Contents | Index


- . -

.NET Tab

Allow item to be sold at $0.00

entrée.NET "minimum" and "maximum" quantity for items

entrée.NET exclude item from export

entrée.NET Options

entrée.NET Order Entry Options

Exclude item from export

Exclude item from public website catalog

Item Tags

Restricted Item

- 1 -

1099 Forms

Vendor Tab assigning a type code

1099 Type

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab

- A -

Accounting Menu

Accounts Payable

Accounts Receivable

General Ledger

Accounts Payable

Accounts Receivable

Clear AR Balances Under $1.00

Link to Document Samples

Previous Balance Entry Utility

Printing A/R Documents - Statements, Letters of Dunning, Deposit Slips

Recalculate Customer Balances

Additional Features

Assign Routes options

Credit Card Processing config

Credit Queue options

Document Selection

Edit Interlocks

Electronic Warehouse Manager Options

entree.NET Options

Food Show Order Config

invoice information panel config

Report Delimiter Options

UPC Bar Code config

Warehouse Transfer Info Panel Config


System Option - 65: Separate Additions on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 73: Separate Additions on Invoice.

Adobe Reader

entrée V3 System Guide PDF


Close Period

Close Period Controls

Close Period Overview

Close Period Steps & Data Validation

System Option - 112: Allow Cash Receipts to be Posted to AP as Deposits.

AP Cutoff Date

System Option - 108: Allow Override of the System Calculated AP Cutoff Date during GL Close.

AP History Tab

Vendor File Maintenance

AP Payable

System Option - 109: Allow Posting Date of an AP Payable to be Within a Closed GL Period.


Close Period

AR History Tab

Vendor File Maintenance

Assign Lots

System Option - 104: Separate "Case" and "Piece" Lot Inventory in Assign Lots.

Assign Routes

System Options Additional Features

Assign Routes Utility


adding new routes

edit packer productivity information

editing a truck number

editing driver comments

editing invoice comments

editing routes and stops

invoice grid

invoice summary

keyboard shortcuts

merging routes


re-assigning an invoice date

refreshing the data

right-click menu for invoices

route summary

updating blank stop numbers

using the invoice grid

viewing invoices

assigning credit managers

authorized items

assigning to customers

Auto Generate Purchase Orders Utility


Generating from Past Sales

Generating from Selected Invoices

Auto-Generate Orders

accessing auto-generate invoices

Comment Codes auto-generate invoices

customer number auto-generate invoices

delivery date auto-generate invoices

Invoice generation process

route auto-generate invoices

route ticket report from auto-generate invoices

standard order auto-generate invoices

automatic credit hold

defining parameters

- B -


Invoice Edit Mode

Shipped quantity in the Invoice Line Item Grid


Purge Backorders Utility

System Option - 184. Validate Unit Price on backorder fills using current item costs

tracking per customer

Bar Code Labels

System Option - 79: Show "Print Bar Code Labels" in Receive by PO.

Bar Codes

Scan Loading Sheet Barcodes to Print  Invoices/Bills of Lading

System Option - 118: Suppress Printing of Item Bar Codes on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 119: Suppress Printing of Item Bar Codes on Purchase Orders.

System Option - 35: Print Bar Code on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 61: Print Bar Code on POs.

System Options Additional Features - UPC Bar Codes Config

Base Cost

Change Item Base Cost on the invoice

Invoice Information Panel

System Option - 182. Kit Item Base Cost includes Cost Markup from Ingredients.

System Option - 51: Show Base Cost in Invoicing.

System Option - 69: Automatically Calculate Base Cost for "Made From" Items.

Bid Price

IFM - Special Pricing Tab Bid Price 1 & Bid Price 2

System Option - 142. Bid Pricing is Allowed to Override Minimum Sell Price.

Bill To / Ship To Tab

Add alternate customer bill to address


IFM - Vendor Tab

System Option - 180. Invoicing Deducts Billback Amount when Calculating Gross Profit.

bills of lading

customer eligibility

Bounced Check Fees

Setup in System Preferences Utility

Brand File Maintenance

Add a Brand Image

Add a Brand Name

Add a website URL to a brand

Delete a Brand Image

Delete a Brand Name

Edit a Brand Image

Edit a Brand Name

entrée.NET Options for Brands

Exclude items in brand from export.

Exclude items in brand from public website catalog.

Import Brand Images


Search Web for Brand Images

Brand Name

Invoice Information Panel

Break Price

System Option - 172. Allow a Promotion to be Applied to a Break Price.

Break Pricing Tab

Add, Edit, Delete Break Prices

Inventory File

Breaking Cases

Setting Up a Case Item

Setting Up a Half Case Item

Setting Up a Per Pound Item

Setting Up a Piece Item

Setting Up a Quarter Case Item


Designation in Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM)

IFM - Misc 1 Tab

Broker Cash Receipts

Item Grid

Processing the Payment

Receipts information

Using Broker Cash Receipts

broker code

assigning to customers

Brokerage Feature

System Option - 82: Enable Brokerage Features.

- C -

Call List Days

System Options

Cancel Cash Receipts

amount paid

balance due

cancellation reason

check amount

check number

customer address

Customer Information

customer number

invoice date

Invoice Grid

invoice number

invoice total

last payment

open credits


payment date

payment terms

processing open credits

Receipt Information area

reports showing cancelled cash receipts

Cancel Invoice / Credit Memo

Cancel Purchase Order Utility

overview of cancel purchase orders

Review Items

Case Items

Setting Up a Case Item

System Option - 178. Prevent Oversell of Case Item when Breaking Cases.

System Option - 2: Automatic Breaking of Cases.

System Option - 21: Convert "Pieces" to "Cases" in Invoicing.

System Option - 4: Translate "Pounds" to "Cases" in Invoicing.

Cash Receipts

By Customer

By Invoice

Cancel Cash Receipts

Overview Cash Receipts by Invoice

System Option - 112: Allow Cash Receipts to be Posted to AP as Deposits.

System Option - 145. Show HOT! Message in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 165. Automatically Apply Payment Discount in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 23: Smart Cash Receipts.

System Option - 44: Sort Cash Receipts by Date.

System Option - 68: Allow Non-AR Entries in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 71: Allow "Abandon Over Payments".

Cash Receipts By Customer Utility

Abandon Overpayments

abandoning overpayments


Account Status - Terms, Balance, Open Credits

amount applied

amount paid

Apply a Credit / Discount

apply date

Applying credit memos

bad debts

balance due

batch number

batch total

Cash Receipts Report

check number

credit memos from overpayments

Credit/Discount Amount


Customer Information Area

customer notes

Deposit Slip Report


finding invoices

invoice date

invoice number

invoice status

invoice total

Invoicec Grid

net due

Non A/R Receipts

open credits from overpayments



paid invoices

payment type


PO number

Receipt Information Area

remaining to apply

Report examples


write offs

Cash Refund Utility

Account Status

Apply as Credit/Discount

Apply Non-AR Refund

Credit amount

Customer Information area

Customer Notes

Invoice Grid


Refund amount

Refund Information area

Reporting on Cash Refunds

Catchweight Items

System Option - 107: Show Estimated Extended Amount for Catchweight Items in Invoicing.


Enter Weights Utility

Entering Catchweights on Invoices

Entering in Kilograms in invoicing

Entering Minimum / Maximum Weights

Invoice Item Detail

System Option - 123. Print Invoice Requires Catchweight Count to Match Quantity Shipped.

System Option - 166. Do Not Prompt for Catchweight Information in Item Shortage Adjustment.

System Option - 26: Omit Catchweights on Invoice.

Using Enter Weights in invoicing

View All Catchweight Items in invoicing


System Option - 146. Sort and Sub-total Loading Sheet by 'Category'.

System Option - 147. Sort and Sub-total Invoice by 'Category'.

Change Invoice

change invoice header

Comment options

Invalid invoice numbers

Revision History

Revision Letters & Numbers

System Option - 120: Change Invoice is "View Only" for Customers on Credit Hold.

System Option - 135. Change Invoice Attempts to Load Items in the Same Order as the Loading Sheet.

System Option - 164. Auto Advance Line after Edit in Change Invoice.

System Option - 58: YANI Password for Change Invoice.

System Option 19

View Change History

Change Invoice / Credit Memos

change invoice/credit memo

Change Purchase Order

accessing change purchase order

change purchase order

Change Working Date Utility

accessing change working date

overview of change working date


System Option - 125. Prompt to Scan Check in Cash Receipts Entry.

city tax


System Option - 111: Sort and Sub-total Invoice by Class.

Class Maintenance

accessing class file maintenance

Add, Edit & Delete Classes

assign images to a class

entrée.NET Options

Exclude items in class from export

Exclude items in class from public website catalog

file maintenance

Close Period

Accessing close period utility

AP - Accounts Payable

Closing Accounts Receivable

Compute Finance Charges


Dealing with Unprinted Invoices


GL - General Ledger

Overview close period utility

Post MTD Physical Movements

purge zero lots

safety checks before closing

Security Manager Password Options

Close Purchase Order Utility


reviewing line items

Supplemental Purchase Orders


End of Day Utility

Closing Utilities

Comment Fonts Tab

Comment Font Tips

Comment Fonts Settings

Edit, Change Comment Fonts

In System Preferences

Comment Maintenance

accessing comment maintenance

Adding a comment

Assigning Comment IDs

comment types

comments for items

controls in comment maintenance

Customer Comments


keyboard shortcuts


System / LSYS Comments

using comments on statements


IFM Misc 1 Tab -- Corrosive Hazard

Search screen

Supplemental Purchase Order Comments


dollar based overrides

Item Commission Exceptions

per customer rates

percentage based overrides


Commission Exceptions

Copy Item Commission Exceptions Utility


System Option - 22: Calculate Commission Amount "Per Item".

Company Invoice HeadingsTab

Add / Delete a Company Invoice Heading

Allow Invoice Heading selection while Invoicing

Company Grid

In System Preferences

Company Name

Company Name for Invoice when you invoice under two or more company names

Setup Company Names in System Preferences Company Invoice Headings Tab

System Option - 83: Print Company Name on Invoice.

Compute Finance Charges Utility




Invoice Billing Detail Contact - Ship To information Area

Contact Manager

Access in Invoicing, Customer File & Vendor File.

Accessing the Contact Manager

All Contacts

By Organization

Contact Element Details - Address, Phone, Email, Website & Notes

Contact Elements Area

contact info area

Contacts Toolbars

From Vendor File Maintenance

Importing Contacts from Outlook

Using the contact explorer

Contact NECS

contacting NECS


Invoicing Customer Detail Panel

Convert Sales Order to Invoice


COOL Labels

COOL method of production

Country Of Origin Labeling in Invoicing

Define COOL Information

Purchasing - Create Purchase Order

Receive By Item Utility

System Option - 131. Enable COOL (Country Of Origin Labeling) Support.

System Option - 153. Omit Printing COOL Information on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 154. Omit Printing COOL Information on Purchase Orders.

Copy Item Commission Exceptions Utility


Copy Special Prices

accessing copy special prices

Copy Bid Price 1 to Bid Price 2

Copy Bid Price 2 to Bid Price 1

Copy Mode

Copy Options

copy special prices


System Option - 14: Confirm Cost When there is No Stock.

System Option - 151. Receiving Prompts to Update Cost on Unprinted Invoices.

Cost/Price Tab

Auto Recalculation of Item Price Levels

Base Cost

Broken Case Upcharge

Define Cost Mark-Up

Define Minimum Selling Price

Edit Tax Codes to define tax codes

Freight Rate - item freight cost

General Ledger - item COS account

General Ledger - item sales account

Group Code - assigning to items

Item Price Level Grid - Unit Price, % Over Cost, Profit Margin

Landed Cost

Market Cost

Matrix Code - assigning to items

Matrix Code Assignment Rules for Taxes

Quick price change from inventory file

Real Unit Cost

Recalculate Prices button

Set Retail Price per item

Taxable - making an item taxable

Cost/Price Update Utility

accessing cost/price update

Adjusted Costs

By Class

By Class current cost/price updates

By Item current cost/price updates

By item number

By UPC code

Cost Change Applications

Cost Tab

cost/price update dialog by item

Current cost/price updates

edit special price dialog

Edit Special Prices

Future Class

Future cost/price updates

future Item pricing

Level Pricing

minimium selling price cost/price update

Personal Settings Tab - Cost Price Update Defaults

Price Tab

Receive By Purchase Order Utility

Receive By Purchase Order Utility - Updating the Minimum Sell Price

Special Price Adjustment

System Default Settings

Update Break Prices

Update Cost

Update Customer Break Prices

Update Minimum Sell Price

Update Prices

Update Pricing on Kits

Update Special Prices

updating future costs/prices

wildcard search

Cost/Price Utilities

Bid Prices

Move Bid Price to Special Price

county tax

Create Credit Memo

accessing & creating credit memos

apply to invoice

header area

line item grid

Create Purchase Order

Create Purchase Order Process Overview

Line Item Detail

Line Item Grid - Item#, Description, UOM, Qty/Wgt Ordered, Unit Cost, Extended Amt

Line Item Grid - mouse shortcuts

Misc PO Info - Ship Via, FOB Point, Confirming To, Buyer Code, Print P.O.


PO Detail Area - Edit Mode, Edit Method, Line Item Grid, Add, Delete, Find Item, Pallet Info, Purchase History, Sales History

PO Header Area - Vendor No, PO No, Required Date, PO Date, Vendor Info, Ship To Info, Email PO, Freight Info, Vendor Notes, Misc PO Info

PO Item Information Area

Save, Print, Receive, Add Supplemental POs

Creating Installation Directories

Creating Shared Resources

Credit Cards

add / edit credit cards

Additional Features CC Processing Config

Authorize.NET Gateway settings

cash receipts

Configuring entrée for Credit Cards


Obtain a Merchant Account




removing cards


Security Management permission updates

Security Miscellaneous options  # 31 and # 55

storing customer information

System Option - 144. Enable Credit Card Processing Support.

System Option # 144

System Options Additional Features

System Preferences updates

testing cards

transaction history

Credit Cards Tab

add customer credit cards

Credit Hold


Customer Account Inquiry Utility



System Option - 120: Change Invoice is "View Only" for Customers on Credit Hold.

System Option - 169. Accept Orders for Credit Hold Customers and Queue for Approval.

System Options Additional Features - Credit Queue Options

credit hold orders

credit hold queue management

Credit Items

Return Codes in System Preferences

System Option - 157. Do Not Record 'Last Sale' Information for Credit Items.

System Option - 179. Allow Promotions to be Applied to Credit Items.

System Option - 75: Enter Credit Items in Invoicing.

Credit Limit

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab

credit managers

Credit Memo

Create Credit Memo

Re-Assign Credit Memo Utility

Credit Memos


System Option - 134. Automatically Use Customer's Sales Discount % in Create Credit Memo.

System Option - 85: Print Return Codes on Credit Memos.

Credit Queue Options

System Options Additional Features


Invoice Edit Mode

print statements

Credits Mode

Edit Mode in Purchasing used to add credit items to a regular Purchase Order


Account Inquiry in Invoicing

assigning a broker

authorized items only

break pricing

entrée.NET Options

Exclude from .NET Export

Exclude From Auto PO Past Sales option

Export Scanned Invoices to .NET

GL Link Codes in GL Accounts Tab

Miscellaneous Options List

placing on credit hold

printing open AR on invoices

Search screen

System Option - 133. Allow DSR Order Conversion to Update Customer Special Prices.

System Option - 139. Check Customer High Credit Limit During Invoice Editing.

Customer Account Inquiry Utility

Account Information area

Advanced Item Search

Aging Report

balance due

bill to customer

credit limit

Customer Information area

customer notes

Emailing invoices

Invoice Grid

Keyboard Shortcuts

last payment

MTD Sales from account inquiry


payment terms

View cash receipts

View monthly A/R

View payment history

View sales breakdown

YTD information

YTD Sales from account inquiry

Customer File Maintenance

accessing the customer file

adding new customers

Assigning Tax rates and Matrix Code Rules

Bill To / Ship To Tab


Credit Cards Tab

customer numbers

Customer tab

Customer tab Accounts Receivable Information

Customer tab credit hold

Customer tab service charges


fax dialing method

Group Pricing Tab

History Tab

keyboard shortcuts

Miscellaneous 1 Tab

Miscellaneous 2 Tab

modifying setup

Notes Tab

price level

primary information

record control

Routes Tab for standard truck routing

sales history

salesperson assigning to customers


Special Pricing Tab


Customer Item Inquiry Utility

Account Status - credit hold, last payment, last sale, price level.

Customer Information area

Item Grid

Item Information Area


Overview customer item inquiry

Performing a Price Lookup

Viewing Item Purchase History

Viewing Lot Information

Customer Number

Re-Assign Customer Number Utility

System Option - 42: Substitute PO Number for Customer Number.

Customer tab

Account Inquiry

ACP Days



Credit Hold

Credit Limit

Current Balance

Due Days

Enter Tax Information

Entered date

Finance Charge

Hot Message



Last Sale date

Matrix Code Assignment Rules

Month days

Open Credits

Payment Discount

Potential Customer

Sales Discount

Service Charges




System Option - 130. Hide Inactive Customers on Search Screens.

System Option - 169. Accept Orders for Credit Hold Customers and Queue for Approval.

System Option - 170. Disable Promotions for Customers Receiving Special or Bid Pricing.

Cut List

System Option - 62: Print Cut List with Loading Sheet.

Cut Lists

IFM Inventory Tab Miscellaneous Codes

- D -

Daily Summary Utility

Running the Daily Summary

Data Files Tab

Data File Locations

entrée update / installation directory location

In System Preferences

Installation/Update Location

Locating Directories

Web Help Update Settings



Delimited Text File

Ré3 Output Page - Save Report to Delimited Text File

Delivery Manifest Comment


IFM - Misc 1 Tab

Deposit Slips

Printing Procedure for Deposit Slips


System Option - 138. Invoicing Saves All Description Lines to Special Price File.

System Option - 159. Edit Description in Sales Orders.

System Option - 162. Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 20: Show 4 lines of Description on POs.

System Option - 39: Edit Description in Invoicing.

System Option - 43: Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Invoice.

System Option - 8: Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Invoice and Loading Sheet.


customer setup

DUNS code

UPC/EAN Item # - IFM Misc 1 Tab


Bed ID - IFM - Lots Tab

Permit Number IFM - Lots Tab

Receive By Date Utility - DHEC Information

Receive By Purchase Order Utility - Printing shellfish labels

Shellfish Harvest Date - IFM - Lots Tab

Shellfish ID - IFM - Lots Tab

System Option - 28: Allow Entry of DHEC Shellfish Information on Lots.

System Option - 74: Show DHEC Shellfish Information on Invoice.

DHEC Information

Receive By Item Utility

Receive By Item Utility - Printing DHEC Labels

Divisional Billing

assigning to customers

Division in Invoicing Edit Billing Detail

Document Samples

Bill of Lading

Credit Memo

Invoices Type 2, Type LZ

Letter of Dunning

Link to website Document Samples

Loading Sheet

Purchase Orders

Return Authorization

Sales Order Confirmation

Sales Order Loading Sheet

Sales Order Release

Type P Statement

Type Y Statement

Documents Tab

In System Preferences

Drop Ship

customer default

per invoice override

DSR Order Conversion

System Option - 133. Allow DSR Order Conversion to Update Customer Special Prices.

Duplicate Items


- E -

Edit Interlocks Config

System Options Additional Features

Electronic Order Pad

Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM) - NET / EOP Tab

Electronic Warehouse Manager

Allow over shipping

Allow user to change the Picker Code saved to the invoice

Automatically set picked quantity to quantity shipped for non-catchweight items

System Options Additional Features - EWM

Vendor File Miscellaneous Tab - Production Vendor option for GS1 barcodes printed on Production Labels.


Additional Options for Statements.

batch email

Batch Email Invoices

Batch Email Reports

Blind Carbon Copy


Email Invoice - Invoice Header Toolbar

email setup overview

Emailing Reports

Invoices in Customer Account Inquiry Utility

Ré3 Output Page

Statements during printing.

System Option - 158. Use Special Invoice Design When Generating PDF (e.g., for emailing).

User Email Defaults

Vendor File Miscellaneous Tab - primary email address

Email Settings

Sender Address

Sender Name

Setup Return Receipt

Test Mail Settings

Email Setup Tab

BCC Administrator

email setup

In System Preferences


SSL Encrypted Servers

Using SSL Encrypted Servers


System Option - 24: Enter "Empties" in Invoicing.

End of Day Utility



Enter Payables

System Option - 137. Prompt to Scan Invoice in When Entering Payables.

Enter Weights

System Option - 6: Assign Order Number in Enter Weights.

System Option - 84: Allow Printing of Any Invoice from Enter Weights.

Enter Weights Utility


Entering Catchweights

Entering Kilograms

Invoice Item Detail

Invoice Selection

Minimum and Maximum Weights


Faxman Installation Notice

File Server Requirements

Installing & Upgrading entrée

Installing entrée the First Time

Multi-Company Installation Wizard

Remote Desktop Services

Single Company Installation Wizard

System Requirements

Terminal Server Requirements

Workstation Installation & Update

Workstation Requirements

entrée First Time Install

Creating Installation Directories

Creating Shared Resources

Installing File Update Utility

Mapping Network Drives

Multi-Company Installation Wizard

Single Company Installation Wizard

entrée V2 to V3 Upgrade

entrée Upgrade Installation Wizard

Installing Image Files

Performing a "Simple" Security Upgrade

Performing an "Advanced" Security Upgrade

Process Overview

Starting the entrée Upgrade

Updating System Files

Upgrading the Security System

entrée V3

Getting Started

Logging in for the first time.

Logging into a Multi-Company System.

Running entrée V3

Using "Hot Keys"

Using the File Menu

entrée V3 Application Window

Licensed to Company Name

Main Menu

Ordertaker Code

Scrolling Message

System Date



Receive By Purchase Order Utility - Posting to entrée.AP


Additional Features - Credit Card Processing Config

System Option - 144. Enable Credit Card Processing Support.


Accessing DOC Images in Invoicing


System Option - 174. Use Pricing from Dot Foods Catalog when Creating Purchase Orders.

Vendor File Maintenance - Broker/Notes Tab - Dot Vendor indicator.

entrée.DOT Tab

System Preferences used to Setup for use of DOT Foods Catalog



Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM) - DSR Tab


Product Recall Report


Food Show Order Configuration

Food Show Order Options

Inventory File Food Show Promotions Tab

Promotion Definitions

Promotion Details

System Options Additional Features


GL / General Ledger Accounts in Invoicing Edit Billing Detail


Inventory File Adjust Warehouse Inventory

Inventory File Warehouse Location Properties

Inventory File Warehouse Tab

Item IFM - Transit Status


Assign invoices to the salesperson that entered the order

Automatically set Wgt Shipped to Qty Ordered for LB. items

Bypass prevent oversell feature when importing orders

Customer File

Customer File Special Pricing tab

Exclude from .NET Export

Export Scanned Invoices to .NET

Immediately export changes to invoices after print or cancel operations


misc options

Print Loading Sheet for invoice after importing an order

Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM) - NET / EOP Tab

Set Minimum/Maximum quantity for customers

System Options Additional Features

entrée.NET Options

Brand File Maintenance

entrée.NET "minimum" and "maximum" quantity for items

entrée.NET exclude item from export

Exclude items in brand from export.

Exclude items in brand from public website catalog.

IFM Allow item to be sold at $0.00

IFM Exclude item from export

IFM Exclude item from public website catalog

IFM Restricted Item

Item Tags

Order Entry Options


Product Recall Report

System Options Additional Features - UPC Bar Codes Config

Use with Catchweight Items in Invoicing


Error -20

Error -200

Error -210

Error -30

Error -310

Error -61

Error -64

Error -70

Error -920

Error -930

Expiring Lots Utility

Lot History

- F -


Invoicing How Do I...

FAQs - Invoicing How Do I...

Add a new customer from Create Invoice.

Add a non-inventory item.

Add standard order items in Customer and Inventory Files.

Adjust the sales discount for an invoice.

Attach an order number to an invoice.

Change the company name on the invoice.

Change the default GL Accounts assigned to the invoice.

Change the default price level for an invoice.

Change the salesperson assigned to the invoice.

Drop Ship an Invoice.

Remove a customer from my call list.

Remove standard order items from Customer, Inventory or Invoicing.

Update FOB information for an invoice.

Update Ship Via information for an invoice.

Use Create/Change Invoice - Manual, Semi-Automatic, Automatic.

View my daily calls.

Fast Support

Access at

Accessing GoToAssist in the Fast Support Website

GoToAssist Invitation via Email


Check Fax Status

Data Purge

Dialing Directory

Fax Numbers

History Purge

History Report

Fax Setup Tab

Auto Detect Fax Modems

Fax Setup

In System Preferences

Modem Settings

System-wide Settings

Workstation Settings


Disable a Modem

FaxMan Job Scheduling & entrée


File Menu

Change Company for multi-company systems.

Show Login Screen

File Selection

Predefined Styles

File Server

entrée Version Release Update

File Update Utility

Installing the First Time

Finance Charges


Find Item

Item Search in Invoicing

FOB Point



System Option - 149. Use Comment Fonts on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 150. Use Comment Fonts on Invoices.

Food Show

Food Show Order Configuration

Food Show Order Options

System Options Additional Features

Food Show Promotions Tab


Inventory File Food Show Promotions Tab

Promotion Definitions

Promotion Details

Frozen Items

System Option - 64: Show Frozen Items on a Separate Loading Sheet.

Fuel Surcharge



System Option - 181. Fuel Surcharge Fees are Taxable.

Fuel Surcharges

Setup in System Preferences Utility

fun bucks

Future Price

System Option - 117: Recalculate Special Price When a Future Price is Available.

Future Price Global List Utility

accessing future price global list

add or modify entry

Item Grid Columns

Item Grid Search

Future Prices

System Option - 50: Use Future Pricing in Invoicing.

Future Pricing

By Class in cost/price update dialog

By Item in cost/price update dialog

Future Pricing Tab

Broken case items in future pricing

create price lists using future pricing

Edit / Delete Broken Case Items

Inventory File

Set Future Base, Landed, Real, Market Costs

Set Future Minimum Sell and Retail Price

- G -

General Ledger

Customer GL Link Code

GL Accounts in Invoicing Edit Billing Detail

Item COS account - IFM Cost/Price Tab

Item sales account - IFM Cost/Price Tab

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab default control account

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab default expense account

General Tab

In System Preferences


Close Period data validation

Close Period overview

Closing General Ledger

System Option - 108: Allow Override of the System Calculated AP Cutoff Date during GL Close.

System Option - 109: Allow Posting Date of an AP Payable to be Within a Closed GL Period.

System Option - 27: Break GL Postings by Invoice.

GL Accounts

General Ledger Acccounts in Invoicing Edit Billing Detail

GL Accounts Tab

Customer GL Link Codes

GL Account Grid

In System Preferences


Access at

Accessing GoToAssist in the Fast Support Website

GoToAssist Invitation via Email

Gross Profit

Invoice Information Panel

Price Level Profit Margins - formula

System Option - 171. Calculate Gross Profit in Invoicing and Inventory Maint. using Landed Cost.

System Option - 180. Invoicing Deducts Billback Amount when Calculating Gross Profit.

Viewing Invoice Gross Profit

Group Accounts

Add group members in Security Management System (SMS)

Creating in Security Management System (SMS)

editing group accounts in Security Management System (SMS)

Password Settings in Security Management System (SMS)

Group Pricing Tab


mouse shortcuts

GS1 barcodes

Vendor File Miscellaneous Tab - Production Vendor option for GS1 barcodes printed on Production Labels.

- H -

Help Menu

About entrée...

Add-On Modules

entrée version information

Help System Contents

Internet Update

Key Data

Keyword Search

Optional Features

Printing the System Configuration Report

Select Help Files to Update

View entrée readme file version notes

View entrée System Modifications

View System Configuration information

Workstation Updates

Help System

Data Files Tab - Web Help Update Settings

System Option - 122: Enable Internet Based Updates to the Integrated Help System.

High Credit Limit

System Option - 139. Check Customer High Credit Limit During Invoice Editing.

History Tab

Current MTD Sales


Fiscal Year

Inventory File

item sales history

MTD sales

Sales History Graphs

Sales History Grid

sales history grid & graph

YTD information

Holidays Tab

Company Holidays

Define Holidays

Holiday Categories Explained

Holiday Feature Overview

In System Preferences

Non-work Day Invoice Creation

Non-Working Day

Security Management option #66

Hot Message

System Option - 145. Show HOT! Message in Cash Receipts.

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab

- I -


Assign Images to Items

Edit, Clear Item Images

IFM - Item Images

Import Item Images

Search internet for Item Images

Inactive Items

System Option - 127. Prevent the Loading of Inactive Items in the Batch Entry Mode of Create/Change PO.

System Option - 129. Hide Inactive Items on Search Screens.


Assign divisions / departments in Special Pricing Tab

Inactive items

Manufacturer Search

Physical Adjustments

Physical Adjustments By Class

Physical Adjustments By Class - Non-LB Catchweight Items

Physical Adjustments By Class - Overview

Physical Adjustments By Class - Physical Movements Report

Recalculate Inventory On Hand

Recalculate Inventory On Order

Reset Inventory to Zero

Search by manufacturer item number

Search screen

Inventory File

.NET Tab


Accessing Inventory Items

Add items

Assign, Edit, Clear & Import Item Images

Assign, Edit, Delete Vendors on Items

Assigning Inventory Numbers

Brand Name

Break Pricing Tab

Breaking Cases

Buttons & Controls


COOL Labels

COOL method of production

Cost/Price Tab

Define COOL Information

Deleting Item


Edit Item

entrée.MW - In Transit

Food Show Promotions Tab

Future Pricing Tab

Group Codes and Inventory Searching

History Tab

Inventory Tab

Invoicing For the Lot Hold Customer

Item Information Area

Item Number

keyboard shortcuts

Kit Costs and System Option #182

Kits Tab

Lots Tab

Lots Tab Visiblility

Misc 1 Tab

Misc 1 Tab - Corrosive Hazard Comment

Misc 1 Tab - Description Lines 2-4

Misc 1 Tab - Special Order Item

Misc 2 Tab

Pack Size

Promotions Tab

Sale Pricing Tab

Sales History Graphs

Search Inventory by Manufacturer’s Item Number

Search Options

Searching for Images on the Internet

Secondary Inventory File Search

Set Future Base, Landed, Real, Market Costs

Set Future Minimum Sell and Retail Price

Set up Lot Items

Setting the Primary Vendor

Setting Up a Case Item

Setting Up a Half Case Item

Setting Up a Per Pound Item

Setting Up a Piece Item

Setting Up a Quarter Case Item

Setting up Catchweight Items

Setting up Constant Weight Items

Setting up Per-Pound Only Items

Setting Up the Lot Hold

Sort methodology

Special Pricing Tab

Status Tab

Status Tab - In Transit

Substitute Items


Unit of Measure

Vendor Tab

Warehouse Location

Warehouse Tab

Weighted Items

Inventory Kits Report

Ingredient Detail Style

Recipe Style

Inventory Menu

Inventory Returns

Item Information area



Return Information area

Vendor Information area

Inventory Tab

Allocated Quantity

Allow Oversell

assign Case Item Number

assign Miscellaneous Codes to items

assign Order Point to items

assign Piece Item Number

assign Re-Order Quantity to items

assign Temperature Zone to items

assign UPC Code

Available to Make

available to sell

Average Weight item

By - the ordertaker code that made last change

Constant Weight item

Cost Changed date

Cut Lists

Gross Weight

Inactive items

item Cubic Feet

item Entered date

item Gallons

Make From Items

Maximum Weight

Minimum Weight

On Hand Quantity

On Hand Weight

On Order

Pieces per Case

Price by Weight item setup

Price Changed date

Stock Item

Track By Lot and setting up lot items

Track By Weight item setup

True On Hand

Use of system option 80

Yield %

Inventory Transfers Utility

Inventory Receipts/Returns report filter



Transfer To / Transfer From Information

Inventory Usage Action Report

Calculate Usage For

Dates Section

Exclude Options

Font Settings

General Tab

Miscellaneous Options


Period Length

Report formating

Report Options

Run For

Show For

Use Company

Vendor & Item Detail

Warehouse Reference


Search screen

invoice credit hold

Invoice Date

System Option - 160. Changing 'Invoice Date' Changes a Printed Invoice to 'In Process'.

invoice high credit

Invoice Information Panel Config

Last Received Date

System Options Additional Features

invoice max days

invoice printing

customer default Invoice Copies

extending to 4 decimals

open AR


Auto-Generate Orders


Convert Sales Order to Invoice

System Option - 100: List Items on Invoice/Loading Sheet in the Order Entered.

System Option - 105: Block Print Invoice Detail.

System Option - 107: Show Estimated Extended Amount for Catchweight Items in Invoicing.

System option - 11: Loading Sheet / Invoice Print.

System Option - 111: Sort and Sub-total Invoice by Class.

System Option - 123. Print Invoice Requires Catchweight Count to Match Quantity Shipped.

System Option - 147. Sort and Sub-total Invoice by 'Category'.

System Option - 148. Allow Invoices with Missing Lot Information to be Printed.

System Option - 150. Use Comment Fonts on Invoices.

System Option - 151. Receiving Prompts to Update Cost on Unprinted Invoices.

System Option - 152. Print Sales Summary by Class on Invoices.

System Option - 156. Allow Invoices with Zero-price Items to be Printed.

System Option - 158. Use Special Invoice Design When Generating PDF (e.g., for emailing).

System Option - 16: Enter Invoice Numbers.

System Option - 167. Print Total Saving from Promotions on Invoices.

System Option - 32: Print Headings on Invoices.

System Option - 41: Double Space Invoices.

System Option - 43: Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Invoice.

System Option - 46: Allow Invoices with No Weight Information to be Printed.

System Option - 66: Print "DUPLICATE" on Loading Sheet and Invoice.

System Option - 67: Sort and Sub-total Invoice by Temperature Zone.

System Option - 73: Separate Additions on Invoice.

System Option - 74: Show DHEC Shellfish Information on Invoice.

System Option - 78: Print Produce Terms on Invoice.

System Option - 80: Prevent Oversell of Items.

System Option - 83: Print Company Name on Invoice.

System Option - 84: Allow Printing of Any Invoice from Enter Weights.

System Option - 87: List Substitutions on Invoice.


Access Substitute Items

Acct. Inquiry - Invoice Header Toolbar

Adding items to an invoice

Apply Small Order Fee

Apply to Invoice - Customer Detail Panel

Assign Routes Utility

Assigning Lots

Assigning Lots for Broken Case Items

Assigning Lots for Credit Items

Attaching Comments to Invoices

Backorder Edit Mode

Batch Email Invoices

Bill To - Customer Detail Panel

Billing Detail - Invoice Header Toolbar

Billing Detail Contact - Ship To information Area

Brand Name - Invoice Information Panel

Change Comment Fonts

Change Item Base Cost

Changing an Invoice

Chart of the order of precedence of all the pricing methods

Comment - Invoice Header Toolbar

Completing the Invoice - Converting Pieces to Cases

Completing the Invoice - Entering Empties Information

Completing the Invoice - Invoice Printing Options

Completing the Invoice - Locking Prices

Completing the Invoice - Updating Special Prices

Configuring the Invoice Information Panel

Contacts access

COOL - Country Of Origin Labeling

Count and Weight Totals for Assign Routes

Creating an Invoice

Creating Non Inventory Items

Credits Edit Mode

Customer Account Inquiry

Customer Number

Customizing the Line Item Grid - Search Grid Properties dialog

daily summary utility

Delete items from an invoice

Deleting Items in the Line Item Grid

Determining a Special Price

Discount Percentage per invoice override

Division for Divisional Billing

DOC Images - Invoice Header Toolbar

Drop Ship an Invoice in Edit Billing Detail

Duplicate Items on an invoice

Edit Billing Detail

Edit Invoice Comment

Edit Mode

Editing Items in the Line Item Grid

Email Invoice - Invoice Header Toolbar

Enter Packer Info

Entering Catchweights


entrée.NET menu

Extended Amt in the line item grid

FAQs - Invoicing How Do I...

Find Item for Item Searches

FOB Point per invoice override

Fuel Surcharge in Edit Billing Detail

General Ledger Accounts in Edit Billing Detail

GL Accounts per invoice override

How to Scan Loading Sheet Barcodes to Print

Import Comments

Info - Additional Information

Invoice Date

Invoice Date Change on Non-Blank Invoices

Invoice Detail Area

Invoice Detail Area Toolbar

Invoice Edit Mode

Invoice Footer Area - Total Profit, Invoice Total, Over Credit Limit, Tax Total, Total Cases, Total Weight

Invoice Header Area

Invoice Header Toolbar

Invoice Information Panel

Invoice Information Panel Position

Invoice Line Item Grid - Add / Edit Items in the invoice

Invoice Line Item Grid Mouse shortcuts

Invoice Mode - Invoice Header Toolbar

Invoice Number

invoicing summary by date

Item Base, Market & Real Costs - Invoice Information Panel

Item Description in the Invoice Line Item Grid

Item Gross Profit - Invoice Information Panel

Item Number - Adding an Item to the Invoice Line Item Grid

Item Sale Price Update Process

Item Warehouse Location - Invoice Information Panel

keyboard shortcuts

Last Sale Date - Invoice Information Panel

Last Sale Price - Invoice Information Panel

Last Sale Quantity - Invoice Information Panel

Line number - Invoice Information Panel

Lot Info

Min Price - minimum sell price Invoice Information Panel

MTD & YTD Sales

Non-Stock Item - Invoice Information Panel

On Hand Quantity - Invoice Information Panel

On Hand Weight - Invoice Information Panel

On Order Quantity - Invoice Information Panel

Order Date

Order Qty in the Invoice Line Item Grid

Order Taker Code per invoice override

Ordertaker Call List Keyboard Shortcuts

Ordertaker Call List Mouse shortcuts

Our Order Number

Pack Size - Invoice Information Panel

Packer Info - Invoice Header Toolbar

Packer Productivity Report

Payment Terms per invoice override

Pieces Per Case - Invoice Information Panel

PO Number - Customer Detail Panel

Price Level per invoice override

Price Levels 1-4 - Invoice Information Panel

Print Invoice - Customer Detail Panel

Print Invoice - Keyboard Shortcuts

Print Options - Invoice, Loading Sheet, Picking Labels.

Printing - Invoices, Loading Sheets, Credit Memos, Sales Orders, Return Aithorizations, Bills of Lading

Prior Sales - Last Invoice Sales, MTD Sales, YTD Sales

Process to Complete an Invoice

Process to Enter Packer Info

Ret. Code - return code in the line item grid

Ret. Qty - return quantity in the line item grid

Ret. Wgt - return weight in the line item grid

Revision Letters

Revision Numbers/ Letters

Route & Stop Numbers - Customer Detail Panel

Sale Items in invoicing

Sale Pricing Available

Sales Discount

Salesperson Code per invoice override

Searching for an item on the invoice

Select Company Name for Invoice when you invoice under two or more company names

Selecting Lots

Sequence Number - Invoice Information Panel

Setup Company Names in System Preferences Company Invoice Headings Tab

Ship Qty in the Invoice Line Item Grid

Ship To - Customer Detail Panel

Ship To Only Search

Ship Via per invoice override

Ship Wgt in the Invoice Line Item Grid

Shipped - shipped quantity in the Backorder line item grid

Show Last Invoice Sales

Show/Hide Header - Customer Detail Panel

Show/Hide Header - Invoice Header Toolbar

Standard Order Edit Mode

Substitutes for Items

System Option - 138. Invoicing Saves All Description Lines to Special Price File.

System Option - 139. Check Customer High Credit Limit During Invoice Editing.

System Option - 15: Allow Decimals in Invoicing.

System Option - 24: Enter "Empties" in Invoicing.

System Option - 50: Use Future Pricing in Invoicing.

System Option - 9: Split Multiple Lots in Invoicing.

Unit Price

Unit Price / Special Price in the line item grid

Unit Profit - Invoice Information Panel

UOM - unit of measure in the Invoice Line Item Grid

Using Ordertaker Call List

Using Print By to Print

Using Sort By to Print

View History Sale information

View Item Image

View Item Notes

View Previous three Sales

View Sale Items

Viewing Invoice Gross Profit

Weight in the standard order line item grid

Weight options - Enter/ Edit Catchweights, List Catchweight Items

Invoicing Menu


Invoicing Related System Options

Cost/Price Options

Data Entry Options

General Printing Options

Invoice Printing Options

Loading Sheet Printing Options

Lot Options

Miscellaneous Options


Weight Entry Options


Commission Exceptions

IFM - Allocations

IFM - FIFO Receiving

IFM - In Transit

IFM - Movements

IFM - On Order

IFM - Physical Adjustments

IFM - Purchase History

Inquiry Utility

Lot Warehouse Locations

Item Commission

Copy Item Commission Exceptions Utility

Item Commission Exceptions



Defining Commission Choices

delete commision exceptions

Dollar Amount Commissions

keyboard shortcuts

modifying commision exceptions

Percentage Based Commissions

Withhold Commission

Item Cost/Price Update

Calculation Method in Receive By Item Utility

Cost Tab in Receive By Item Utility

In Receive By Item Utility

Price Tab Updates in Receive By Item Utility

Update Minimum Sell Price in Receive By Item Utility

Item Number

Re-Assign Inventory Number Utility

Item Shortage Adjustment

System Option - 166. Do Not Prompt for Catchweight Information in Item Shortage Adjustment.

Item Shortage Adjustment Utility

Adjusting Ship Quantity

keyboard shortcuts

Item Tag Maintenance

Adding Item Tags

Deleting Item Tags

Editing Item Tags

Use in entrée.NET

- K -

keyboard shortcuts

auto-generate invoices


Entering in Kilograms in invoicing


System Option - 59: Convert "Kilos" to "Pounds".


System Option - 136. Kit Ingredient UOM in Receiving Matches UOM in Inventory File Maintenance.

System Option - 182. Kit Item Base Cost includes Cost Markup from Ingredients.

Kits Tab

Adjusting Batch Quantities

Copy Item button

Copy Kit Ingredients List

Define, Edit a Kit Item

Ingredients Grid

Inventory File

Kit Costs and System Option #182

mouse shortcuts

Processing the Kit Item

Receiving Kit Items

Remove Ingredients from Kit Item

Reporting on Kit Processing

Update Ingredient Costs

- L -


barcode print options



how to design

invoice number barcode option

item number barcode option


locked configurations

page settings


saving label designs

Landed Cost

System Option - 163. Calculate Minimum Selling Price from Landed Cost.

System Option - 171. Calculate Gross Profit in Invoicing and Inventory Maint. using Landed Cost.

Large File Support

use when a data file over one million records in size

Last Check Number

Customer Account Inquiry Utility

Legal Notices

Letters of Dunning

Document sample


Printing Customer Selection Area

Printing Miscellaneous Options

Printing Options - Print Salutation, Edit Text of Letter

Printing Overview

Printing Preview

Printing Printer Area

Liquor Permit

permit number & date

Loading Sheets

System Option - 100: List Items on Invoice/Loading Sheet in the Order Entered.

System option - 11: Loading Sheet / Invoice Print.

System Option - 118: Suppress Printing of Item Bar Codes on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 146. Sort and Sub-total Loading Sheet by 'Category'.

System Option - 149. Use Comment Fonts on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 153. Omit Printing COOL Information on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 162. Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 31: Print Headings on Load Sheets.

System Option - 35: Print Bar Code on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 40: Sort Loading Sheet by Warehouse Location.

System Option - 53: Show Brand, PackSize, Warehouse Location on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 54: Sort Loading Sheet by Temperature Zone.

System Option - 55: Double Space Loading Sheets.

System Option - 63: YANI Password for Loading Sheet Printing.

System Option - 64: Show Frozen Items on a Separate Loading Sheet.

System Option - 65: Separate Additions on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 66: Print "DUPLICATE" on Loading Sheet and Invoice.

System Option - 7: Print SYS Comment on Load Sheet.


Logging in for the first time.

Logging into a Multi-Company System.

Lot Hold Feature

Invoicing For the Lot Hold Customer

Setting Up the Lot Hold

Lot Numbers

In the Product Recall Report

True Lot Number vs. entrée Lot Number


Add Lot Warehouse Locations

Assigning Lots for Broken Case Items

Assigning Lots for Credit Items

Assigning Lots in Invoicing - Lot Info

Customer Item Inquiry Utility

Delete Lot Warehouse Locations

Expiring Lots Utility

IFM - Lots Tab Set up Lot Items

Inventory Tab setting up lot items

Invoicing For the Lot Hold Customer

keyboard shortcuts Assign Lots

Lot Hold Feature

Lot Info in Invoicing

Lot Number & Lot Location Search

Lot Searches in Receiving

Lot Warehouse Locations

Modify Lot Warehouse Locations

Receive By Date Utility - Anniversary Information

Receive By Date Utility - DHEC Information

Receive By Date Utility - Edit Lot Information

Receive By Item Utility - View Lot Details

Receive By Purchase Order Utility - Lot Information

Receive By Purchase Order Utility - Lot Information DHEC

Selecting Lots

Setting Up the Lot Hold

System Option - 10: System to Assign Lot Numbers.

System Option - 103: Allow Lots to be Oversold.

System Option - 104: Separate "Case" and "Piece" Lot Inventory in Assign Lots.

System Option - 106: Auto Lot Assignment While Adding Invoice Items.

System Option - 124. Use Primary Vendor as Default When Returning Lot Based Items.

System Option - 148. Allow Invoices with Missing Lot Information to be Printed.

System Option - 28: Allow Entry of DHEC Shellfish Information on Lots.

System Option - 3: Track Production Number per Lot.

System Option - 45: Use Anniversary Date with Lots.

System Option - 9: Split Multiple Lots in Invoicing.

Track By Lot

Vendor File Miscellaneous Tab - Standard Lot Location

Viewing Lot History

Lots Tab

Inventory File Set up Lot Items

Invoicing For the Lot Hold Customer

Lot Hold Feature

Setting Up the Lot Hold

- M -

Make From Items

Available to Make

Inventory Tab

Item NUmber

System Option - 69: Automatically Calculate Base Cost for "Made From" Items.

System Option - 76: Used Weight Shipped for Make From Items.

Yield %

Manufacturer Assignment

IFM Vendor Tab

Manufacturer File


Add manufacturer

Assign images

Assign Manufacturer ID


Deleting manufacturer

keyboard shortcuts

Manufacturer information

Modifying manufacturer



Mapping Network Drives

Market Cost

Invoice Information Panel

Matrix Code

assigning to customers

Assignment Rules for Taxes



Minimum and Maximum Breakdown

IFM - Misc1 Tab

Minimum Sell Price

System Option - 142. Bid Pricing is Allowed to Override Minimum Sell Price.

System Option - 163. Calculate Minimum Selling Price from Landed Cost.

System Option - 177. Special Pricing is Allowed to Override Minimum Sell Price.

Misc 1 Tab

Assign Broker to Item

Corrosive Hazard Comment

Cost/Plus item based service charges

Define substitute items

Deposit defining for items

IFM - Description Lines 2-4

Inventory File

Item Notes - Simple notes & Extended notes

item number DEX UPC/EAN Item #

Label Config

Minimum and Maximum Breakdown

Picking Labels

Piece => Case Break Point

Production Labels

Retail Units

Secondary Location - Warehouse

Shrinkage define for Items

Special Order Item

Storage Cost define for Items

Tare Weight Multiplier

Misc 2 Tab

Add External Internet Link - Item URL

Assign Images to Items

Assign, Edit, Clear & Import Item Images

COOL Labels

COOL method of production

Define COOL Information

Edit, Clear Item Images

IFM - Item Images

Import Item Images

Search internet for Item Images

Searching for Images on the Internet

Miscellaneous 1 Tab

Call List Days

customer address lines 3 - 5

Delivery Manifest


Expiration Date

FOB Point

GL Link Code

Gross Profit $ are below warning

Invoice Copies

Matrix Code

Misc Code

Permit Number

Price List Setup

Retail Markup

Ship Via


Type Code

Miscellaneous 2 Tab

assign credit manager

customer website URL

entrée.DOT - Dot Foods Deposit Overrides

Miscellaneous Code

Vendor File Miscellaneous Tab

Miscellaneous Codes

assign Misc Codes to items

assigning to customers

Cut Lists

Modify Cost Markup Utility

Access & Controls

Apply to all items

Apply to all items in class

Change markup by dollar amount

Change markup percentage


Preview Changes

Process Overview

Update customer special prices

Update level prices

Modify Level Pricing

Change by Dollar Amount

Change by Percentage

Default Setup


Preview Level Price Changes

Restrictions by Class or UOM

Update Options

Modify Special Prices

By Customer

By Item

Change by dollar amount

Change by markup percentage

Delete Item mode

exclusion filter

Modify / Delete special prices

Preview special prices change

Special Price Changes Report

Monetary Exchange

Receive By Item Utility - Receipt Information Area

System Option - 155. Use 'Reverse' Values for Monetary Exchange Rates.

Vendor File Maintenance - Miscellaneous Tab

Monetary Exchange Rate Utility

Add Monetary Exchange Rate

Delete Monetary Exchange Rate

Edit Monetary Exchange Rate

MTD Sales

Access from invoicing

Customer Account Inquiry Utility

Customer Item Inquiry Utility

Ignore duplicate items search option

Inventory File History Tab

Keyboard shortcuts

Locate By Item #


Regular / Advanced Search

My Menu

Add Menu Items

Delete Menu Items

keyboard shortcuts

Move Menu Items

Saving My Menu Configuration

Using My Menu

- N -


Contact Information

non food tax

Non Inventory Items

Creating in Invoicing

Non-AR Entries

System Option - 68: Allow Non-AR Entries in Cash Receipts.

non-profit status

assigning to customers


IFM - Misc1 Tab

Item Extended notes

Item Simple notes

Notes Tab


- O -

Order Forms Report


Customer product listing

exclude options

File Selection

miscellaneous options

report options

Order Points

System Option - 115: Use Special Reorder Definitions System Wide.

Ordertaker Call List

Access in Invoicing

Customer Grid in Invoicing

Invoicing Keyboard shortcuts

Invoicing Mouse shortcuts

Notes option in Invoicing

Sort options  in Invoicing

Over Payments

System Option - 71: Allow "Abandon Over Payments".

Overseas Importing

System Option - 12: Overseas Importing.


System Option - 126. Prevent Oversell of Items on Sales Orders.

System Option - 128. Prevent Oversell is Allowed to Reallocate Product.

System Option - 178. Prevent Oversell of Case Item when Breaking Cases.

System Option - 80: Prevent Oversell of Items.

- P -

Packer Info

System Option - 19: Enter Packer Productivity Information.

Packer Productivity

Enter Packer Info

Packer Productivity Report

Process to Enter Packer Info

Pallet Info

Cases per Pallet

defining Pallet Info

IFM - Vendor tab

Layers per Pallet

Pallet Label Quantity


Logging in for the first time.

Payment Discount

System Option - 165. Automatically Apply Payment Discount in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 56: Calculate Payment Discount Amount on Invoices.

Personal Settings Tab

Cost/Price Update

Default Settings

Email Settings

In System Preferences

Reset Hidden Dialogs button

Set Cost/Price Update Utility System Defaults

Supplemental P.O. distribution method

Visual Options

Visual Options tab - desktop image, hints, multi row menu options, themes.

Physical Adjustments

By Class

By Class - Overview

By Class - Physical Movements Report

Calculate Allocations

Edit Physical Adjustment Item


Item Grid

Item information Area

Non-LB Catchweight Items

Physical Adjustments - Changed Items

Process Adjustments

Process Overview

Purge Pending Adjustments

Report on Pending Adjustments


Show Allocations

Physical Movements

Close Period Post MTD Physical Movements

Picking Labels

Box ID Support

Configuring the Label

General Options

IFM - Misc 1 Tab Label Config

Label Layout

Label Page Setting

UPC barcode options

Piece Items

System Option - 21: Convert "Pieces" to "Cases" in Invoicing.

System Option - 81: Show "Piece" Items in Green on Search Screen.

PO Number

Invoicing Customer Detail Panel

System Option - 42: Substitute PO Number for Customer Number.


System Option - 4: Translate "Pounds" to "Cases" in Invoicing.

System Option - 59: Convert "Kilos" to "Pounds".

previous balance entry

print statements

Previous Balance Entry Utility


Reports -  Invoice Register and Accounts Receivable

price drops

price level


Price Level Grid

% Over Cost - Rounding Chart

Profit Margin - formula

Unit Price

Price Levels

Price Level Grid Settings in System Preferences Pricing Setup Tab

Setup in System Preferences Pricing Setup Tab

System Option - 113: Show Only "In Use" Price Levels on the Price List Report.

price list

faxing to customers

Price List Setup Utility

Accessing Price List Setup Codes

Item Grid - Add/Edit/Delete Items & Separators

Overview Create/ Edit/Delete Price List Setup Codes

Price List Setup - Item Grid

Printing the Price List Report

Price Matrix Maintenance

Add/ Edit/Delete Matrix Codes

Price Matrix Overview

Price Matrix Setup Overview


System Option - 116: Allow "Per Unit" Items to be Purchased with "Per Pound" Pricing.

Pricing Setup Tab

Auto Recalculation in File Maintenance option

In System Preferences

Number of Price Levels

Price Level Grid


Assign Default Printers

Configuring Printers - Type, Font Setup, Tray Selection.

Copy Printer Setting for Multi-company Installations

Printer Setup

Printers Tab

Assign Default Printers

Configuring Printers

Copy Printer Settings

In System Preferences


A/R Documents - Statements, Letters of Dunning, Deposit Slips

Bills of Lading

Deposit Slips

DHEC shellfish labels - Receive By Purchase Order Utility

How to Scan Loading Sheet Barcodes to Print

Invoices & Credit Memos

Invoices, Loading Sheets, Credit Memos, Sales Orders, Return Aithorizations, Bills of Lading

Invoicing Print Options - Invoice, Loading Sheet, Picking Labels.

Letters of Dunning

Link to website Document Samples

Loading Sheets

open AR on invoices

Picking Labels

Price List Report

Print Invoice - Copies

Print Invoice - Document Samples

Print Invoice - Document Selection Area

Print Invoice - Keyboard Shortcuts

Print Invoice - Limitations Area

Print Invoice - Printer Selection Area

Print Invoice Flag - Invoicing Customer Detail Panel

Print Invoices By Order Source

Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders - Copies

Purchase Orders - Document Samples

Purchase Orders - Document Selection

Purchase Orders - Overview

Purchase Orders - Printer Area

Receive By Purchase Order Utility - P.O. Receiving Report

Return Authorizations

Sales Order Confirmations

Sales Order Releases


Supplemental Purchase Order

System option - 11: Loading Sheet / Invoice Print.

System Option - 152. Print Sales Summary by Class on Invoices.

System Option - 156. Allow Invoices with Zero-price Items to be Printed.

System Option - 167. Print Total Saving from Promotions on Invoices.

System Option - 31: Print Headings on Load Sheets.

System Option - 32: Print Headings on Invoices.

System Option - 46: Allow Invoices with No Weight Information to be Printed.

System Option - 62: Print Cut List with Loading Sheet.

System Option - 83: Print Company Name on Invoice.

System Option - 84: Allow Printing of Any Invoice from Enter Weights.

troubleshooting invoice printing

Using Print By in Print Invoice

Using Sort By in Print Invoice

printing statements

customer eligibility

Prior Sales

Invoicing - Last Invoice Sales, MTD Sales, YTD Sales

System Option - 175. Edit New Line Items Individually when Adding from Prior Sales Dialogs.

Produce Terms

System Option - 78: Print Produce Terms on Invoice.

Product Recall Report

True Lot Numbers

Production Labels

IFM - Misc 1 Tab Label Config


customer eligibility

System Option - 167. Print Total Saving from Promotions on Invoices.

System Option - 170. Disable Promotions for Customers Receiving Special or Bid Pricing.

System Option - 172. Allow a Promotion to be Applied to a Break Price.

System Option - 179. Allow Promotions to be Applied to Credit Items.

System Option - 86: Disable Promotions Below Selling Price.

Promotions Tab

Add, Edit, Delete Promotions

Buy X get Y Free

Dollar and % Based Promotions

Enable Promotions for ALL Items of this CLASS

Enable Volume Discounts for this CLASS

Inventory File

Reporting on Promotions

Purchase Order

Document Samples

Print Purchase Order Utility

Receive By Purchase Order Utility

Search screen

Purchase Order Checkoff

Access & Overview

Purchase Order Status Report

Close Purchase Order Utility

Purchase Orders

Auto Generate Purchase Orders from past sales

Auto Generate Purchase Orders from past sales Calculate Using

Auto Generate Purchase Orders Include current week sales

Auto Generate Purchase Orders Include piece item inventory

Auto Generate Purchase Orders number of weeks to review

Auto Generate Purchase Orders Order piece items separately

Auto Generate Purchase Orders past sales ordering

Auto Generate Purchase Orders quantity rounding

Auto Generate Purchase Orders recalculate weekly sales total

Auto Generate Purchase Orders Run For

Auto Generate Purchase Orders Utility

Cancel Purchase Order Utility

Change Purchase Order

Close Purchase Order Utility

configuring Auto Generate Purchase Orders

generate from past sales in Auto Generate Purchase Orders

generate from selected invoices in Auto Generate Purchase Orders

Set P.O. Edit Method

Set Supplemental P.O. Distribution Method

System Option - 1: Automatic PO Generation During Invoicing.

System Option - 101: Enter Purchase Order Numbers.

System Option - 102: Omit Warehouse Location on Purchase Order.

System Option - 119: Suppress Printing of Item Bar Codes on Purchase Orders.

System Option - 127. Prevent the Loading of Inactive Items in the Batch Entry Mode of Create/Change PO.

System Option - 141. Double Space Purchase Orders.

System Option - 154. Omit Printing COOL Information on Purchase Orders.

System Option - 174. Use Pricing from Dot Foods Catalog when Creating Purchase Orders.

System Option - 60: Use Last Vendor Cost on POs.

System Option - 61: Print Bar Code on POs.

System Option - 72: Allow Immediate Receipt of Order in Create PO.

System Option #60 and Auto Generate Purchase Orders

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab Open PO Amount


Batch Edit Mode and Email P.O.

COOL Info - Create Purchase Order

Create Purchase Order Overview

Create Purchase Order Process Overview

Create Vendor Credit Memo

Create/Change Supplemental Purchase Order Utility

Credits Edit Mode used to add credit items to a regular Purchase Order

Detail Edit Mode

Edit / Import P.O. Comments

Edit Method

Edit Mode

Email PO

Find Item - Item Search Keyboard Shortcuts

Line Item Detail

Line Item Grid - Item#, Description, UOM, Qty/Wgt Ordered, Unit Cost, Extended Amt

Line Item Grid - mouse shortcuts

Misc PO Info - Ship Via, FOB Point, Confirming To, Buyer Code, Print P.O.

P.O. Total

PO Detail Area -  Find Item

PO Detail Area - Add Items

PO Detail Area - Delete Items

PO Detail Area - Edit Mode, Edit Method, Line Item Grid, Add, Delete, Find Item, Pallet Info, Purchase History, Sales History

PO Detail Area - Item Pallet Info

PO Detail Area- Show Purchase History

PO Detail Area- Show Sales History

PO Header Area - Vendor No, PO No, Required Date, PO Date, Vendor Info, Ship To Info, Email PO, Freight Info, Vendor Notes, Misc PO Info

PO Item Information Area

Purchase Order Checkoff

Save, Print, Receive, Add Supplemental POs - Create Purchase Order

System Option - 110: Allow Decimals in Purchasing.

System Option - 116: Allow "Per Unit" Items to be Purchased with "Per Pound" Pricing.

System Option - 20: Show 4 lines of Description on POs.

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab PTD Purchase History

Purchasing Menu


Close Period Purge Zero Lots

Purge Backorders Utility

Purge Customer Item History - Overview

Purge Customer Item History Utility

Purge Inventory Sale Price - Overview

Purge Inventory Sale Price Utility

Purge Secondary Inventory File Utility

Purge Year-to-Date File - FAQs

Purge Year-to-Date File - File Selection List

Purge Year-to-Date File - Overview

Purge Year-to-Date File Utility

Temporary Files

Temporary Files Overview

Purge Data

Reset Inventory to Zero

- Q -

Quantity Shipped

System Option - 161. Default Quantity Shipped to Quantity Ordered when Changing an Item.

System Option - 18: Default Quantity Shipped to Quantity Ordered in Invoicing.

Quick Price Change Utility

By Item Number

By Item Number - Current Cost Price Data

By Item Number - Level Pricing Grid

By Item Number - New Cost/Price Data

Update Options

Update Options - Special Prices By Customer Misc Code

Update Options - Special Prices Manually


System Option - 70: Save Quotation Pricing to Special Price.

System Option - 77: Double Space Quotations.

- R -



Reporting System

Ré3 Release Updates & Additions

AP Aging Report

Balance Sheet Report

Below Cost Report with Tran Codes

Commodity Report

Contact Listing

Credit Hold Queue related reports

Customer Special Price Report

GL General Ledger Report

Gross Profit Calculations

Income Statement Report

Inventory Kits Report

Inventory Usage Action Report

Invoice Source Filtering using entrée.EOP (Electronic Order Pad) and Food Tech.

Ledger Listing Report

Manufacturer related reports

Open Invoice Register Report

Pick List Report

Price List reports

Print FIFO remaining quantities and receipt dates for the last three purchases.

Sales Comodity broker options

Special Price / Standard Order Report

Standard Order Report

Support for Special Order Items

Tran Code values

Ré3 Report System

Add Custom Columns

Appearance Page

Available Columns

Batch Email Reports

Changing Report Font

Configure Page - Save,Recall,Delete,Import,Export,Lock,Unlock

Configure Page - Setting a Default Report Configuration


Emailing Reports

Exclude Filters

Exclude options

Field Options

Filters Page

General Page

GP Configuration

Include Filters

Layout Page

Miscellaneous options

Output Page

Preview Layout

Print Columns

Ré3 Toolbar

Report options

Report Sorting and Grouping

Save Report to Delimited Text File

Vendor Number Filter

Real Cost

Invoice Information Panel

Re-Assign Credit Memo Utility


Re-Assign Customer Number Utility


Re-Assign Inventory Number Utility

Overview re-assign inventory number

Re-Assign Salesperson ID Utility


Re-Assign Vendor Number Utility



IFM - Vendor Tab

Rebates & Billbacks

Customer Industry Codes

Customer Miscellaneous Codes


Accessing Recalculate Customer Balances

Clear AR Balances Under $1.00

Customer Balances

Overview Recalculate Customer Balances

Recalculate Customer Special Prices Utility

Recalculate Inventory On Hand


Recalculate Inventory On Order


Recalculate Month-to-Date Totals

Recalculate Customer

Recalculate Customer & Include Current Period

Recalculate Inventory

Recalculate Vendor

Recalculate Utilities

Compute Finance Charges Utility

Recalculate Vendor AP History Utility


Hot Tip Potential Problems

Process Overview

Recalculate Vendor Balances Utility


Recalculate Year-to-Date Totals Utility

Processs Overview

Receive By Date Utility

Anniversary Information

DHEC Information

Edit Lot Information

Item Grid

Item Information Area


Receive By Item Utility

Cool Information

Item Cost/Price Update

Item Cost/Price Update - Calculation Method

Item Cost/Price Update - Cost Tab

Item Cost/Price Update - Price Tab Updates

Item Cost/Price Update - Update Minimum Sell Price

Item Information Area

Item Information Area - Show Purchase History

Items Received - This Session

Lot Information Area

Lot Information Area - DHEC Information

Lot Information Area - Printing DHEC Labels

Lot Information Area - View Lot Details


Receipt Information Area

Show ALL Receipts

Receive By Purchase Order Utility

Add Items to PO

Apply Cost Changes

Automatic Cost/Price Update Options

Calculation Method - Cost/Price Updates

Closing P.O.s

Cost Tab - Cost/Price Updates

Cost/Price Updates

Default Quantities

Delete items from PO

Entering Lot Information

Entering Lot Information - DHEC

Header Area

Item Information Area

Line Item Grid


Post P.O.s to Accounts Payable

Posting to entrée.AP

Posting to SBT Compatible AP

Price Tab - Cost/Price Updates

Price Tab - Edit Special Prices

Printing P.O. Receiving Report

Supplemental POs

Update Costs on Unprinted Invoices

Updating Freight Information

Updating Miscellaneous Information

Updating the Minimum Sell Price

Vendor Detail


Receive By Date Utility

Receive By Item Utility

Receive By Purchase Order Utility

System Option - 151. Receiving Prompts to Update Cost on Unprinted Invoices.

System Option - 72: Allow Immediate Receipt of Order in Create PO.

System Option - 79: Show "Print Bar Code Labels" in Receive by PO.


Reindex Files Utility

Indexing Options


Reindex File Grid layout

Speed Select Options

Release AP\AR Utility

Acquire Postings / Allow Release from AP

Acquire Postings / Allow Release from AR

Acquiring AR and AP Postings

AP Detail

AP Detail Controls

AP Detail Report

AP Postings Grid

Balance Fields

Calculate costs using options -  Market, Landed, Base,  Real Cost

Display AP Batch Detail

Get AP Postings


Postings Grid

Pre-Release Reports

Release to GL Processing

Release to GL Report

Reorder Quantity

System Option - 115: Use Special Reorder Definitions System Wide.


Accounts Receivable for Previous Balance Entries

Cash Refunds

Customer Order Forms Report

customers on credit hold

Inventory Returns

Inventory Transfers

Invoice Register for Previous Balance Entries


Packer Productivity Report

Physical Movements Report - Physical Adjustments By Class

Purchase Order Status Report

Ré3 Appearance Page - Changing Report Fonts

Ré3 Configure Page - Save,Recall,Delete,Import,Export,Lock,Unlock

Ré3 Configure Page - Setting a Default Report Configuration

Ré3 Emailing Reports

Ré3 Filters Page

Ré3 General Page

Ré3 Layout Page

Ré3 Output Page

Ré3 Report System

Ré3 Reporting System

Receipts/Returns Report

Security Accounts Report

Special Price Changes Report

System Option - 132. Force Reports to be run from the Output Options Page.

System Option - 173. Generate Reports using a Local Temp File.

reseller tax ID

Reset Inventory to Zero

Retail Units

IFM - Misc 1 Tab

Return Codes

System Option - 85: Print Return Codes on Credit Memos.

Return Codes Tab

Define Return Codes for Credit Items


Invoicing Customer Detail Panel

Routes Tab

define customer route, stop, & delivery day / time.

- S -

Sale Items


Sale Pricing Tab

Include Level Grid - sale pricing by price level

Industry Sale Pricing - use industry code for sale pricing

Inventory File

Special Base Cost

Special Real Cost

Use & Set Sale Price

Sales Discount

System Option - 134. Automatically Use Customer's Sales Discount % in Create Credit Memo.

Sales Orders

Convert Sales Order to Invoice

System Option - 126. Prevent Oversell of Items on Sales Orders.

System Option - 140. Save Sales Order Pricing to Special Price.

System Option - 143. Convert Sales Orders with Original Invoice Date.

System Option - 159. Edit Description in Sales Orders.

Sales Summary

System Option - 152. Print Sales Summary by Class on Invoices.

sales tax


assigning a broker

Designation in Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM)

Search screen

Salesperson Code


Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM)

Add a Salesperson

Alternate Commission - above 15% and the invoice amount is over $250.00

Alternate Commission - greater than a 15% gross profit

Alternate Commission - pay only on a single rate

Assign Customer Credit Manager

Assign, Define a Sales Manager

Commission Tab

Commission Tab - Adjustments

Commission Tab - Alternate Commission three examples

Commission Tab - Commission Calculation Basis

Commission Tab - Commission Grid table

Commission Tab - Commission Setup

Commission Tab - Gross Profit  Breakpoints

Commission Tab - Invoice Breakpoints

Commission Tab - Quotas


Edit, Delete, Recall a Salesperson

Include data for ALL salespeople option

Include data from salesperson option

keyboard shortcuts

Laptop Data Section


Receives data for ALL salespersons option

Salesperson Information Area

Salesperson Links -  User Accounts

Salesperson Number Assignment

salesperson options list

Salesperson Tab

Use with the Credit Hold Queue

Weekly Quote Information

Salesperson ID

Re-Assign Salesperson ID Utility

SBT Accounting

Receive By Purchase Order Utility - Posting to SBT Compatible AP


How to Scan Loading Sheet Barcodes to Print Invoices/Bills of Lading

System Option - 125. Prompt to Scan Check in Cash Receipts Entry.

System Option - 137. Prompt to Scan Invoice in When Entering Payables.

Using the Wand Scanner

Scrolling Message Tab

In System Preferences


Comment Search

Configure Grid Properties - Color Configuration 1

Configure Grid Properties - Color Configuration 2

Configure Grid Properties - Column Configuration

Configure Search Grid Properties

Customer Search

Inventory Search

Invoice Search

Lot Number & Lot Location Search

Lot Searches in Receiving

Manufacturer Search

Performing Searches

Purchase Order Search

Salesperson Search

Search by manufacturer item number

Search Features

Searching for an item on the invoice

System Option - 129. Hide Inactive Items on Search Screens.

System Option - 130. Hide Inactive Customers on Search Screens.

Vendor Search

Security Management System (SMS)

Advanced mode

Creating Group Accounts

Creating User Accounts

Deleting Accounts

editing user accounts

Group Accounts


Settings Options List

Simple mode

User Account Credit Manager / Credit Supervisor options

What are security accounts

Ship Via


show payments

print statements

Small Order Fee

Apply in Invoicing Edit Billing Detail

System Option - 168. Do Not Charge Tax on the Customer Add-On Service Charge or the Small Order Fee.

Software Licensing Agreement

software maintenance


Accessing the entrée Update Utility

Add memory to Workstation

Check Data File paths

Check default printer

Delete and Reindex files

Enable large file support in entrée

entrée File Update Utility

Path to Common Files

Path to Update Files

Server file paths

Troubleshooting entrée error codes

Workstation file paths

sort order

print statements

Special Order Item

IFM - Misc 1 Tab

Special Price

Determining the Special Price in the Invoice Line Item Grid

System Option - 117: Recalculate Special Price When a Future Price is Available.

System Option - 177. Special Pricing is Allowed to Override Minimum Sell Price.

System Option - 33: Show "Add to Special Price" Prompt in Invoicing.

System Option - 34: Auto-save Special Price in Invoicing.

System Option - 70: Save Quotation Pricing to Special Price.

Special Prices


System Option - 133. Allow DSR Order Conversion to Update Customer Special Prices.

Special Pricing Tab

Add a Customer or Item Special Price

Custom GL Code

Customer File

Define Bid Pricing

Define Special Pricing

Delete a Special Price

Departmental billing item setup

Divisional billing item setup

Edit Special Price Miscellaneous

Edit Special Pricing Parameters

Edit Standard Order

entrée.NET set Minimum/Maximum quantity for customers

Get 30 Days Sales History

Inventory File

Set Bid Price 1 & Bid Price 2

Special Price Grid

Standard Order

Invoice Edit Mode

System Option - 57: Enter "Quantity" only in Standard Order.


Additional Options

customer eligibility

E-mail options during Printing.

Include primary e-mail address from customer maintenance in addition to accounting e-mail addresses from contact manager.


Printing Account Aging

Printing Customer Selection

Printing Miscellaneous Options

Printing Overview

Printing Preview

Printing Printer Area

Type P Statement sample

Type Y Statement sample

Status Tab

IFM - Allocations

IFM - FIFO Receiving

IFM - In Transit

IFM - Movements

IFM - On Order

IFM - Physical Adjustments

IFM - Purchase History

Inventory File


Shipping vessel - IFM - Lots Tab

Stock Item


Invoicing Customer Detail Panel

Substitute Items

Define in IFM - Misc 1 Tab


Substitute Items in invoicing


System Option - 176. Recalculate Unit Price when Applying an Item Substitution.

System Option - 87: List Substitutions on Invoice.

Supplemental Purchase Order

Cost Distribution Methods

Create/Change Supplemental Purchase Order Utility

E-mail Supplemental Purchase Order

Item Information

Line Item Grid

Overview supplemental purchase order processing

P.O. Comments

P.O. Information

Recalculate Distribution

Re-read Master P.O.

Select Supplemental P.O.

Supplemental Purchase Orders

Close Purchase Order Utility


Clear AR Balances Under $1.00

System Comment

System Option - 7: Print SYS Comment on Load Sheet.

system date

System Guide


entrée V3 KnowledgeBase

entrée V3 System Guide PDF

System Menu

Closing Utilities

Cost/Price Utilities

Export Data Utility

Import Data Utility

Purge Data Utilities

Re-Assign Utilities

Recalculate Utilities

Warehouse Manager Dashboard

System Options

Additional Features -  entrée.NET Options

Additional Features - Assign Routes Options

Additional Features - Credit Card Processing Config

Additional Features - Credit Queue Options

Additional Features - Document Selection

Additional Features - Edit Interlocks Config

Additional Features - Food Show Order Configuration

Additional Features - Invoice Information Panel Config

Additional Features - UPC Bar Codes Config

Food Show Order Options

Invoicing Related

System Options Tab

Additional Features

Additional Features - Electronic Warehouse Manager options

Additional Features - Warehouse Transfer Info Panel Configuration

Additional Features Options

Call List Days

In System Preferences

System Option - 1: Automatic PO Generation During Invoicing.

System Option - 10: System to Assign Lot Numbers.

System Option - 100: List Items on Invoice/Loading Sheet in the Order Entered.

System Option - 101: Enter Purchase Order Numbers.

System Option - 102: Omit Warehouse Location on Purchase Order.

System Option - 103: Allow Lots to be Oversold.

System Option - 104: Separate "Case" and "Piece" Lot Inventory in Assign Lots.

System Option - 105: Block Print Invoice Detail.

System Option - 106: Auto Lot Assignment While Adding Invoice Items.

System Option - 107: Show Estimated Extended Amount for Catchweight Items in Invoicing.

System Option - 108: Allow Override of the System Calculated AP Cutoff Date during GL Close.

System Option - 109: Allow Posting Date of an AP Payable to be Within a Closed GL Period.

System Option - 11: Loading Sheet / Invoice Print.

System Option - 110: Allow Decimals in Purchasing.

System Option - 111: Sort and Sub-total Invoice by Class.

System Option - 112: Allow Cash Receipts to be Posted to AP as Deposits.

System Option - 113: Show Only "In Use" Price Levels on the Price List Report.

System Option - 114: Allow the Unit Price of Individual Invoice Line Items to be "Locked".

System Option - 115: Use Special Reorder Definitions System Wide.

System Option - 116: Allow "Per Unit" Items to be Purchased with "Per Pound" Pricing.

System Option - 117: Recalculate Special Price When a Future Price is Available.

System Option - 118: Suppress Printing of Item Bar Codes on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 119: Suppress Printing of Item Bar Codes on Purchase Orders.

System Option - 12: Overseas Importing.

System Option - 120: Change Invoice is "View Only" for Customers on Credit Hold.

System Option - 121: Disable the 'Unit Price is Below Base Cost' Warning in Invoicing.

System Option - 122: Enable Internet Based Updates to the Integrated Help System.

System Option - 123. Print Invoice Requires Catchweight Count to Match Quantity Shipped.

System Option - 124. Use Primary Vendor as Default When Returning Lot Based Items.

System Option - 125. Prompt to Scan Check in Cash Receipts Entry.

System Option - 126. Prevent Oversell of Items on Sales Orders.

System Option - 127. Prevent the Loading of Inactive Items in the Batch Entry Mode of Create/Change PO.

System Option - 128. Prevent Oversell is Allowed to Reallocate Product.

System Option - 129. Hide Inactive Items on Search Screens.

System Option - 130. Hide Inactive Customers on Search Screens.

System Option - 131. Enable COOL (Country Of Origin Labeling) Support.

System Option - 132. Force Reports to be run from the Output Options Page.

System Option - 133. Allow DSR Order Conversion to Update Customer Special Prices.

System Option - 134. Automatically Use Customer's Sales Discount % in Create Credit Memo.

System Option - 135. Change Invoice Attempts to Load Items in the Same Order as the Loading Sheet.

System Option - 136. Kit Ingredient UOM in Receiving Matches UOM in Inventory File Maintenance.

System Option - 137. Prompt to Scan Invoice in When Entering Payables.

System Option - 138. Invoicing Saves All Description Lines to Special Price File.

System Option - 139. Check Customer High Credit Limit During Invoice Editing.

System Option - 14: Confirm Cost When there is No Stock.

System Option - 140. Save Sales Order Pricing to Special Price.

System Option - 141. Double Space Purchase Orders.

System Option - 142. Bid Pricing is Allowed to Override Minimum Sell Price.

System Option - 143. Convert Sales Orders with Original Invoice Date.

System Option - 144. Enable Credit Card Processing Support.

System Option - 145. Show HOT! Message in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 146. Sort and Sub-total Loading Sheet by 'Category'.

System Option - 147. Sort and Sub-total Invoice by 'Category'.

System Option - 148. Allow Invoices with Missing Lot Information to be Printed.

System Option - 149. Use Comment Fonts on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 15: Allow Decimals in Invoicing.

System Option - 150. Use Comment Fonts on Invoices.

System Option - 151. Receiving Prompts to Update Cost on Unprinted Invoices.

System Option - 152. Print Sales Summary by Class on Invoices.

System Option - 153. Omit Printing COOL Information on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 154. Omit Printing COOL Information on Purchase Orders.

System Option - 155. Use 'Reverse' Values for Monetary Exchange Rates.

System Option - 156. Allow Invoices with Zero-price Items to be Printed.

System Option - 157. Do Not Record 'Last Sale' Information for Credit Items.

System Option - 158. Use Special Invoice Design When Generating PDF (e.g., for emailing).

System Option - 159. Edit Description in Sales Orders.

System Option - 16: Enter Invoice Numbers.

System Option - 160. Changing 'Invoice Date' Changes a Printed Invoice to 'In Process'.

System Option - 161. Default Quantity Shipped to Quantity Ordered when Changing an Item.

System Option - 162. Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Loading Sheets.

System Option - 163. Calculate Minimum Selling Price from Landed Cost.

System Option - 164. Auto Advance Line after Edit in Change Invoice.

System Option - 165. Automatically Apply Payment Discount in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 166. Do Not Prompt for Catchweight Information in Item Shortage Adjustment.

System Option - 167. Print Total Saving from Promotions on Invoices.

System Option - 168. Do Not Charge Tax on the Customer Add-On Service Charge or the Small Order Fee.

System Option - 169. Accept Orders for Credit Hold Customers and Queue for Approval.

System Option - 170. Disable Promotions for Customers Receiving Special or Bid Pricing.

System Option - 171. Calculate Gross Profit in Invoicing and Inventory Maint. using Landed Cost.

System Option - 172. Allow a Promotion to be Applied to a Break Price.

System Option - 173. Generate Reports using a Local Temp File.

System Option - 174. Use Pricing from Dot Foods Catalog when Creating Purchase Orders.

System Option - 175. Edit New Line Items Individually when Adding from Prior Sales Dialogs.

System Option - 176. Recalculate Unit Price when Applying an Item Substitution.

System Option - 177. Special Pricing is Allowed to Override Minimum Sell Price.

System Option - 178. Prevent Oversell of Case Item when Breaking Cases.

System Option - 179. Allow Promotions to be Applied to Credit Items.

System Option - 18: Default Quantity Shipped to Quantity Ordered in Invoicing.

System Option - 180. Invoicing Deducts Billback Amount when Calculating Gross Profit.

System Option - 181. Fuel Surcharge Fees are Taxable.

System Option - 182. Kit Item Base Cost includes Cost Markup from Ingredients.

System Option - 184. Validate Unit Price on backorder fills using current item costs

System Option - 19: Enter Packer Productivity Information.

System Option - 2: Automatic Breaking of Cases.

System Option - 20: Show 4 lines of Description on POs.

System Option - 21: Convert "Pieces" to "Cases" in Invoicing.

System Option - 22: Calculate Commission Amount "Per Item".

System Option - 23: Smart Cash Receipts.

System Option - 24: Enter "Empties" in Invoicing.

System Option - 25: Show Asterisk for Taxable Items.

System Option - 26: Omit Catchweights on Invoice.

System Option - 27: Break GL Postings by Invoice.

System Option - 28: Allow Entry of DHEC Shellfish Information on Lots.

System Option - 29: Round to Highest .01 in Invoicing.

System Option - 3: Track Production Number per Lot.

System Option - 30: Round to Highest .05 in Invoicing.

System Option - 31: Print Headings on Load Sheets.

System Option - 32: Print Headings on Invoices.

System Option - 33: Show "Add to Special Price" Prompt in Invoicing.

System Option - 34: Auto-save Special Price in Invoicing.

System Option - 35: Print Bar Code on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 39: Edit Description in Invoicing.

System Option - 4: Translate "Pounds" to "Cases" in Invoicing.

System Option - 40: Sort Loading Sheet by Warehouse Location.

System Option - 41: Double Space Invoices.

System Option - 42: Substitute PO Number for Customer Number.

System Option - 43: Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Invoice.

System Option - 44: Sort Cash Receipts by Date.

System Option - 45: Use Anniversary Date with Lots.

System Option - 46: Allow Invoices with No Weight Information to be Printed.

System Option - 5: Enter Military TCN# on Invoices.

System Option - 50: Use Future Pricing in Invoicing.

System Option - 51: Show Base Cost in Invoicing.

System Option - 52: Prompt for Total Weight in Invoicing.

System Option - 53: Show Brand, PackSize, Warehouse Location on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 54: Sort Loading Sheet by Temperature Zone.

System Option - 55: Double Space Loading Sheets.

System Option - 56: Calculate Payment Discount Amount on Invoices.

System Option - 57: Enter "Quantity" only in Standard Order.

System Option - 58: YANI Password for Change Invoice.

System Option - 59: Convert "Kilos" to "Pounds".

System Option - 6: Assign Order Number in Enter Weights.

System Option - 60: Use Last Vendor Cost on POs.

System Option - 61: Print Bar Code on POs.

System Option - 62: Print Cut List with Loading Sheet.

System Option - 63: YANI Password for Loading Sheet Printing.

System Option - 64: Show Frozen Items on a Separate Loading Sheet.

System Option - 65: Separate Additions on Loading Sheet.

System Option - 66: Print "DUPLICATE" on Loading Sheet and Invoice.

System Option - 67: Sort and Sub-total Invoice by Temperature Zone.

System Option - 68: Allow Non-AR Entries in Cash Receipts.

System Option - 69: Automatically Calculate Base Cost for "Made From" Items.

System Option - 7: Print SYS Comment on Load Sheet.

System Option - 70: Save Quotation Pricing to Special Price.

System Option - 71: Allow "Abandon Over Payments".

System Option - 72: Allow Immediate Receipt of Order in Create PO.

System Option - 73: Separate Additions on Invoice.

System Option - 74: Show DHEC Shellfish Information on Invoice.

System Option - 75: Enter Credit Items in Invoicing.

System Option - 76: Used Weight Shipped for Make From Items.

System Option - 77: Double Space Quotations.

System Option - 78: Print Produce Terms on Invoice.

System Option - 79: Show "Print Bar Code Labels" in Receive by PO.

System Option - 8: Omit Description Lines 2-4 on Invoice and Loading Sheet.

System Option - 80: Prevent Oversell of Items.

System Option - 81: Show "Piece" Items in Green on Search Screen.

System Option - 82: Enable Brokerage Features.

System Option - 83: Print Company Name on Invoice.

System Option - 84: Allow Printing of Any Invoice from Enter Weights.

System Option - 85: Print Return Codes on Credit Memos.

System Option - 86: Disable Promotions Below Selling Price.

System Option - 87: List Substitutions on Invoice.

System Option - 9: Split Multiple Lots in Invoicing.

System Options

System Options List

System Preferences

Comment Fonts Tab - Comment Fonts Settings, Comment Font Tips.

Company Invoice Headings Tab

Data Files Tab - Locating Directories, Data File Locations, Installation/Update Location, Web Help Update Settings.

Email Setup Tab

Enable faxing Option

entrée.DOT Tab - Setup for use of DOT Foods Catalog

Fax Setup Tab

GL Accounts Tab - GL Account Grid, Customer Link Codes.

Holidays Feature Benefits

Holidays Tab

Personal Settings Tab - Cost Price Update

Personal Settings Tab - Default Settings

Personal Settings Tab - Visual Options

Personal Settings Tab - Visual Options, Default Settings, Cost/Price Update.

Pricing Setup Tab - Number of Price Levels, Price Level Grid, Auto Recalculation in File Maintenance option.

Printers Tab - Assign Default Printers, Copy Printer Settings, Configuring Printers.

Return Codes Tab

Scrolling Message Tab

System Preferences Utility

Access system preferences

Accounting System configuration

Bounced Check Fees

Documents Tab - Alternate company logo, Defining the logo.

Documents Tab - Document Numbers, Company logo, Invoice & Statement Types.

Documents Tab - Invoice Type Selection.

Documents Tab - Last  Numbers for invoices, lots, POs, Sales Orders, Quotes.

Documents Tab - Statement Type Selection.

Fuel Surcharges

General tab - Company addresses, Accounting System, Bounced Check Fee, Fuel Surcharge, Auto Logoff Delay, Catchweight Percent.

Overview system preferences

System Options Tab

System Options Tab - System Options List.

System Requirements

File Server Requirements

Remote Desktop Services

Terminal Server Requirements

Workstation Requirements

- T -

Tare Weight Multiplier

IFM - Misc 1 Tab


reseller tax ID

System Option - 168. Do Not Charge Tax on the Customer Add-On Service Charge or the Small Order Fee.

System Option - 181. Fuel Surcharge Fees are Taxable.

System Option - 25: Show Asterisk for Taxable Items.

Vendor File Maintenance - Vendor Tab Sales Tax


Military TCN is currently not used.

System Option - 5: Enter Military TCN# on Invoices.

technical support

Temperature Zone

System Option - 54: Sort Loading Sheet by Temperature Zone.

System Option - 67: Sort and Sub-total Invoice by Temperature Zone.

Temporary Files


Tran Codes

Below Cost Report with Tran Codes


Inventory Transfers Utility

trip points


common entrée error codes and solutions


Broker or Salesperson in Salesperson File Maintenance (SFM)

- U -

Unit Price

Chart of the order of precedence of all the pricing methods

Determining the Unit Price in the Invoice Line Item Grid

Invoicing Line Item Grid

System Option - 114: Allow the Unit Price of Individual Invoice Line Items to be "Locked".

System Option - 121: Disable the 'Unit Price is Below Base Cost' Warning in Invoicing.

System Option - 176. Recalculate Unit Price when Applying an Item Substitution.

System Option - 29: Round to Highest .01 in Invoicing.

System Option - 30: Round to Highest .05 in Invoicing.

Unit Profit

Gross Profit - Invoice Information Panel

UPC code

assign to items in Inventory Tab

Update Future Pricing Utility

Ending Date - effective date

Future Price Update Options

Future Price Update Process


User Accounts

Creating in Security Management System (SMS)

editing user accounts in Security Management System (SMS)

Group Membership in Security Management System (SMS)

Password Settings in Security Management System (SMS)

Settings Options List in Security Management System (SMS)

- V -


Create Vendor Credit Memo

Search screen

System Option - 60: Use Last Vendor Cost on POs.

Vendor File Maintenance

Adding New Vendors

AP History Tab & AR History Tab

AP History Tab & AR History Tab Graphs, Charts & Tips

AP History Tab & AR History Tab Period Selection options

AP History Tab & AR History Tab Purchase History Information

AP History Tab YTD Information details

Assigning Vendor Numbers

Broker/Notes Tab - Broker Information, Notes, Dot Vendor indicator.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Miscellaneous Tab

Miscellaneous Tab - Automatic Purchasing Auto P.O. Due Days

Miscellaneous Tab - Automatic Purchasing Break PO by Route

Miscellaneous Tab - Automatic Purchasing Consolidate Auto P.O. Line Items

Miscellaneous Tab - Contacts

Miscellaneous Tab - Monetary Exchange

Miscellaneous Tab - Production Vendor option for GS1 barcodes printed on Production Labels.

Miscellaneous Tab - Special Instructions

Miscellaneous Tab - Vendor Comment

Modify an Existing Vendor

Vendor File Sort

Vendor Information Area

Vendor Tab - Vendor Address, Remittance Address, Tax Information, Contact, Accounting Defaults, Balances, Hot Message.

Vendor Tab available credit

Vendor Tab current balance

Vendor Tab open debits

Vendor Number

Re-Assign Vendor Number Utility

Vendor Tab

Accrual Dollars

Assign, Edit, Delete Vendors on Items

automatic purchasing - APO Weeks

automatic purchasing - Auto P.O. Parameters

automatic purchasing - purchase multiple

Customer Industry Codes

Customer Miscellaneous Codes

Editing Rebate/Billback Information

Inventory File

Manufacturer Assignment

mouse shortcuts

Pallet Info

Setting the Primary Vendor

Setting Up Rebates & Billbacks

Special Re-Order Definitions


System Option - 124. Use Primary Vendor as Default When Returning Lot Based Items.

- W -


Lot Number & Lot Location Search

Lot Searches in Receiving

Warehouse Location

Invoicing - Invoice Information Panel

System Option - 102: Omit Warehouse Location on Purchase Order.

System Option - 40: Sort Loading Sheet by Warehouse Location.

Warehouse Manager Dashboard

Column Selection & Descriptions

Used for entrée.UPC Bar Code Scanning software

Used for the Electronic Warehouse Manager mobile app

Using the Warehouse Manager Dashboard

Viewing Document IDs

Viewing User Details

Warehouse Tab

Adjust Warehouse Inventory

Location Properties

Warehouse Tab for entrée.MW

Warehouse Transfers

Additional Features - Warehouse Transfer Info Panel Configuration


Entering in Kilograms in invoicing

Entering Minimum / Maximum Weights

Invoicing standard order line item grid

Select Weight option in Invoicing -  Enter/ Edit Catchweights, List Catchweight Items

System Option - 52: Prompt for Total Weight in Invoicing

Using Enter Weights in invoicing

Weighted Items

Setting up Catchweight Items

Setting up Constant Weight Items

Setting up Per-Pound Only Items


entrée Installation Wizard Process

entrée Version Release Update

First Time Installation

Install & Map Network Drives

Starting Installation Wizard

Version Update Process

- Y -

YANI Password

System Option - 58: YANI Password for Change Invoice.

System Option - 63: YANI Password for Loading Sheet Printing.

YTD Sales

Access from invoicing

Customer Account Inquiry Utility

Customer Item Inquiry Utility

Ignore duplicate items search option

Keyboard shortcuts

Locate By Item #


Regular / Advanced Search