show company logo.

Type MB

Mod #1638 Type MP Invoice GTIN Barcode

Type MB Invoice

Mod #1024 Type MB Invoice - Add Brand Name column.

Mod #1027 Type MB Invoice

Mod #1058 Type MB Invoice Barcode for entrée.DOC

Mod #1064 Show the Packer Productivity "Total Cases" value as the "# of Cases" total in the footer.

Mod #1147 Type MB Invoice - Add Pack Size and Brand Name and Print Landscape.

Mod #1148 Type MB Invoice - Add Customer Disclaimer.

Mod #1174 Type MB Invoice - Add a custom disclaimer.

Mod #1187 Type MB Invoice w/ Finance Charge Policy

Mod #1192 Type MB Invoice

Mod #1221 Type MB Invoice w/Time Stamp

Mod #1355 Type MB Invoice with Ordertaker Code

Mod #1357 Type MB Invoice Disclaimer

Mod #1359 Type MB Invoice w/ Disclaimer

Mod #1380 Type MB with updated Disclaimer.

Mod #1621 Type MB Add California Redemption Value

Mod #529 Type MB Invoice - Change Delivery Date to Invoice Date.

Mod #529 Type MB Invoice - Change header to print the company information in the center.

Mod #529 Type MB Invoice - Change Number of PCS. to Number of CASES in the footer.

Mod #529 Type MB Invoice - Change Truck/Route to Ship Method.

Mod #772 Type MB Invoice Show Lots

Mod #788 Type MB Invoice - Shows Suggested Retail Price.

Mod #793 Type MB Invoice - Modify layout to add UPC Number column.

Mod #836 Type MB Invoice - Add Sub-Total.

Mod #897 Type MB Invoice Add Lot Number column.

Mod #898 Add Barcoded Invoice Number to header for entrée.DOC.

Mod #950 Add Ordertaker code and print the Agriculture Commodities Act on the last page.

Type MD Invoice

Mod #844 Type MD Invoice - Add Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped columns.

Mod #868 Type MB Invoice - Center name and address.

Mod #877 Type MD Invoice w/Customize layout.

Type MI Invoice

Type MI Invoice

Type MP Invoice

Mod #1072 Type MP Invoice - Changed to use the PDF layout as a laser form.

Mod #902 Type MP Invoice - Add Invoice # Barcode and Page ID to header for entrée.DOC.

Type NF Invoice

Mod #1218 Type NF Invoice - Support entrée V4 Company Invoice Headings feature.

Mod #1412 Type NF Invoice with Routes

Mod #1490 Type NF Invoice with Lines

Type NF Invoice

Type P Invoice

Mod #875 Type P Invoice for Special Email and add Pack Size.

Mod #88 Type P Invoice - Add Address 3, Address 4 and Address 5 fields.

Type P Statement

Mod #1032 Type P Statement - Not compatible with entrée.DOC.

Mod #1032 Type P Statement - Remove Statement ID.

Mod #1214 Type P Statement - Add a “Credit Memo Amount” column

Mod #124 Type P Statement - Show customer's fax number below phone number.

Mod #133 Type P Statement - Print company logo at the top of the page.

Mod #274 Type P statement - Move customer address to the right in page header.

Mod #306 Type P Statement - Omit invoices three days old or less from statement.

Mod #310 Type P Statement - Replace P.O. Number with Order Number to reflect the DSD Order Number.

Mod #459 Type P Statement - Company information moved to left side of the page so that it fits in the window for the return address information.

Mod #499 Type P Statement to match pre-printed form.

Mod #541 Type P Statement - Reposition company’s two addresses for use in a window envelope.

Mod #660 Type P Statement - Remove all headings.

Mod #952 Position the "Continued on Page x" message for laser or inkjet printers.

Mod #978 Type P Statement - Add Barcode containing Statement ID and Page Number.

Type P2 Invoice

Mod #295 Type P2 / PS Invoice - Print either a regular invoice (PS) or an Order Confirmation (P2).

Type PP Invoice

Mod #1222 Type PP Invoice - Print Description Lines

Type PS Invoice

Mod #295 Type P2 / PS Invoice - Print either a regular invoice (PS) or an Order Confirmation (P2).

Type S Statement

Mod #1245 Type S Statement

Type SB Invoice

Type SB Invoice

Type SD Invoice

Mod #75 Type SD Invoice - Misc. Code "B" items print unit price at 4 decimal positions.

Type SE Invoice

Mod #577 Type SE InvoiceSort and sub-total the printed Invoice by Class.

Type SL Invoice

Mod #1066 Type SL Invoice  w/Customize layout.

Mod #1138 Type SL Invoice

Mod #1433 Type SL Invoice consolidates service charges in the footer & message options

Mod #1483 Type SL Invoice

Mod #542 Type SL Invoice - Add company logo, Add Pieces and Brand Name columns.

Mod #542 Type SL Invoice - Expand Pack Size and Description columns.

Mod #649 Type SL Invoice - Remove SRP column.

Type TL Invoice

Mod #67 Type TL Invoice - Move Invoice comments to page header and substitute Case/Piece item count for Order Number.

Mod #726 Type TL Invoice - Show Total Weight value on the same line as the Invoice Total.

Type TT Invoice

Mod #1175 Type TT Invoice - Updated for Windows 7 print drivers.

Mod #176 Type TT Invoice to match pre-printed form.

Mod #351 Type TT Invoice to match pre-printed form and show Total Quantity and Total Weight in footer with Invoice Total.

Mod #460 Type TT Invoice - Show the Total Net Weight in the footer.

Mod #948 Type TT Invoice w/ Customize layout.

Type UQ Invoice

Mod #394 Type UQ Invoice - Add Bill To's Fax Number and Gross Weight total.

Type V Statement

Mod #1256 Type V Statement

Type X

Type X Invoice

Mod #195 Type X Invoice - Quantity Ordered column to respect the settings of the "Allow Decimals in Invoicing".

Mod #42 Type X Invoice - Adjust column widths.

Mod #647 Type X Invoice - Add MFG # from the Item UPC and print Sub-total, Food Tax, Non Food Tax and a sub-total for Quantity Shipped.

Type Y Statement

Mod #551 Type Y Statement - Modify to print logo in the top right corner of the page.

Mod #628 Type Y Statement - Shows Current Month's Payments

Mod #677 Type Y Statement - Payments received prior to the Starting Date of the statement will be omitted.

- U -

Unit Price

EopMod #37 Add Brand, Unit and Pack to Item Grid

Mod #104 Show a +/- value for change in Unit Price.

Mod #107 Loading Sheet - Add option to disabled display of the Unit Price of items.

Mod #1261 Password Option - Edit Unit Price

Mod #1285 Loading Sheet with Unit Price & Ordertaker Code

Mod #1327 Group Pricing Override for Unit Price Group Pricing will override Break Pricing.

Mod #137 Add Freight Charge to Unit Price

Mod #1496 Unit Price on Printed Invoices Supports 8 Characters

Mod #262 - Dialog will ask if Unit Prices should be printed.

Mod #387 Invoice line items Sort by Unit Price Sort - start with lowest-priced item when printing.

Mod #427 Manual Price Changes Blocks Unit Price Update of line items during invoice editing.

Mod #601 Only Apply Special or Bid Prices if they are Lower

Mod #633 Retail Invoicing Feature to Allow Changes to Unit Price

Mod #687 Loading Sheets - Show Warehouse Location and Unit Price.

Mod #712 Show Changes in Unit Price From Last Recorded Sale

Mod #713 Purchase Orders use Market Cost Value for Unit Price

Mod #808 Add Warning if Unit Price is 50% or More Over Base Cost

Unprinted Invoice

Mod #668 Printing an "Unprinted" Invoice Updates Base, Real and Market costs.

Mod #960 Prompt to Update Cost & Prices on Unprinted Invoices


Mod #1497 Rename UNSPSC to Master Item/ Add Password Option #142

UPC & Barcode

Mod #1602 Add the ability to print UPC on Invoices

UPC Code

Mod #116 UPC Barcodes - Print UPC for Scanning.

Mod #1351 entrée.MW Adds UPC Code to Transfer Pull Sheet.

Mod #979 Purchase Order w/ Option for UPC Code instead of the item SKU.

UPC Number

Mod #302 P.O.  pop-up window prompts for Item UPC Number from the Inventory File.


Mod #607 Pass Through Value program

User Acocunt

Mod #1695 Provide Option adding Company ID to User Account

User Stamp

Mod #1054 Customer Notes Time/User Stamp

- V -

Vail Resorts

Mod #1064 Vail Resorts Customer & Item Number

Vehicle Number

Mod #629 Bill of Lading with Print Dialog Data Entry for Vehicle Number & Carrier Name


Mod #1414 Recalculate Order Point Utility

Mod #1718 Display Sysco Uniform Vendor Code (SUVC) Fields

Mod #180 Allow edit of last Cost value.

Mod #298 Show the Vendor Special Instructions at the end of the item details on P.O.

Mod #386 On P.O. add Broker information, show Broker Name, Broker Phone Number, Broker Fax Number and Vendor Phone Number.

Mod #537 Purchase Order Fax Number Layout

Mod #556 Add vendor contact information and special instructions in P.O. footer

Mod #586 Update Vendor Information in Receiving for Lots

Vendor File

Mod #1457 Allow editing of External Vendor ID

Mod #171 List "Note 3" value  as first line of Ship To on P.O.

Vendor Item Number

Mod #1158 Items can be added to POs using Vendor Item Number or entrée Item Number.

Vendor Maintenance

Mod #1604 Add a % Cost Markup in VFM

Mod #1615 Buyer Code Read-Only in IFM


Mod #1351 Core Integration module

- W -

Wand Scanner

Mod #892 Enable Scanning of Loading Sheets


Mod #1028 Electronic Warehouse Manager (EWM) the add-on module to cost effectively automate your warehouse.

Warehouse Location

Mod #101 Loading Sheet - Move Warehouse Location.

Mod #1065 Use warehouse location taken at time of printing.

Mod #1130 Loading Sheet sort by Warehouse Location

Mod #1146 Loading Sheet with 10 Char Warehouse Location

Mod #1149 Loading Sheet with 10 Char Warehouse Location

Mod #1154 Loading Sheet with 10 Char Warehouse Location

Mod #1177 Loading Sheet - Show the "Warehouse Location" value in bold text.

Mod #121 Type 2 Invoice prints warehouse

Mod #127 Sort Invoices & Loading Sheets

Mod #1334 Loading Sheet with 10 Char Warehouse Location

Mod #1336 Loading Sheet with wider Warehouse Location column

Mod #1360 Loading Sheet with Warehouse Location

Mod #1398 Sort Receive by PO by Warehouse Location

Mod #17 Purchase Order Layout adds Warehouse Location, shows "our item number", Pack Size and Total Weight.

Mod #200 Type 2 Invoice Sort by Warehouse Location

Mod #237 Invoice Items by Warehouse Location

Mod #31 Purchase Order with Warehouse Location

Mod #366 Always print Warehouse Location from inventory file.

Mod #51 Pick List Report - Page break when the first character of Warehouse Location changes.

Mod #617 Loading Sheets - Add Warehouse Location, Brand Name, Pack Size and Vendor's Item Number columns.

Mod #675 Physical Adjustments by Class shows Warehouse Location.

Mod #686 Use full 10 character value in document printing.

Mod #687 Loading Sheets - Show Warehouse Location and Unit Price.

Mod #693 Loading Sheets - Show Warehouse Location, Secondary Warehouse Location and Pack Size.

Mod #699 Loading Sheets - Show all ten characters of Warehouse Location split between two lines.

Mod #746 Loading Sheets - Warehouse Location displays 6 characters.

Mod #85 Loading Sheet - Show Warehouse Location and Pack Size.

Mod #871 Loading Sheet - Show Brand Name, Pack Size, Warehouse Location and On Hand Qty.

Mod #913 Loading Sheet Sort by Warehouse using IFM Value

Mod #922 Loading Sheet with 8 Char Warehouse Location.

Mod #988 Loading Sheet - Display all 10 characters of warehouse location data.


Mod #808 Add Warning if Unit Price is 50% or More Over Base Cost

WebLink Icon

NetMod #5 Use Alternate Icon for WebLink


Mod #1098 Assign Customer Item Numbers - supports entrée.NET

NetMod #9 Enable WebSMART import.


Mod #1 Weight in Invoicing defaults to Qty. Ordered for LB. Items

Mod #11 Weight shipped defaults to Qty. Ordered for LB. items

Mod #112 Update Average Weight automatically for catchweight items.

Mod #147 Allow "group" Weights to be entered and Do not require Weights for individual items.

Mod #1682 Modify behavior of TAB/ENTER in Create Invoice

Mod #252 Require Non-zero Catchweights

Mod #276 Show Blanks for Missing Weights

Mod #283 Use Weight for both "LB." items and catchweight items.

Mod #363 Weight Shipped value defaults to Quantity Ordered when adding a new LB. item.

Mod #47 For Catchweight Items Check Total Weight against Min/Max Weight.

Mod #98 Modify handling of weight on "Make From" items

Weight Received

Mod #464 Modify Receive by Item Screen - For items with Average Weight and no Constant Weight populate Weight Received with Quantity Received * Average Weight from Inventory File.


Mod #866 Retail Invoicing Feature Requires All Weights

Wharfage Cost

Mod #778 Add Freight 2, Duty & Wharfage Cost Values


Mod #1175 Type TT Invoice - Updated for Windows 7 print drivers.

Write Offs

Mod #348 Cash Receipts Report - Add option to run only for  “Write Offs" and "Bad Debts".

Mod #578 Cash Receipts Add Memo field for Write Off Reason

Mod #974 Cash Receipts Utility to Add Reference Values

- Y -

Your Name

Net-EopMod #23 Require "Your Name" to Complete Order.

YTD Sales

Mod #486 Enable "Begins with" option of the search feature.

- Z -

Zero-Cost Item

Mod #334 Promotions for Zero-Cost Items